WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car taken from business, stolen-likely-dumped wheels, plus 2 case followups

Four items in this West Seattle Crime Watch update:

CAR STOLEN FROM BUSINESS: From Todd at Swedish Automotive (35th/Kenyon; WSB sponsor) – a car belonging to the business has been stolen:

We had a customer bring the car back and put the keys in our after-hours drop box, but didn’t make sure they went into the secure slot, only back into the bin with the envelopes, and an unknown person with a mask, driving a dark gray Mitsubishi, drove in, snooped around and found the keys. Even though we captured it all on our Ring cameras, we can’t make out the plate number on the Mitsubishi. A short time later they returned on foot, walked up to the car and drove off in it. It is a blue Subaru Outback Lic # BWV1040 (it can be seen in the photos and video). Police case # 23-55795 if anyone has any info or recognizes the Mitsubishi or sees our Subaru.

Next, two followups:

DELRIDGE INTRUDER: The man arrested for allegedly unlawfully entering a Delridge home pleaded not guilty today to misdemeanor charges of criminal trespass and attempted criminal trespass. The second charge is because he is accused of trying the door at another residence nearby. Bail is set at $2,000 for 45-year-old Bruce S. Prather, who also is scheduled for a competency hearing next week. Also of note, though the victim said police later told him they found a gun on the suspect, there is no mention in the police report or charging documents of any weapon. The documents do say the defendant was found with a driver license, debit card, and unopened packages that did not belong to him.

STOLEN-CAR CRASH: The 15-year-old arrested after a police pursuit ended near Delridge/Willow has been held in the Youth Services Center, after a judge found probable cause for investigation of possession of a stolen car. A decision on charges is expected shortly. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says he has a conviction on his record, for Felony Rendering Criminal Assistance in the First Degree, but regarding sentencing, his lawyer had “made a motion for deferred disposition, which was granted Feb. 8 by the court on multiple conditions – including no new probable cause offenses of law violations.” We’ll update if we get charging information tonight. (8:44 PM UPDATE: The documents aren’t accessible yet but the court files show he is charged with attempting to elude a police vehicle and reckless endangerment.)

And a “stolen-likely-dumped” report:


4 tires/wheels were left in the middle of our alley (Saturday night/Sunday morning).

These are very new, aftermarket wheels with like new Bridgestone tires.

Very likely stolen but not sure how they ended up here (near Morgan Junction).

I have them in my yard now; hopefully the rightful owner can get them back.

If they might be yours, contact us and we’ll connect you.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car taken from business, stolen-likely-dumped wheels, plus 2 case followups"

  • Jeepney February 27, 2023 (8:38 pm)

    I saw an article in mainstream media today that some activists want to get rid of the King County Jail. With the constant crime in our neighborhood, is that a good idea?

    • C February 27, 2023 (9:25 pm)

      This will not happen. BUT the jail system is overloaded with mental health patients right now because the state can’t offer the complex care a lot of these folks need so something needs to change on that end… unfortunately it’s a systemic long-standing issue dating back to when Reagan essentially reduced funding for mental health care. 

      • CAM February 28, 2023 (12:11 am)

        I’d edit that a bit and say that the state has the ability to offer the treatment required but not the capacity to do so at the rate requested by the different jurisdictions throughout the state. Competency restoration is not acute mental health treatment but is being used as a backdoor to resolve underlying problems with regional mental health and social service systems that result in higher arrest rates. The first step to fixing this problem is to stop shoving a square peg into a round hole. 

    • Brother February 27, 2023 (10:16 pm)

      The ACLU sued King County based on jail conditions. I’m sure people have tried to take that farther, to the point of trying to shut it down completely. There are people who comment on the blog who would applaud that, I’m certain. 

  • 1994 February 27, 2023 (10:41 pm)

    Regarding the 15 year old car thief and car crasher, ” The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says he has a conviction on his record, for Felony Rendering Criminal Assistance in the First Degree, but regarding sentencing, his lawyer had “made a motion for deferred disposition, which was granted Feb. 8 by the court on multiple conditions – including no new probable cause offenses of law violations.” ”  Deferred disposition did not work out too well for him. Criminal behaviors have consequences. Sorry to hear this youth is already a repeat offender. 

  • WiseWoman February 28, 2023 (2:31 am)

    The KC jail does have horrible conditions and often jail guards/correction officers violate the rights of pretrial detainees, veterans, and people who struggle with mental health. Mentally ill are often left in isolation cells that are freezing and sometimes only with a blanket and possibly the typical scrubs. KC Jail administrators often violate judicial orders of the court REPEATEDLY. So many have died there. The COs are as crazy as their clientele. It takes a strong person to go thru suffering at that jail and survive. 

  • Aaron February 28, 2023 (7:12 am)

    Just a hunch- are the found wheels from this stolen truck? https://westseattleblog.com/2023/02/west-seattle-crime-watch-burglary-arrest-stolen-chevrolet-pickup/

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