7:35 PM SUNDAY: For the second time in eight nights, a business has been robbed in the strip mall on the northeast corner of 35th and Roxbury. Police are at A Pizza Mart, which reported being held up about half an hour ago. The lone robber is described so far as a white man in his early 20s, tall and thin, wearing a “white track suit,” armed with a gun, He is reported to have gotten away in a black Toyota Prius, last seen headed northbound on 35th SW. No other details yet, according to the sergeant with whom we spoke at the scene. The previous robbery happened at neighboring Global Smoke & Vape last weekend. If you have any information on tonight’s robbery, the SPD incident # is 23-054944.
ADDED MONDAY AFTERNOON: From the police-report summary: “At 1856 hours, an employee was working at the counter of a carryout food establishment when he observed the suspect enter the store. The employee believed the suspect was a customer and began speaking to him. The suspect produced a handgun, pointed it at the employee, and demanded money from the register. The employee complied. The suspect exited the store and fled the scene. Another employee followed the suspect and observed him entering the passenger side of a vehicle before it left the area.”