SEEN OFF WEST SEATTLE: Paddlewheeler Emerald Queen

Thanks to everyone who’s sent photos of that paddlewheeler being towed/pushed northbound along west-facing West Seattle shores and then eastbound into Elliott Bay. does not identify it – only the tugs with it – but searching by image indicates it’s the Emerald Queen, a 1995-built 300-foot paddlewheeler that once housed the casino of the same name. It had been listed for sale. We’re checking around to find out more about its fate and destination; the tugs’ online track indicates it was brought up here from Tacoma.

7 Replies to "SEEN OFF WEST SEATTLE: Paddlewheeler Emerald Queen"

  • Kalo February 23, 2023 (2:55 pm)

    Followed the tugs up the Duwamish on a ship finder app. The Emerald Queens seems to be tying up just past the First Ave S bridge.

  • Bill February 23, 2023 (3:04 pm)

    Need another Restaurant!

  • momosmom February 23, 2023 (4:31 pm)

    Mississippi Queen…oh wait this is Emerald Queen was having a 70’s flashback!

  • Jim Read February 23, 2023 (5:45 pm)

    Spectral Crane and Marine will be taking over ownership of the boat, which began its journey to Seattle by tugboat on Thursday. Will try and find out what they are going to do to it, or use it for.

  • WSobserver February 23, 2023 (6:55 pm)


  • Brian Feusagach February 24, 2023 (6:51 am)

    I am not sure Seattle has a good location, but Tacoma might. After losing the “Top of the Ocean” floating restaurant to arson in 1977, I wonder if they would want another. It would be a nice addition to their waterfront area.

  • RayWest February 26, 2023 (2:58 am)

    Sure hope the Emerald Queen doesn’t end up like the Kalakala ferry. It’s tragic seeing historic vessels turned into scrap.

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