Though the stolen-car-magnet encampment by the 1st Avenue South Bridge was the central topic of tonight’s Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council meeting, another encampment is the subject of our first headline from the meeting: City rep Tom Van Bronkhorst told the group that the Harbor Avenue RV encampment is scheduled to be swept again “at the end of this month.” RVs that don’t voluntarily move will be towed, he said. That’s unless there’s evidence someone is living there, added Operations Lt. Dorothy Kim, although she said outreach workers believe that several of the Harbor RVs are NOT being used as homes and may even have the same owner. Leading up to the sweep, Van Bronkhorst said, SDOT is going to the area for “debris removal” weekly. Lt. Kim noted that people with houses and businesses in the area need to be aware that when the sweep happens, the area will be posted as “no parking” for a few weeks. So how will they keep the RVs from returning again this time? Lt. Kim said police, including Parking Enforcement Officers, plan to be “diligent” about enforcement. What about more-permanent action like an RPZ, as has been suggested? That’s all still being discussed.
As for the 1st Avenue South encampment and other topics addressed tonight – we’ll have a separate full report on that, including video of the meeting, Friday morning.