BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: Morgan Junction gas-station transition

Two weeks after we first told you about the big change ahead for Morgan Junction’s only gas station, it’s happening – Shell‘s out, Mobil‘s in. The station and its mini-mart have been closed all this time, and we haven’t found anyone yet who can tell us the planned reopening date, but for everyone who’s been asking, here’s a sign that the transition is proceeding. This will be the only Mobil-branded station in West Seattle.

10 Replies to "BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: Morgan Junction gas-station transition"

  • DJ Allyn February 10, 2023 (12:48 pm)

    And still a dollar more per gallon than Shree’s.

    • Dooh February 10, 2023 (5:06 pm)

      I do believe it says the station is Closed for upgrades. Meaning you can’t buy gas there. At Sheree, take your chances with an unbranded product that they sell. At least with a major brand you have their backing.  

      • Auntie February 10, 2023 (6:09 pm)

        Branded, unbranded – who can tell the difference? I see the very same trucks filling up the pumps at the Arco on Delridge and at the Chevron across the street. Who can say, really, what kind of gas is in those trucks?  As long as the octane is correct, does it really matter? And what backing are you talking about at major brand stations – it’s not like you can go there and get your money back if your car isn’t running right. No such luck.

      • Pelicans February 11, 2023 (3:05 am)

        Don’t know if this is correct, but I seem to remember reading that all this gasoline comes from the same refineries. The only differences being what additives (Techron-Chevron, for ex.) the individual brands add or do not add to the fuel. Anyone know?

      • Joe February 11, 2023 (8:47 am)

        Gasoline is a commodity and not a boutique product. Sheree, Costco, and the branded stations all get their fuel from the same place. What does having their backing really mean? Will they pay to have your fuel injectors replaced when they get clogged?

  • Marty February 10, 2023 (1:27 pm)

    Another reminder that the price of gas is going up again.

  • Rumbles February 10, 2023 (5:50 pm)

    That Shell was always way more expensive than the norm, who would ever buy gas there?   If Mobil is that much I wouldn’t buy it from them either.Unbranded gas?  It all comes from the same place, unless you have some documentation to show otherwise?

    • Dooh February 10, 2023 (7:45 pm)

      Shell,  chevron,  and mobile all pretty much have the same cost.  Transportation cost is a little more of they are further from the track.  The big difference in the street price for the majors,  is the station owner themselves. It is the owners profit that is the street cost difference. Plus the store owner pays the credit card fee you use every time you use it. Yes the same trucks do deliver different product to different stations. Unbranded will not have the additives the majors have. 

  • MrB February 11, 2023 (1:27 pm)

    Gas prices are based on what the local market (you) are willing to pay.  Gas is expensive in Seattle because we have lot’s of money. Drive to a less affluent town/state and gas is cheaper.  It’s that simple.  As for why Safeway/Costco gas is cheaper… they sell at near-cost hoping you buy their groceries, which have a higher profit-margin than gasoline.  The Shell, Chevron, 76, Mobile independent dealers don’t have that luxury. Local gas comes from the refineries in Anacortes.   They supply everyone..  There’s no such thing as “cheap gas”… it’s all basically the same thing (sort of like contract breweries).

    • WS Res February 11, 2023 (2:36 pm)

      Real estate/rents might have just a little bit to do with the differences.  

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