1 injured in crash near west end of West Seattle Bridge

Several people have asked about that crash scene this morning toward the west end of the bridge. We didn’t cover it at the time – initial response was at 8:48 am – but after hearing two-the wreckage was still there a few hours later, and that passersby were worried about major injuries due to the driver’s-side damage, we checked on it. SFD spokesperson David Cuerpo says one person was hurt, a 49-year-old woman, but her injuries were not life-threatening – she was reported in stable condition and was taken to a hospital “by a private vehicle.”

12 Replies to "1 injured in crash near west end of West Seattle Bridge"

  • Jessica Pierce January 8, 2023 (7:00 pm)

    It was me! I miraculously walked away with only normal seatbelt injuries. I am concerned about that top section of the West Seattle bridge. I don’t know if anyone else has had this experience but it’s awfully slick as you come around that curve. I felt my Yukon truck do a small shimmy and next thing I knew I wasn’t a full hydroplane flying across both lanes into the pole. The electrical box that controls the signals flew up into the bushes a good 10 feet that’s a very large box to move that far. I think Estrom should take a closer look at the pavement irregularities around that slick spot same as is you’re coming up Roxbury heading towards white center. I’m just grateful no one else was in my vehicle, and no one else was injured. Take care West Seattle Peeps.

    • WSB January 8, 2023 (7:23 pm)

      Thanks for the update!

    • Anjani January 9, 2023 (1:20 am)

      Hey Jessica!  I’m so glad you’re ok.  Yikes!!

  • WSResident January 8, 2023 (7:38 pm)

    I drive the bridge multiple times in early morning, rainy, dark, slick conditions. Never had a problem there. You may want to have your tires or steering checked, because my light as hell tiny car with sports wheels doesn’t hydroplane there, as it’s elevated and at an angle (there isn’t sitting water there). Just saying. The speed limit at that turn is also like ~25-30mph. 

    • Kenny January 8, 2023 (10:25 pm)

      I’ve hit that same slick spot in the left lane right where she crashed. Rather than judge be thankful it wasn’t you. Look at her car, you think she’s BS’n?

      • CARPERSON January 8, 2023 (11:25 pm)

        You need to be slower in the inside lane because it is a tighter turn resulting in more force on the car/tires at the same speed compared to outside lane. Not a good combination in the wet. This car base model also has almost 400hp/tq. (The XL has well over 400+ hp) Combine that with wet conditions, going uphill, while cornering. Reminder to everyone, that you need to take your foot of the gas pedal and go slower for conditions. Also, check your tires! Excessively worn tires will not have the same traction as newer rubber, especially in the wet. And when you do get new tires, do some research and get the best ones for the job. There are tests that show certain tires perform better than others in varying conditions. Some stop tests between tire brands/models show dozens of feet difference between full stop. That could be the difference of not hitting anything, or totaling your vehicle. Tires are THE ONLY THING touching the road giving traction. TireRack is an amazing resource for viewing test data on different rubber for purchasing your next set. 

      • Jessica Pierce January 9, 2023 (8:12 am)

        Thanks Kenny! Thanks for sticking up for me :-) 

  • George January 8, 2023 (9:28 pm)

    I’ve sat in my truck for 2hrs at that pull out near the statues waiting on a tow truck. I observed storm water collecting along the inside of the jersey barrier during heavy rain periods and running down along that barrier and then over the roadway where there is also a large concrete patch in the road. Can’t speak to the conditions during this wreck. I also killed time pacing the turnout and observed numerous car body pieces in the grass. Something is going on there and I agree with Olsen bend up to Roxbury, that one is a nightmare when moist…yeah I said moist (just say’in) 

  • Dallas January 8, 2023 (10:42 pm)

    Jessica I also drive a larger vehicle and have noticed when I come off the new pavement and hit a section of the old along that curve, I can sometimes feel my back wheels slide loose.  It has happened to me several times, not even speeding.😊Now I pay more attention.Wnen I saw your picture I immediately thought to myself, that’s right by the “spot”, then you commented on the same.I do not remember it being that slick before the bridge shut down.  There is definitely something going on.Good thing your safe👍.  That spot will see more wrecks if nothing is done to figure it out.

    • Jessica Pierce January 9, 2023 (8:25 am)

      Thanks Dallas! To answer those who want to give me driving lessons or assume I’m not bright enough to understand the way my vehicle operates My tires were less than a year old. I’m an experienced driver growing up in New England driving in all sorts of conditions. I am not Mario Andretti I was just coming back from dropping my daughter at the ski bus. We have a few spots on the bridge and our big hills that need to be looked at. The water that was collecting on the straightaway of the West Seattle bridge yesterday and nearly had the left lane. Closed down. Drainage is definitely an issue.

  • DH January 9, 2023 (5:14 pm)

    I’ll add that studded tires tend to wear channels on the roads over time so if this is the older part of the road it may have more wear than new road areas. I know some people speed and are not safe but those people don’t tend to jump into community sites and claim ownership. Glad you are safe Jessica! 

  • MrBell January 9, 2023 (8:51 pm)

    I nearly lost control of my 4Runner at that corner the other night.  I wish they had just repaved the entire roadway instead of the patchwork job.  There are clearly still sections of pavement that need addressing. The older payment  is like ice when it gets wet.  

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