SCHOOLS: Out with the snow day, in with the remote day

Tomorrow is the last day before winter break for Seattle Public Schools and other schools that follow its schedule – no classes until Tuesday, January 3rd (as Monday, January 2nd will be the “observed” New Year’s Day holiday). Because of the September strike, the school year is already scheduled to end on the last day of June. In order to avoid the possibility of stretching into July, SPS announced this week that it’s gearing up for remote instruction in weather that otherwise would cancel classes for “snow days” (leading to makeup days after June 30th). Toward that end, the district is asking that all students bring home a district-issued device before break, in case of snow on what would be the first day back. It’s all explained here.

10 Replies to "SCHOOLS: Out with the snow day, in with the remote day"

  • Eddie December 15, 2022 (5:54 pm)

    Two miles uphill each way in snow up to my knees with no boots.

  • KWest Seattle December 15, 2022 (6:11 pm)

    Things my kids won’t be doing on a snowy day. 1. sit in front of a computer

    • hj December 15, 2022 (7:11 pm)

      Preach it! Snow days are part of our cultural fabric. But I also like a hybrid model where maybe there are a max of 3 (or whatever) snow days, and then subsequent ones are remote.

      • Molly December 16, 2022 (3:33 pm)

        All of that makes sense on hears where school DOESNT go until July. NYC did this with their schools. It’s the right choice for SPS to do this to ensure we end school before the 6th of July. 

  • Kyle December 15, 2022 (7:52 pm)

    Lol to 1st graders getting a full day of remote instruction and it being anywhere as effective as in person. Let’s just call a spade a spade and they’ll lose a day of school learning. Won’t be a real problem unless we get a lot of snow days. This is more a way around state regulations.

    • S - In West Seattle December 16, 2022 (6:28 am)

      There  is no such thing as a full day of remote learning. They barely got 2 hrs when we did remote last time. Remote learning is a joke and isn’t learning at all.  

      • M December 16, 2022 (12:54 pm)

        During Covid, I watched a few classes over my 3rd-grader’s shoulder, and then I tested him on the (math) concepts later…he had learned it from the online class. So it’s not true that kids can’t learn online. I’m sure it varies from kid to kid though, and with age.

  • Erithan December 15, 2022 (10:00 pm)

    The double edged sword that is modern technology… Definitely a positive if it keeps days from being tacked onto the end of the year at least though.

  • Mj December 16, 2022 (9:17 am)

    Or in hindsight the SD could of held classes for a few days next week and or removed the mid winter break!

  • K December 16, 2022 (11:09 am)

    This *could* be a win-win.   You could have your kid put in minimal effort into the remote learning…..enjoy the remainder of the snow day, and technically not have to make the day(s) up in July.  “Remote learning” may just be a wink wink nudge nudge from the district to meet requirements. 

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