HELPING: West Seattle brothers’ drive-up/ride-up donation drive collecting food and coats

11:50 AM: The snow couldn’t keep Dominic and Atticus from their annual drive-up/ride-up food drive in the lot behind Hope Lutheran (off SW Oregon just east of California). So they’re waiting for you until 3 pm, collecting coats as well as nonperishable food. You can safely pull into a covered space so they can unload what you brought, so don’t worry about the snow/slush. (Do remember that California is now closed, south of Oregon to north of Edmunds, in preparation for tonight’s festival, so approach the lot entrance from Oregon – it’s on the westbound side.)

ADDED WEDNESDAY: The West Seattle Food Bank reports the brothers collected 530 pounds of food and $145 in cash donations.

2 Replies to "HELPING: West Seattle brothers' drive-up/ride-up donation drive collecting food and coats"

  • Friend O'Dinghus December 3, 2022 (1:38 pm)

    Thank you both for your love of community. You two show the rest of us how to be better.

  • Late Boomer December 3, 2022 (3:14 pm)

     Thank you, boys,  for spending your Saturday helping those in need! It gives me faith in the next generation of volunteers and givers…

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