FOLLOWUP: Pigeon Point intersection mural restored

Thanks to Paula for the photos! Two months ago, we reported on the plan to repaint the neighborhood-created intersection mural at 21st/Genesee; today, SDOT crews did the repainting.

Paula says this is actually the third time for the mural designed by Pigeon Point neighbor Toni Wells: “The first two times it was painted by the neighborhood, to be scrubbed away by car tires like big erasers.” SDOT told us they would use a “more durable paint”; Paula said she was told the crew was using a thermoplastic process, which has long been used for certain types of street markings.

4 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Pigeon Point intersection mural restored"

  • RickB October 1, 2022 (4:52 pm)

    Looks like a fun change of pace for the SDOT workers. It came out looking really good too.

  • Cranky Westie October 1, 2022 (6:06 pm)

    Third time’s a charm. It looks great : good job Toni!

  • Toni Wells October 1, 2022 (11:05 pm)

    I am pleased that sdot chose our mural to restore! I changed the design to give more room for the salmon created by local Native American artist, educator, and story teller, Roger Fernandes. Thank you Roger! I was able to put this mural here because of the initial hard work and enthusiasm of Pathfinder k8 parents. We wanted to create a positive connection between the school and the neighborhood. The neighborhood joined in with enthusiasm and skill.

  • CJ October 2, 2022 (10:16 pm)

    Love it!  Thanks to all who are involved.   

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