West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
Safety and stormwater were hot topics as HPAC – the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge – met online this past Wednesday night.
SOUTHWEST PRECINCT: New third-watch (nighttime) commander Lt. Nathan Shopay was a guest. He was surprised to find how busy it is “deep into the night” in West Seattle/South Park – it’s the quietest precinct but still busy. “We augment a lot – a minimum amount of officers we have to get to (via volunteers) to get to 10 officers a night.” He said they run many “emphasis patrols,” including Westwood Village, and extra staffing for gun violence. He says cross-precinct dispatches to or from South Precinct are common. “Our priorities are … enough officers to serve the community (plus handling) shots calls, anything gun violence related, and we’re still going after all our violent offenders.”
16TH SW SAFETY: With the increase in RVs along 16th SW near South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), crime/safety concerns, said an attendee who works at the college. “I’m at a crossroad where I don’t know what to do with the situation.”
Now that it’s October, it’s Halloween season in a big way. Thanks to Adam for sending video and photos of all the spookiness going on outside his home at 36th SW and SW Andover: “We have been in West Seattle for about 2 years now. We just had a baby girl and are getting ready to celebrate her first Halloween. We’ve got our decorations up and wanted to share some photos/videos with you … Hope you enjoy and hope the neighbors get to come see too!!”
As you can see in Adam’s video tour above, the display has many nighttime lights – he says it has sound too, “on weekends closer to Halloween especially!”
Got a Halloween display to recommend – yours or someone else’s? Email us at westseattleblog@gmail.com – photos if you have them but not required, as we can go out and photograph displays too.
Recognize either of those people? They were caught on security camera burglarizing Fauntleroy UCC Church (9140 California SW) last night, reports Phil, who sent the information and images. He says they left behind damage to the lobby door and interior windows, If you have information, the SPD incident # is 2022-262632, and you can also leave a message on the church phone, 206-932-5600.
Thanks to Paula for the photos! Two months ago, we reported on the plan to repaint the neighborhood-created intersection mural at 21st/Genesee; today, SDOT crews did the repainting.
Paula says this is actually the third time for the mural designed by Pigeon Point neighbor Toni Wells: “The first two times it was painted by the neighborhood, to be scrubbed away by car tires like big erasers.” SDOT told us they would use a “more durable paint”; Paula said she was told the crew was using a thermoplastic process, which has long been used for certain types of street markings.
Back in August, we reported that Portage Bay Café was expanding to West Seattle. At the time, Portage Bay’s owners weren’t ready to disclose where. Now, it’s out. Last night (thanks to David for the tip) was closing night for Agave Cocina, in Mural at 4725 42nd SW, and today this sign is on the door:
When last we spoke to the proprietors of Portage Bay – famed for its breakfast/brunch offerings at 4 locations elsewhere in the city – they were still finalizing plans, but hoping to be open in West Seattle by year’s end. Agave had been in the space since May 2019, a year after the closure of its original tenant, Fresh Bistro.
Tough night for both local high-school teams, according to the Metro League scoreboard for Friday night. West Seattle High School, playing at home at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex, lost to Lincoln, 28-17; Chief Sealth International High School, playing on the road at the Northeast Athletic Complex, lost to Ingraham, 47-16. Next Friday (October 7th) both play at NCSWAC – the Wildcats (2-2) play Lakeside at 4:30 pm, followed by the Seahawks (2-3) playing Cleveland at 7:30.
(Fall roses, photographed in West Seattle by Gary Pro)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, and other previews, here are events and notes for your Saturday:
ROAD WORK: First, a reminder that WSDOT‘s “Revive I-5” project has the ramp from southbound I-5 to the West Seattle Bridge closed all weekend. Next, today’s project list from SDOT:
-From 7 AM to 4 PM, we’re paving a section of Sylvan Way SW between SW Orchard St and SW Sylvan Heights Dr. Traffic will be maintained in both directions – however, please anticipate minor delays.
-We’re replacing concrete panels at the intersection of 34th Ave SW and SW Barton St. We expect to start this work around 7 AM and conclude by 3 PM.
-From 7 AM to 4 PM, we’ll be installing a new crash cushion on SW Spokane St in the vicinity of 11th Ave SW that will impact people traveling in the eastbound direction. We will be working on the eastern end of Harbor Island, where eastbound Spokane St splits into three ramp options. There will be a detour in place. Please anticipate delays while traveling in the area.
FERRY-FARE CHANGES: Passengers under 19 are free on Washington State Ferries starting today. Also, summer peak surcharges are over; plus, all fares are going up 2.5 percent.
SATURDAY MORNING ULTIMATE: Now 8 am pickup ultimate games at West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW) on Saturday mornings!
DRAGONFLY GRAND OPENING: The new yoga/Pilates/dance studio at 3270 California SW has a ribbon-cutting at 8:40 am, followed by a 9 am class, and refreshments afterward.
VACCINATION CLINIC: 9 am-3 pm, flu and COVID shots at Louisa Boren STEM K-8 (5950 Delridge Way SW), appointments not required.
WEST SEATTLE TAE KWON DO: October classes start with today’s 9:30 am session at High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW).
MORNING MUSIC AT C & P: 10:30 am-noon, Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
FREE WRITING GROUP RESUMES: Back from hiatus! 10:30 am in-person in West Seattle, free but registration required; details in our calendar listing.
DREAM DINNERS OPEN HOUSE: Come say hi and reconnect with the original meal-prep providers, with lots of new ways to help you save time while serving home-cooked meals. Deals, raffles, and other fun at Dream Dinners-West Seattle (WSB sponsor) HQ, outer lower Jefferson Square at 41st/Alaska, 11 am-1 pm.
MINI-WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S: For those not going to the regional Walk to End Alzheimer’s today, a local caregivers’ support group invites you to walk with them in Gatewood at 11 am – meet at 39th/Holden. Wear purple if you can!
INNER ALCHEMY GRAND REOPENING: The crystal shop at 3043 California SW celebrates its grand reopening at noon, with festivities including treats continuing until 6.
OKTOBERFEST X 2: Two Oktoberfest celebrations today – noon-6 pm at Alki Masonic Lodge (40th/Edmunds); 1-9 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander).
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: Noon-4 pm, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum on Alki is open (61st/Stevens).
POSTCARDS TO VOTERS POP-UP: Noon-1:30 pm, long-distance political activism at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: Open to visitors noon-3 pm, as noted here. (2234 SW Orchard)
WINE TIME: The Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room – selling wine by the glass or bottle – is open 1-6 pm. (5910 California SW)
BOOKS AND BRICKS FUNDRAISER: Help fund school supplies, scholarships, and libraries in Kenya. You can attend a 5:30 pm watch party at St, John the Baptist Parish Hall (3050 California SW) or the 6 pm online event – our calendar listing explains,
WSHS CLASS OF ’82 40TH REUNION: 6 pm at the Washington Athletic Club downtown. If somehow you’re an alum who hasn’t signed up yet, check this page.
EVENING MUSIC AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: Gary Benson performs at 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). Free, all ages.
BANDMIXERS AT THE SKYLARK: Bandmixers-Discography Volume 5 at The Skylark, explained as “curated cover bands showcasing select tracks from some of rock music’s most iconic albums. Performing bands are made up of musicians from within the Festival of Friends Events musician community.” Doors at 7 pm, show at 8. $10. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
NEW PLAY AT ARTSWEST: The new ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) play “Swimming While Drowning” continues the first week of its run, 7:30 pm curtain. Tickets are available online.
COMEDY AT ADMIRAL PUB: Go have some laughs, 9 pm. (2306 California SW)
Something to add, for today/tonight or beyond? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
As seen from North Admiral, that “W” is for the Mariners‘ biggest win in 21 years – the one last night that guaranteed them a spot in the playoffs for the first time since 2001. The photo is from Al, who also saw the “W” from inside the stadium, because he was there for the 2-1 win over Oakland.
And Al had a view of the team celebrations like this:
(For a look at the T-shirts they were wearing, see this photo from the M’s Twitter feed.) 2001 was the year the Mariners won 116 games in the regular season and went as far as the American League Championship Series.