WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Store clerks try to stop thieves; another business burglary; 2 other weekend reports

Five reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STORE CLERK INJURED: A reader asked us about this incident and we obtained the report today. A clerk was injured trying to stop a would-be shoplifter around 10 am Sunday at Delridge Deli Mart. Police say the victim tried to chase the would-be shoplifter out of the store, when he pushed her to the ground. She was lying on the floor by the register, reporting hip, leg, and wrist pain, when responders arrived; they were told she was assaulted outside the store, managed to get up and go inside, but was hurting so badly she had to lie down again. She was taken to a hospital by AMR ambulance. The attacker was described in the narrative only as a “Black male,” but police were working to get the store security video. If you have any information, the incident # is 2022-256634.

From the weekend’s brief SPD summaries, three other local incidents, starting with another case in which a store employee tried to stop a thief:

SHOPLIFT TURNED ROBBERY: Just after 5:30 pm Sunday, police were called to the South Delridge 7-11. A store employee told them a person had left the store without paying for merchandise; they followed the thief out and were subsequently assaulted by a second person wielding a knife. The clerk “armed himself with his own stick,” the summary says, “at which time the second suspect pointed a firearm at the clerk. The suspects fled in a vehicle. No injuries were reported.” This incident number is 2022-257011.

DON ARMENI ASSAULT: At 8:44 pm Saturday, police were flagged down about a “fight” of some kind at Don Armeni Boat Ramp. Here’s the summary:

Two intoxicated involved parties were located and interviewed about their roles in the incident. Both displayed injuries to their faces and hands and were treated on scene by Seattle Fire. These subjects reported being assaulted by a group of twenty 18-20 year-old males in an unprovoked attack. The subjects further reported that no words were exchanged with the suspects before or after the assault, leaving them unsure of any possible motive. The suspects fled the scene in vehicles prior to police arrival and no further specifics were provided by the remaining subjects. One of the subjects reported that his cell phone and wallet had been taken at some point during the incident, but it was unknown by which of the twenty suspects.

Radio exchanges on Saturday night described the attackers as “Asian males.” If you have any information, the report # is 2022-256152.

BUSINESS BURGLARY: Just before 1 am Saturday, officers responded to a report of a burglary at Westwood Village’s MOD Pizza. They found the back door open, with some kind of key in the lock, and the cash register was missing. The call was recent enough when they responded that they called in a K9, but they had no luck tracking the burglar. This incident number is 2022-255362.

FROM THE DUMPED-LIKELY-STOLEN FILE: Ian found these car bike parts dumped at a bus station on Avalon:

Got a Crime Watch report? Once you’ve reported it to police, send it to us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

25 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Store clerks try to stop thieves; another business burglary; 2 other weekend reports"

  • Gay September 26, 2022 (3:36 pm)

    What good does it do to tell us he was ”a Black man” at this point, while you’re still waiting for more information?

    • Al King September 26, 2022 (5:19 pm)

      Gay. Because if they didn’t, you’d be asking. If you’re concerned ask the victim why they provided that description.

      • Gay September 26, 2022 (7:56 pm)

        Al…..think before you project.  I would not be asking that.  You would.

        • Al King September 27, 2022 (6:55 am)

          Gay. You’re correct. If I were the victim of a crime I would provide all the information/description I could. I take it if you were you wouldn’t??  

        • WestSeattle September 27, 2022 (8:11 am)

          It would be terrible to have a description of the race or characteristics of a guy who robbed a store and assaulted an elderly woman who is also a POC. so stop. Just stop before you sound any more ridiculous than you already have. 

    • Question Authority September 26, 2022 (5:54 pm)

      They mentioned “Asian males” at the boat ramp as well, but that’s what Police reports do.

      • Gay September 27, 2022 (7:59 am)

        Asian.  Think about that as a desciption.  Question that!

        • Why September 27, 2022 (12:28 pm)

          Male as a descriptor. Think about that! So sexist!!!

          • Terry September 27, 2022 (2:16 pm)

            There’s no fixing that…

        • WW Resident September 27, 2022 (12:28 pm)

          Yeah, you go Gay!!  Geez, manufacture controversy much? 

      • WestSeattle September 27, 2022 (8:14 am)

        The first question the police ask you if you call them is for the ethnicity of the suspect you called to report. If you’ve never called the police and made a report you wouldn’t know that. “Asian males & Black male” are not racist terms and the context they are being used in doesn’t relate to any form of racism. It’s literally the answer given to police when they ask a question to victims reporting crime

    • Seattlite September 26, 2022 (9:33 pm)

      What’s wrong with a description of the perp?

    • Terry September 27, 2022 (7:50 am)

      Would it be okay with you to say they left in a black car?

    • Bronson September 27, 2022 (8:59 am)

      Probably because a description of something that can easily be changed, like clothing, is less important that something that cannot, such as skin color. 

  • Chemist September 26, 2022 (4:20 pm)

    Those brose parts look like e bike gearbox covers.

  • John September 26, 2022 (4:31 pm)

    Not that it matters because it is horrible in any case but it was not just a clerk at the Delridge Deli, it was the owner.

    • sam-c September 26, 2022 (6:04 pm)

      Yes, so awful in any case.  The owners and people that work there are all so nice :(

  • Aaron September 26, 2022 (4:42 pm)

    Those dumped parts look like motor side-covers from Brose E-bikes. Marked scrap, so…stolen from some shop’s scrap bin? 

  • Rhonda September 26, 2022 (4:44 pm)

    Since the two Don Armeni boat ramp victims were intoxicated, I wonder if they got assaulted by 3 to 5 suspects and it only seemed like 18-20?

  • Jethro Marx September 26, 2022 (4:51 pm)

    These appear to be e-bike motor casing covers. Note the magenta dotted parts.

  • WSB September 26, 2022 (5:10 pm)

    Thanks for the bike-part clarification.

  • Mj September 26, 2022 (5:28 pm)

    If only judges and the judicial system made perps accountable for the crimes and damages they commit, then maybe victims would be less inclined directly confront a perp.  I hope the store owner will be ok.

  • Chels P September 26, 2022 (7:47 pm)

    The Spot was also burglarized yet again on Saturday night.

  • Jeremy brennan September 26, 2022 (10:58 pm)

    Those aren’t necessarily stolen bike parts…a friend of mine gets those from an e bike shop she works at. They are generally just seized up or malfunctioning e bike motors. People take them apart and scrap the copper inside. NOW THAT BEING SAID…whomever just tossed those on the ground wether they are stolen or not should probably go home and curse their mothers for not raising them properly

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