WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Postal pothole patched

When we saw yellow tape up by the Westwood Village drive-up/ride-up mailbox, we feared the worst, given its history. But instead … turns out there’s an asphalt patch in front of it. Will this resolve the infamous pothole problem that came up in comment discussion every time the mailbox made news for other reasons? Let us know next time you use it.

7 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Postal pothole patched"

  • Cathy s bobek August 21, 2022 (10:32 pm)

    This is the third time at attempting to repair this slab pulling up to the very tall mailbox! I actually put this issue on the cities fixit app two months or so ago. Let’s hope this ends up being a smooth pull-up repair. We will see.,,,…

  • James August 22, 2022 (6:36 am)

    A woman in a van lost her marbles yelling at the guy who was there to fix the pothole in front of the mailbox. He was simply trying to do her job but this woman decided her need to pull up to the mailbox and drop off her mail was infinitely more important. Mind you, there were cones placed all around his van to indicate something was happening beyond a van parked in front of the mailbox. The woman parked her van (in one of the many parking spaces available in the front of the post office) and shouted the entire time at the guy trying to do his job. I’ve always heard about Karens in the wild, but this was my first spotting. Talk about unhinged.

  • K August 22, 2022 (7:28 am)

    The asphalt patches are great, but will never last as long as actually digging up that spot and putting down concrete.

  • Diane Fields August 22, 2022 (11:48 am)

    Maybe they could have another person actually do the work.  The gentleman who was there, thought it was amusing that we could not use the drop box.  Was getting a good laugh as people had to get out of their cars and go in.  A bit perplexing as to why this was funny.  

  • bill August 22, 2022 (12:53 pm)

    Now that drivers can pull up to the box how long until it gets smashed again? Does USPS have some spares in storage?

  • waikikigirl August 22, 2022 (3:21 pm)

    Went to mail a small package last week (Tuesday?) and the cones and tape was up then, husband went there today and the cones and tape were still up and one of the postal workers inside said it wasn’t their job to take them down??? OK then who’s is it, the Post Master General! LOL!!! 

    • Odd son August 22, 2022 (4:11 pm)

      Wow but not surprised lol.Now if we can just keep people from parking in the drive up lane or running into the box and building like in the past. 

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