FOLLOWUP: Cormorant Cove beach reopened after four weeks

Four weeks after health/water-quality authorities closed Cormorant Cove Park‘s beach because of water contamination from a private sewer-line link, the beach is finally clear to reopen. Seattle Public Utilities spokesperson Sabrina Register tells WSB the warning signs are being taken down. Cormorant Cove, in the 3700 block of Beach Drive SW, was the last area to reopen; the original closure stretched all the way from Alki Point to the SW Andover beach access, and most of it was cleared to reopen a week and a half ago. At the time, though, SPU said that while the leak at Harbor West had been fixed, unexplained bacterial concerns lingered at Cormorant Cove.

5 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Cormorant Cove beach reopened after four weeks"

  • Kyle August 2, 2022 (7:52 pm)

    How long did sewage leak into the sound? who is the watchdog agency on this? Is how long this took to repair okay? What was the fine levied on the condo? Does it go up if they repeat?

    • WSB August 2, 2022 (9:00 pm)

      Still working on the citation/violation angle and will publish another followup when I get that info..

    • 935 August 3, 2022 (10:45 am)

      I’m curious as to whether or not it’s similar to the 15 MILLION gallons dumped into the puget sound by the West Point sewage treatment center.

      And what was the fine on that?

  • Steve August 3, 2022 (9:59 am)

    Is your sewer line leaking? How would you know? Have you ever washed your car or cleaned paintbrushes outside and the water leaked into a storm drain? No one breaks their sewer line on purpose. Unless there is construction going on and you happen to hit the drain line. It is impossible to monitor all the sewers and side sewers in the city. Your own sewer could be leaking. Unless you have had a camera inspection you would never know and you could still miss a hole in the line. I am a plumber and have looked at thousands of side sewers in this area. I have actually repaired the drain line at this particular building.  Unless you were to actually see it the line leaking or waste floating in the water there is no way to tell what is going on here.

    • Jethro Marx August 3, 2022 (12:38 pm)

      Funny- I would think one could get a sense of what is going on by reviewing the history of the condo sewer line leaks and consulting a professional familiar with their plumbing. No one breaks their sewer line on purpose but many people would choose cheap and polluting over expensive yet done right. 

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