Four items in West Seattle Crime Watch:
CARJACKING ARREST: SPD reports an arrest in connection with the late April carjacking of an Island View Apartments resident in the alley behind her building in Admiral. Detectives following up on the case identified “two possible suspects” and found that one was in the SCORE jail in Des Moines, scheduled for release on Sunday. They went there that same day, arrested him for the carjacking case, and booked him into King County Jail. We’re still working to find out more about him. No word of the second suspect’s whereabouts so far.
SHOPLIFT TURNED ROBBERY: According to a preliminary SPD summary, this happened this morning just before 7:30 am at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction. Police say the suspect walked in, grabbed sandwiches, tried to leave, and was confronted by employees. At that point, police say, he “pulled out a knife, made threats, and jabbed at the employee, screaming.” He then left but was found by police and arrested.
STORE THREAT: Just before midnight Friday night, police were called to the 35th/Avalon 7-11 because of a person who was already under orders to stay away from the store because of previous threats to staff. He was reportedly back, making death threats again. Police found the suspect in a parked vehicle outside the store and followed him as he “made a slow attempt to leave the scene,” according to the case summary. They arrested and booked him on suspicion of felony harassment. A rifle was seen in his car, which was impounded for follow-up investigation.
DUMPED-LIKELY-STOLEN TOOLS: Phil found these in the Fauntleroy Church parking lot:
If you recognize any of them, let us know so we can connect you. (UPDATE: The tools are now inside the church, so check in at the office if they’re yours.)