West Seattle, Washington
05 Wednesday
Topping our weekly COVID update – the Western States review workgroup affirmed today what the FDA and CDC said in the past few days, that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are safe and effective for children 6 months to 4 years old. Here’s the full announcement. That means the shots might be available starting this week for the newly eligible age group – we’ll publish word of any pop-up clinics we hear about. You can also watch this statewide lookup. Now, on to this week’s updates, from the Public Health – Seattle/King County dashboard:
*20 percent fewer cases countywide in the past week than the week before
*Currently averaging 995 new daily cases countywide (down from 1,250 when we checked a week ago)
*21 percent more hospitalizations countywide in the past week than the week before
*Currently averaging 18 new hospitalizations daily (up from 15 a week ago)
*21 percent fewer deaths in the past two weeks than the two previous weeks (the dashboard doesn’t offer a one-week increment)
*Currently averaging 2 deaths daily (same two-week average as last week)
For West Seattle, we have two-week comparisons (these are the combined totals from two “health reporting areas,” labeled West Seattle and Delridge):
*848 cases between 5/30 and 6/13, down from 954 between 5/15 and 5/29
*9 hospitalizations between 5/30 and 6/13, down from 10 between 5/15 and 5/29
*1 death between 5/30 and 6/13, down from 2 between 5/15 and 5/29
VACCINATION: Boosters are recommended for everyone 5 and up. Checking vaccination rates:
*81.4 percent of all King County residents have completed the initial series (up .1% from a week ago)
*86.2 percent of all King County residents ages 5 and up have completed the initial series (up .1% from a week ago)
*50.6 percent of all King County residents have had the initial series plus a booster (up .5% from a week ago)
*In West Seattle, here are the zip-code vaccination rates for ages 5 and up (reminder, 98106 and 98146 are not entirely within WS):
98106 – 88.5% completed initial series (up .2% from a week earlier), 54.5% have had a booster (up .4%)
98116 – 93.3% completed initial series (up .1% from a week earlier), 66.4% have had a booster (up .5%)
98126 – 84.0% completed initial series (up .1% from a week earlier), 56.5% have had a booster (up .5%)
98136 – 94.1% completed initial series (same as a week earlier), 69.5% have had a booster (up .5%)
98146 – 83.4% completed initial series (up .1% from a week earlier), 49.1% have had a booster (up .4%)
TESTING: If you want to get tested and don’t have a kit at home, public testing sites include the city-supported site at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle, 9 am-5:30 pm Mondays-Saturdays except some holidays – open on Juneteenth Monday) and the Curative kiosk at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1220 Harbor SW, 9 am-3 pm Monday-Friday except holidays, and it will be closed Juneteenth Monday). … If you need to report self-test results, that’s explained on this page.
Two 2-wheeled reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
STOLEN MOTORCYCLE: Maybe you can help Joseph find the motorcycle he uses to get to and from grad school:
It’s a blue 2021 Honda CB300R. stolen from the 7100 block of 34th SW early this morning. We’ll add the report # when we get it. (ADDED: SPD incident # 22-156850; the motorcycle’s plate # is 9G3441.)
It was left alongside a stairway in Highland Park. Contact us and we’ll connect you.
5:06 PM: Police have told dispatch they’re closing the intersection where Sylvan Way meets SW Morgan [map] because of a crash. SFD has responded too.
5:26 PM: We’ve just arrived in the area. Morgan/Sylvan is blocked right at Lanham. Two cars are involved, one flipped. That car’s driver is being taken to the hospital via AMR. Not life-threatening injuries.
Lots of debris to clear from the street.
7:08 PM: We don’t have an update on the street – it should be open by now, though – but we do have an update on the person taken to the hospital – man in his mid-30s, in stable condition when transported, according to SFD.
4:40 PM: 78 homes are out of power north of The Junction, between (roughly) 40th and 41st SW and Charlestown and Genesee. Fire and police have been dispatched to check out what at least one caller said sounded like an “explosion.” Updates to come.
4:57 PM: One resident says his house was out for about 10 minutes but has power back. SCL’s map still shows 78 out. SFD apparently didn’t find anything at note, as its response has closed.
6:30 PM: Only one home is shown as still out. See comments below for neighborhood reports on what happened and how it was fixed.
(WSB photo from a 2019 water-rescue callout)
Summer weather is finally about to arrive, and with it, more people will be out on the water. That makes this prime time for reminders. First one is from the WSB inbox, sent by Jay:
It’s drowning season. The weather is nice and people both new and experienced are going out to Alki on paddleboards and kayaks not appreciating how cold the water is.
At a bare minimum the safety gear is a life jacket and a leash for paddleboards. A wetsuit, even a thin one, is helpful as well (dress for the water, not the air). A whistle can get people’s attention when you have a problem.
But life jackets don’t look cool in Instagram photos, and a lot of people think the water is just cold and not as dangerously cold as it really is. Or they get overconfident.
(A day before emailing) I rescued a paddleboarder who had been in the water more than five minutes and had given up trying to get back on the board. If it weren’t for a beachgoer who had seen her fall in and called my attention, there’s a good chance she would have died. She had no life jacket and no leash.
There were a dozen paddleboarders out when I was paddling and zero of them besides me had a lifejacket or leash on their ankle.
Second reminder is from the Seattle Fire Department – how best to help them help someone in trouble in the water, whether you’re helping from land or from a boat. Read SFD’s advice/recommendations here.
Erik Bell, who organizes community cleanups at least once a week in West Seattle, has an invitation for you tomorrow, if you have Juneteenth off – a community cleanup to follow up on the city cleanup of the SW Andover/28th RV encampment. Here’s the invitation for the 10 am-noon Monday cleanup, in case you haven’t already seen it in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
We’ll be tackling the neighboring streets around the West Seattle Health Club which was just cleared of a long-standing RV encampment. Although it looks clean from the casual drive-by, the gravel parking strip is littered with a myriad of ground-in micro trash and broken glass, the city was only able to come get the large trash items.
We could use an army of folks to come in and give this neighborhood the love it deserves after years of neglect, so come for as little or as much as you’d like…and bring a friend!
What to expect: This has been a long-term RV encampment so has years worth of junk ground into the gravel. If there are any left over tents around we will steer clear of any of those and just focus on the roadway parking strip and sidewalks. Pickup sticks, buckets, vests, gloves and bags will be provided and the resulting trash will be reported for pickup by Seattle Public Utilities.
Parking: We should be able to park back along Andover by Monday but I’ll make updates as the cleanup approaches.
Please reach out with any questions, concerns or carpooling opportunities. I can be reached at 206-852-9552
Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
E-BIKE THEFT: Breck suspects his stolen Nakto Elegance will be abandoned since it requires a key. The theft was recorded on security video at 2:48 am Saturday:
This happened along Fairmount Avenue. The police report # is 22-913449.
CAR PROWLER ON WHEELS: Brianna reports, “Around 8 pm (Saturday), I saw a white Honda Civic driving down 21st Avenue SW from Trenton to Roxbury; vehicle would slow down and try each car door to see if unlocked.” Brianna says the car’s plate started with CCJ5.
(‘Jay’ the bald eagle, photographed by David Hutchinson)
Here’s what’s ahead for your Sunday, which is Father’s Day as well as Juneteenth, which is a city and federal holiday this year for the first time:
CLOSURE: Most government services are observing Juneteenth on Monday, with one major exception today: All Seattle Public Library locations are closed.
CHURCHES WITH ONLINE SERVICES: We’re continuing to list these – see today’s list here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, find fresh food – produce, meat, fish, cheese, beverages, baked goods, and prepared food – and plants at the weekly WSFM. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
NEW VENDOR: The market offers condiments, too! As noted here, West Seattle-made Papa Tony’s Hot Sauce debuts at the WSFM today with a 10 am ribboncutting ceremony.
FATHER’S DAY POTTERY SALE: 10 am-2 pm – info in our calendar listing. (4111 47th SW)
COLMAN POOL: Second day for the outdoor pool on the Lincoln Park shore (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum< is open on Alki, and you can visit noon-4 pm, (61st/Stevens)
ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE: Weekly tours are back, as reported here – might be a good place to take Dad today. First tour at 1 pm, last at 3:45; here’s how it works.
COFFEEHOUSE MUSIC: 3 pm at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Halcyon the Mermaid plays Celtic harp music.
MIKU, AND THE GODS. At 3 pm, it’s the first matinee performance of this world-premiere play at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), tickets available here. (Read our story about playwright Julia Izumi here.)
NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW).
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 9 pm to 1:30 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Have an event to list on our calendar? We update it daily – email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!