Last Friday night, we noted that City Councilmember Lisa Herbold‘s newsletter had two West Seattle Bridge timeline updates that weren’t included in the SDOT bridge newsletter sent just a few hours earlier. So we followed up. Here are the answers we received today:
(SDOT image, first structural-concrete delivery April 16)
CONCRETE: Almost six weeks after the first structural-concrete pour, the last two are expected to happen tomorrow and Thursday, according to SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson. That doesn’t mark the end of the repair work, but it’ll be a milestone, since SDOT has said it needs to get through those pours before it can update the completion schedule. Speaking of which …
TIMELINE UPDATE: Bergerson explained Herbold’s mention of a timeline update expected June 9th: “We plan to give an update about the reopening timeline at the next Community Task Force meeting on June 9.” When the CTF last met in April, the June meeting date wasn’t finalized, and there was hope the reopening date would already have been announced, so that it would be less of a briefing meeting, but apparently not.