WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 6 reports, from robberies to catalytic-converter theft to found/dumped items

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

STREET ROBBERY: The full report narrative on this wasn’t available but a woman reported being held up at gunpoint near California/Alaska in The Junction on Saturday night. Her purse and phone were taken. No description of the robber other than he was “short.” If you have any information, the incident number is 22-062983.

STORE SHOPLIFT-TURNED-ROBBERY: This happened around 3 am Saturday at the Harbor Avenue 7/11. According to the police summary, the clerk reported that “a group” had come in and while one was buying a beverage, another was grabbing alcoholic beverages, lighters, and health/beauty products. While that person was in the process of leaving without paying, the clerk “verbally challenged her to pay for the items,” and the thief “lifted her shirt and exposed a short knife in her waistband.” That made it a robbery. She and the group left in two vehicles; the summary does not include descriptions.

CATALYTIC CONVERTER STOLEN: In a garage in the 1100 block of Alki Avenue SW, the catalytic converter was stolen Saturday night from Jill‘s 2006 Lexus RX 330. She says the thief left in this red Volvo:

Its plate starts with CAZ. Jill says people in a red Volvo were also seen a few days earlier “casing our building and turning our cameras.” (TUESDAY UPDATE: The car was stolen March 3rd on Genesee Hill, its owner tells us.)

THEFT TOOL? Rich found this stashed/tossed in shrubbery by his residence on Fauntleroy Way south of The Junction:

We discovered an automobile jack hidden in the bushes next to our house. When I saw it, the catalytic converter thefts leapt to mind.

But if you happen to have had one stolen and this looks like it … let us know. (TUESDAY UPDATE: Heard from the jack’s owner.)

DUMPED SKI GEAR: Ken found this dumped in a Fauntleroy alley:

If it looks like items you’re missing, let us know and we’ll connect you. (TUESDAY UPDATE: Heard from the items’ owner.)

CAR-THEFT ATTEMPT: One last reader report – Steve in Fauntlee Hills says someone tried to steal his car, parked on the street. He found the steering column and ignition damaged this morning. It was clear that an intruder had been in his car for one other reason – it reeked of cigarette smoke.

13 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 6 reports, from robberies to catalytic-converter theft to found/dumped items"

  • Scrappy March 14, 2022 (9:45 pm)

    We are all so overwhelmed by the constant onslaught of crime and the grim news of the world. We are all experiencing CTSD (Current Traumatic Stress Disorder). It just never ends… Take care.

    • TM March 14, 2022 (10:18 pm)

      Agreed with you Scrappy. At least the days are getting longer, the dark days of midwinter were making it worse. Regardless we need to look out for each other and take care of each other where we can, this has been quite the last few + years.

      • red volvo March 15, 2022 (8:33 am)

        Red Volvo wagon.  Same car showed up on Ring a few days ago, such a hard working package thief.  

      • hard times March 15, 2022 (9:12 am)

        Literally barely survivable for some. It’s been hard times for everyone, but harder for some than others. Lives have been destroyed, lives have been lost.

        It would be great if people really did look out for one another, especially those most in need. Sadly, these words can sound rather colloquial (though well intended) without words of action behind them.

        Take a look around today, for those needing an uplift or helping hand, and offer what you can. Maybe even to yourself.

        Take good care.

  • Marcus March 15, 2022 (5:14 am)

    Yeah. Stressful times for awhile now, however we are living pretty good compared to other areas of the world.

    • hard times March 15, 2022 (9:17 am)

      Very good point.

      These pandemic years have certainly highlighted some differences, inequities, and perhaps failings as a global community.

  • DelridgeNeighbor March 15, 2022 (8:36 am)

    Someone tried to steal my husbands work van on Sunday night from our driveway (Near Juneau and Delridge).  Appears they used a file in the ignition to try to get it to start.  Sounds like the same steering column/ignition issue as the one in Fauntlee Hills. Not much to steal inside, but they did leave behind a Ted Lasso branded jacket…..

  • Chris March 15, 2022 (8:39 am)

    As homeless people are moved out of other parts of Seattle, the camps in the green belt above Harbor Ave between the WSB and Salty’s are becoming a new destination and growing to be a bigger problem for our neighborhood with increased crime. You need to write or call Lisa Herbold and let her know we expect this growing problem to be stopped before it gets worse. 

    • Cogburn March 15, 2022 (4:57 pm)

      I’ve written our council rep Lisa Herbold many many times about our problems and concerns and have not one received any reply. She doesn’t care, like most of the rest of the council

    • Dev March 15, 2022 (9:39 pm)

      Our unhoused neighbors aren’t breaking into cars or stealing ski equipment.We have the solutions to crime and violence.  We know them well: attack the root causes by making economic opportunity more accessible, make drug treatment free and ubiquitous, and make healthcare (including mental healthcare) available to all.But the only thing this City Council (including Ms Herbold, disappointingly) knows how to do is pour more and more money into the already bloated and harmful police department.  đŸ˜’Police don’t prevent crime.  They respond to it.  We need to work on prevention once and for all.

  • Jerald March 15, 2022 (12:39 pm)

    Ski stuff returned to owner — yay! Thanks to WSB!

  • Andrew M March 15, 2022 (12:57 pm)

    That’s my stolen Volvo, have a police report in for it already; whoever knows about the catalytic converter theft feel free to let SPD know I have a case #.

  • Lorrie March 19, 2022 (7:12 pm)

    there has been a red Volvo wagon looking abandoned on 35th and approximately 104th all this past week.  Window down, flat tire.  I thought if it was abandoned the neighbors may have reported it by now?   We drive by enroute to Burien.

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