(Photo by James Tilley – Brant in flight)
Notes for the rest of your Tuesday:
WARM CLOTHING DRIVE CONTINUES: 9 am-5 pm weekdays, drop off donations of clothing, coats, and shoes at Dave Newman State Farm Insurance Agency (3435 California SW; WSB sponsor).
(added) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Learn about it during the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s online meeting:
Join us on Tuesday, November 16th at noon to hear Richard Yonck present at the Rotary Club of West Seattle weekly meeting via Zoom.
Topic: “Fostering Artificial Intelligence For Good.”
Featured Speaker: A West Seattle Local, Richard YonckRichard is an author, futurist and international speaker with a background in computer science and media studies. Richard makes a strong case why our devices and advanced AI Systems need to have emotional intelligence, specifically the ability to sense human emotions and adapt accordingly. Come and hear how our world is about to change in amazing ways…catch a glimpse of the future and the heart of how we will work with Artificial Emotional Intelligence for Good.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 839 9707 2661
Passcode: 043120
DEMONSTRATION: Organizer Scott continues leading weekly demonstrations for racial justice, 4:30-6 pm at 16th/Holden. Signs available if you don’t have one of your own.
LIGHT RAIL ADVISORY GROUP: Sound Transit‘s new Community Advisory Group for the West Seattle-Ballard light-rail line has its first meeting at 5 pm, online. Our preview has the agenda as well as the viewing link.
HOPE LUTHERAN SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 6 pm at the school (42nd SW and SW Oregon), prospective families are welcome to find out about learning opportunities.
CHIEF SEALTH IHS PTSA: 7 pm meeting, online. The link’s in our calendar listing.
MORE … on our calendar!