4-DAY WEEKEND: Seattle Public Schools to close Friday as well as Thursday

12:38 PM: Thanks to the readers who just forwarded this message saying Seattle Public Schools will be closed Friday as well as Thursday due to “an unusually large number of SPS staff taking leave on Friday, and do not believe we have adequate personnel to open schools with the necessary environment for high-quality learning.” The district’s message adds, “This learning day will be added to the end of the 21/22 school year to ensure all students have access to the full number of educational hours.” The originally scheduled last day of the year is June 17, 2022.

2:03 PM: Some are noting in comments below that at least some district-distributed calendars listed this as a four-day weekend earlier in the year.

165 Replies to "4-DAY WEEKEND: Seattle Public Schools to close Friday as well as Thursday"

  • carol November 9, 2021 (12:58 pm)

    The forwarded link in the blog post goes to your comments info page, not to the message from the Seattle Public Schools.  Was that what you were intending?

    • WSB November 9, 2021 (1:01 pm)

      That’s our usual MO. We always link “forwarded,” “texted,” “sent,” etc. to our contact page. If the message appears someplace linkable like on the district website, we’ll add.

  • J November 9, 2021 (1:04 pm)

    The email we got only said closed Friday

    • WSB November 9, 2021 (1:26 pm)

      The Thursday closure was already on the calendar since it’s Veterans Day.

  • parent November 9, 2021 (1:11 pm)

    Hey teacher friends, was this just coincidence, or a kind of organized protest? Not upset here, just genuinely wondering.

    • bubo November 9, 2021 (1:46 pm)

      Not a protest at all, though burn out is high. This still comes as a shock; nothing like this has happened in my 15 + years at SPS. I’m guessing staff/sub shortages are in play here too, but it’s a troubling indicator. The district knew this was going to be a problem a couple of weeks ago, but no one’s really home downtown. 

    • KCM November 10, 2021 (10:16 am)

      As a teacher I’m very frustrated by this.  November is already a horrible month of interrupted instruction with the two holidays.  Subs are frustrated too because if they don’t work they don’t get paid.  I can ‘t  help but think that adding the day to the END of the school year was punitive.  

    • Parent November 10, 2021 (9:20 pm)

      I think it’s great! Teacher’s need a reset. Have a great weekend, be safe!! 

  • Sasquatch November 9, 2021 (1:13 pm)

    Teacher shortage is a direct result of the lack of respect we get.Period.Do you want to be a public school teacher?

    • Blbl November 9, 2021 (2:48 pm)

      No, but evidently you did. So do it or quit.

      • What? November 9, 2021 (3:20 pm)


      • Sasquatch November 9, 2021 (3:33 pm)

        I do. Nobody wants the job anymore. Prospective teachers see the crap that they will get from parents like you and decide to do something else.
        But I am quitting. Sick of your attitude. Teach your own kids.

        • Mariem November 9, 2021 (8:24 pm)

          The tone of the conversation is horrible. “Teach your own kids”. There may be others to criticize in the string but boy, hearing a teacher say this, even out of frustration, doesn’t sound as though the teacher loves teaching children. Or even likes children! Understand there is frustration and it’s a hard job but …

      • Phyzzi November 9, 2021 (4:23 pm)

        Wow. Woosh. “Why aren’t there enough teachers?” “Because nobody wants to teach in this environment” “well if you don’t like it quit!” Lol. Yeah, that’s what happened, but thanks for the advice, what could possibly go wrong? Don’t worry, I’m not actually assuming you care about public good or the future. 

      • Lagartija Nick November 9, 2021 (6:54 pm)

        Hey Blbl, the awful irony of what you just did here completely escapes you, doesn’t it? 

    • Tony G November 9, 2021 (4:06 pm)

      The teachers decide to take a four day weekend, the district approves all the vacation requests and decide to close down the whole district as a result. This is outrageous, SPS is a complete joke. 

      • Lmao November 9, 2021 (8:05 pm)

        What’s actually outrageous is that you all think teachers are your slaves. The district has a substitute shortage and teachers have not even been getting our prep time guaranteed in our contracts because we’ve been subbing for our coworkers during that time. On top of this, students have been more aggressive, uncooperative, and trashing schools because of tiktok videos. And you all have said nothing in our support. You only care about bashing teachers when you all are inconvenienced. When we are drowning being at the the forefront of every social issue that affects families, taking our personal time away from our own families, and having mental health breakdowns, you’re nowhere to be seen or heard. I hate it for the kids because they’re innocent, but boy will it be satisfying to read how you all moan when there aren’t enough teachers due to older teachers retiring and younger teachers moving to fields where they are paid better and not crapped on constantly by the people who’s children you care for(to your own detriment). Keep going parents. We all are reading these comments and making our escape plan 🥂

        • Duffy November 9, 2021 (9:06 pm)

          Wow, dramatic much? Doesn’t sound like you are in the right profession. I’m sure you will find one someday where you can demand to take a day off whenever you want regardless of how it affects your responsibilities. I’m sure there are millions of jobs out there like that. Good luck 👍 

          • LMAO November 10, 2021 (4:35 pm)

            Oh please Duffy. Teachers are some of the most educated people out there. A lot of us have Master’s degrees. So it’s not hard to find new jobs. I love working with kids and I spend the vast majority of my time with them. I even teach after school. However, since the pandemic started and I have been reading the comments from entitled parents saying crazy things and questioning our motives, I have become dismayed. I can serve children in other positions where I don’t have to be crapped on by the district and the people who’s children I spend more time with than their own families. As I said, it will satisfying to watch what happens when the inevitable happens and teachers get out. The job itself is great and I love being with kids, but the extras just aren’t worth it anymore. You all blame teachers for everything and have no words for the district unless your ability to work is affected. When are staffs are cut and moved around your silence is very apparent. I think you’re the dramatic one. You are crying about 1 day off and throwing a fit. Maybe look in the mirror Duffy. 

        • Canton November 9, 2021 (9:16 pm)

          We are all slaves no matter what you do to earn. Some make more than others.(Especially in school admin.)Don’t allow some voices to divide us more. We all work our arses off everyday to provide food, clothes, and shelter. Just to do the same the next day. The point is, if admin, knew about the demand for the long weekend, just let us know ahead of time. I’m sure parents would understand if the notice was there.

        • WS parent November 10, 2021 (5:03 am)

          Man, I’m sorry for what you’re going through.  Teachers deserve respect, adequate pay, and some recognition that they are teaching, which is SO critical.  Today teachers are handed a myriad of other responsibilities that are overlooked.  The task of teaching during a pandemic isn’t enough – or so it is to so many in society.I’m a parent and have seen our kids educated at Seattle Public Schools.  I am grateful for the fantastic teachers, but recognize the system is way the f broken and the deck is stacked against embarrassingly underpaid and overworked teachers.  Lmao, you are not alone and not unappreciated.

        • Noonan Mark November 10, 2021 (6:43 pm)

          Talk about Drama.  I get it it’s hell.  But kids are acting out because a) they have to wear a bloody mask, b) They have to keep their distance AGAIN.  NOBODY IS HAVING A GOOD TIME. I teach High School although not in Seattle.  I’m just as burned out as you are. However I’ll be in my classroom nonetheless.  Nobody gets planning time.  THIS IS A PANDEMIC.  Contracts need to give a little. 

      • KCM November 10, 2021 (10:17 am)

        The district does not “approve” anybody’s sick leave for single days.  Do you have to get your sick days approved?

        • Noonan Mark November 10, 2021 (6:44 pm)

          Yes. Depending on the District. 

    • Just Saying November 9, 2021 (5:26 pm)

      In health care and haven’t missed a day in 19 months.  No Thanksgiving off, no three day weekends, no working from home, no summer’s off, no Christmas break, no mid winter break, no spring break; and no complaining.  I definitely should have been a teacher.  I would be making just as much money after 20 years of teaching as i do in health care. 

      • Stephanie November 9, 2021 (6:34 pm)

        With your attitude no teacher would want you as a colleague.

        • Auntie November 10, 2021 (6:59 pm)

          Stop it! All of you! Some people have been on the front lines and dedicated themselves without taking days off or whatever. I’m not blaming teachers for the current debacle at all – it’s the administration. But others have put in their time and you need to appreciate it. You would if it had helped you through a tough time.

      • Pb November 9, 2021 (7:32 pm)

        I would certainly hope after 20 years of teaching your making at least as much as your “healthcare” job.  What do you do in “healthcare”?  Just curious how low you put teachers on the job hierarchy.Also, you not taking a day off in 19 months is on you.  Anyone in any job who doesn’t take at least a day or two off in over a year and a half is a fool with no one to blame but themselves.  Take a day off, you deserve it.

      • xyz November 14, 2021 (9:07 pm)

        lmao but you get paid the deserving amount and teachers dont

  • Math Teacher November 9, 2021 (1:16 pm)


    • Blbl November 9, 2021 (1:24 pm)

      What?? This is nuts! They are shutting down every school in the district because they can’t get enough (union) employees to show up to work? If you are actually an SPS employee, Math Teacher, you should be ashamed of yourself. 

      • Sasquatch November 9, 2021 (2:36 pm)

        You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to shame teachers. Do you want a math teacher so bad? do it yourself. We are sick of being villainized for things that are out of our control. I planned to come to school and teach on Friday but now it’s out of my control. You don’t like it send your kids to private school

        • Duffy November 9, 2021 (2:54 pm)

          Wow great attitude from a public school teacher. Playing the victim card. What about the kids? Shouldn’t their interests be first and foremost? You are a TEACHER after all.

          • Sasquatch November 9, 2021 (5:00 pm)


          • teacher November 9, 2021 (5:11 pm)

            I am a teacher and I am pissed that the whole district shut down for Friday. However, there are no subs available this year. What else do we do? And read some of the responses about my profession. I can’t wait to retire. The kids are wonderful and so are some parents, but geez, some of you need to point fingers at the district “leadership” instead of the teachers. And by leadership, I don’t mean principals, I mean directors and superintendents that are so put of touch with staffing needs.  

          • Blbl November 9, 2021 (5:40 pm)

            Gee, what else do you do when there is no one to sub for you?? You go to work!

        • Noonan Mark November 10, 2021 (6:46 pm)

          Unfortunately! It’s those that are taking Friday Off that are eliciting angry responses.  Though that rage is misdirected. 

      • chaiwalla November 9, 2021 (5:12 pm)

        How about some understanding for our fellow humans and hardworking teachers. They deserve a break some times. And yippee for the kids too, sure they don’t mind a long weekend.

        • Noonan Mark November 10, 2021 (6:49 pm)

          True.  But doing this when they know that there are not enough Substitutes is forcing the issue.  Now for Grades 6-12 There shouldn’t be any logistical problems.  It’s pkk-5 Grades is where parents are miffed.  

      • Math Teacher November 9, 2021 (7:07 pm)

        It’s like a snow day.  Unexpected, and totally not my fault.  I’m not ashamed to enjoy snow days.  Same as with snow days, we’ll have to make up the day in June..I love teaching. I really, really love my job. I am in no hurry to retire. The unexpected day “off” will allow me to catch up on lesson planning, enter my 1st quarter grades, email a couple parents, and put my growth goals into Eval. So, yeah, I am really a teacher..

        • chaiwalla November 9, 2021 (7:29 pm)

          Enjoy those snow and unexpected days off :) 🙏

          You would think anyone who was a student once, who can credit teachers to their learning, would have more appreciation.

    • What? November 9, 2021 (1:27 pm)

      Do you realize what this does to some families who now have to miss work or try to find an alternative?To some families this last minute change is very very bad and they are left with a very serious problem.  

      • Sasquatch November 9, 2021 (4:59 pm)

        It really does stink for families especially those who are holding down multiple low wage jobs. They miss work and they don’t get paid. However, I feel that most of the complaints here are from salaried middle to upper class families. Excuse me if I’m wrong.

        • What? November 9, 2021 (6:22 pm)

          You’re actually dead wrong.  My wife and I cannot miss work at such short notice and this annihilates our budget.  Thanks a lot. People in this town are unbelievably out of touch with reality. 

        • Duffy November 9, 2021 (9:07 pm)

          That’s wildly presumptive. Good work.

      • Teacher November 10, 2021 (7:29 am)

        As a teacher who planned to work on Friday, it is so frustrating! If it has been a planned holiday it would feel totally different! There are shortages of people willing to work in schools; subs, bus drivers, tutors, recess supervisors (vax politics and Covid fear). Teachers have been assuming  all the added strain for shortages.  Most teachers do not want the day off. It wasn’t a decision we were even consulted on. I was hoping to have that day with my class to keep consistency and academic rigor, especially with TG break coming up. November- December feels like a lot of time away from the classroom. Plus, I hate the idea of an extra day at the end of they year.I LOVE teaching! I love my colleagues and principals. We’re all at a loss over this last minute decision that makes our profession look so unprofessional! It’s also a rub for me as an SPS employee to slam my employer.For adults there are no winners. Sorry for your situation! ♥️

        • Noonan Mark November 10, 2021 (6:52 pm)

          I teach up in Whatcom County.  Thankfully we do not have the problem. Leastwise not so bad as to warrant cancelling classes on Friday.  I feel for parents with young Children.  This puts them in an unenviable position. Sadly it’s the teachers that these parents lash out at. And Understandably so.  

  • What? November 9, 2021 (1:23 pm)

    This is outrageous.  I mean seriously outrageous.  Closing an entire public school system last minute for “staffing issues”.  These staff didn’t all call in sick Friday morning.  There was notice and the time off got approved!What’s  it going to take to get sps to understand.  People are seriously livid and really really screwed.  Listen up Seattle, NOT everyone works from home!People rely on public schools and the schedules.   Disgraceful. 

    • chaiwalla November 9, 2021 (5:20 pm)

      The world has been in crisis for two years, and many businesses and systems have been impacted, in regards to staffing, and supply/demand challenges, etc. Why are people outraged and not understanding that schools are having challenges too? 

  • Duffy November 9, 2021 (1:24 pm)

    Three days notice, huh? Is that the way this is going to work now? How about implementing a policy that, I don’t know, makes it so only so many staff can take a day off at once to ensure an adequate learning environment for our kids that sticks to the academic school year schedule that is published well in advance? And enough with the “let’s tack it onto the end of the school year” crutch. This is lame and I really try to not be an overly critical parent especially in these COVID times. Shame on SPS.

    • Stephanie November 9, 2021 (6:35 pm)

      With your attitude no teacher would want you as a colleague.

  • Emily November 9, 2021 (1:34 pm)

    SPS has had an emergency substitute staffing shortage since before this week, so anyone complaining — treat/pay teachers better and more ppl will want to be one. Some ppl try to make this more complicated than it is. 

    • Duffy November 9, 2021 (1:44 pm)

      Well if you don’t have substitute coverage then you can’t have as many teachers be out at once. Same goes in my private sector job. I have the utmost respect for educators but this rebuttal is getting tired.

    • WSAdmiral November 9, 2021 (1:49 pm)

      More complicated than it is?  How about they do what every other employer does…..”sorry, we need you for coverage as people have already requested those days off.”

    • M November 9, 2021 (1:53 pm)

      I vote in favor of every school levy…I adore our teachers and let them know as such frequently….I donate to the PTA and participate in every fundraiser….I get our teachers gifts, supplies, whatever they need.   At some point you need to rely on people to do the job they have agreed to do.  If this is some fluke occurrence because of the holiday on Thursday, fine, sh%t happens…..but if it’s some sort of short notice protest, it only harms the families that so desperately need reliability.  I can guarantee you that there are MANY professions that feel underpaid and underappreciated (myself included!).  

      • Stephanie November 9, 2021 (5:01 pm)

        This is not a protest! Over 90% of teachers planned to come to work on Friday, and we were caught off guard by this, too. SPS sent out an incredibly passive aggressive email to parents basically blaming teachers for this, with no mention of the sub shortage that has us giving up our planning time to cover other teachers’ classes most days.

        • Jimbo November 10, 2021 (2:54 pm)

          Just to let you know that other schools district have in the past always sent out passive aggressive emails when there has been a high percentage of teachers taking a day off from work. I feel sorry for the teachers who planned to go to work on Friday, since now they are in the same boat of having to make up the day.  Many  district have a substitute teacher shortage and it is extremely upsetting for substitute teachers who actually have a teaching certificate to find out that they are paid exactly the same amount to be a substitute to those people who don’t have a teaching degree who also substitute. Substitute teachers need to be treated with respect and they aren’t baby sitter for teachers who are out for the day, substitute teachers many of them are highly capable of teaching the curriculum that is asked for them to teach and have excellent skills in positive classroom discipline. It is extremely important to leave lesson plans that aren’t too wordy and leave lots of activities for the students to do and by all means please teach students to be respectful to guests teachers and since guests teachers sometimes have to put up with a lot of nonsense and inappropriate behavior from students. Leave lesson plans saying when certain students leave the room to go to special education and so on! 

      • wsteacher November 9, 2021 (5:14 pm)

        this was not planned by teachers, most of us were shocked when we read our email this afternoon.

      • JJ November 9, 2021 (6:50 pm)

        This is in no way a teacher protest.

      • Teacher November 10, 2021 (7:31 am)

        As a teacher who planned to work on Friday, it is so frustrating! If it has been a planned holiday it would feel totally different! Most teachers do not want the day off. It wasn’t a decision we were even consulted on. I was hoping to have that day with my class to keep consistency and academic rigor, especially with TG break coming up. November- December feels like a lot of time away from the classroom. Plus, I hate the idea of an extra day at the end of they year.I LOVE teaching! I love my colleagues and principals. We’re all at a loss over this last minute decision that makes our profession look so unprofessional! It’s also a rub for me as an SPS employee to slam my employer.For adults there are no winners. Sorry for your situation! ♥️

    • Hopefulkgcountyian November 9, 2021 (2:07 pm)

      I agree with Emily. I support teachers. This has been a trying time for parents, children and teachers alike. Villianizing the very people you want taking care of your children doesn’t sound helpful to me. We have to work together to help each other out as we transition out of this pandemic. 

  • Kristina November 9, 2021 (1:43 pm)

    The day was already listed as “off” on the paper calendar Chief Sealth sent home at the beginning of the year. I am so confused as to why it’s being announced as a “new” day off now and needs to be made up. 

    • bradley November 9, 2021 (2:28 pm)

      LOL!!  Classic.  Right Hand, meet the Left Hand.

      • What? November 9, 2021 (3:23 pm)

        SPS is not being clear, honest, nor competent. 

    • TheNation1308 November 9, 2021 (2:46 pm)

      Same as West Seattle HS. We knew both days were off. Maybe they had to “requalify” the Friday of as a shortage of staff day for budgeting reasons? We’ve been in the SPS system forever and it has never made any consistent sense, so in a way, this weird date-wrangling is not a surprise.I feel awful for everyone that wasn’t prepared for the extra day off.

    • bradley November 9, 2021 (3:05 pm)

      I’m curious if the 180th day on that paper calendar is Monday, June 20th (as SPS is apparently now proposing).  Seems like 6/20 is a holiday which pushes this all to Tuesday June 21.  Complicates make up days in June…..

  • Teacher November 9, 2021 (1:45 pm)

    I’m also hearing there was an incorrect calendar published in August saying that Thursday and Friday were no school.  Many staff members made plans for the 4 day weekend and then the calendar changed to just the Veteran’s day Thursday with no school. So don’t blame the staff!

    • WSMOM November 9, 2021 (2:10 pm)

      This!!! SPS made a mistake and did not own up, as always. And they should have had plenty of time to correct it with staff but did not. Parents got the same flawed calendar at the beginning of the school year and there was no corrected version. They seem to be unaccountable to anyone. 

  • Admiral Mom November 9, 2021 (1:54 pm)

    SPS has failed to hire enough substitute teachers. The bottom line is that teachers—especially substitute teachers— are not paid enough money compared to other professions.  Teachers are leaving at a high rate because they can be paid more with better working conditions in other fields. As you can see from the above email, teachers have requested to take a personal day off on Friday, and the school district is blaming this on teachers even though they have had plenty of time to hire more substitute teachers and it is the right for teachers to use their personal days on any day they see fit.  SPS needs to get it together.

    • Westwood November 9, 2021 (2:17 pm)

      Uhh…I’m sorry, my employer does not allow me to use my personal days on any day I see fit. My employer understands that we need a minimum amount of heads to get the job done. 

      • B November 9, 2021 (4:01 pm)

        Mine does, because my employer recognizes that if you piss off the staff enough, you won’t have _any_ heads to get the job done. 

        • What? November 9, 2021 (6:29 pm)

          Not every industry works like that B.  Think about it.   All the air traffic controllers want vacation all at once? Grant them all the days off they want. Give me a break.  So out of touch with reality. 

    • Bmc November 9, 2021 (4:03 pm)

      Not enough subs? Then don’t approve all the requests. Allow them by seniority like any other union shop would do. 

      • ttt November 9, 2021 (5:20 pm)

        Agreed. I am a teacher and that is how my old district did it.

    • Stephanie November 9, 2021 (6:30 pm)

      Admiral Mom, thank you for this! ❤️ 

    • Alki parent November 9, 2021 (9:36 pm)

      Yes I agree Admiral Mom.  I wish the school board would emphasize simply making sure the schools are functioning and staffed.   Instead they seem to be distracted by petty politics.   The saveseattleschools blog is back up and running.   It seems to cover a lot about SPS management that doesn’t seem to be covered in the Times.  

  • Belivdear November 9, 2021 (1:56 pm)

    Is the headline meant to be facetious? “4-Day Weekend” is quite a positive way to frame this news. (Not complaining. It made me chuckle.)

    • WSB November 9, 2021 (2:00 pm)

      No, it’s meant to be factual. “Extra Day Off” would be a cheery frame. I guess I could have gone with NO SCHOOL FRIDAY or something.

  • WS dad November 9, 2021 (1:59 pm)

    I am curious why they are adding an instructional day to the end of the school year.  Just say that Friday is an online instructional day and post the homework online.  Don’t tag on another day in June because everyone decided they needed a day off during a crappy, rainy Friday in November.Also, my wife and I are lucky enough to work from home this Friday so that our kid can stay home without a problem, but what about all the working families that can’t suddenly get child care with short notice?  This is pretty messed up.

    • B November 9, 2021 (4:01 pm)

      There’s a legally mandated amount of school days, so if this closure means it’s not being met, then they have to tack the days on the end of the year. 

    • Teacher November 9, 2021 (4:55 pm)

      This is making school staff look bad,  like several of us just decided to take it off when many were led to believe by the district that Friday was a day off and made plans. The district is at fault for this. Not the staff. They are making it look like lazy staff!

      • Rara November 10, 2021 (4:46 pm)

        Teacher, I know how this all goes down. I worked as a sub all over the district. It’s definitely not teachers fault. I’ve seen it all behind the scenes and on the front lines in the schools. If humans want to complain then they should get more involved. It takes a freaking village. If you have kids then you already know everything can change on a dime. That’s life. 

    • Stephanie November 9, 2021 (5:03 pm)

      Everyone did not decide that they needed a day off on Friday. Some teachers saw the early version of the calendar with a four-day weekend and made plans. Most of us did not and had planned on working on Friday as usual. Stop with the hyperbole.

      • Duffy November 9, 2021 (9:14 pm)

        So let me get this straight; apparently some teachers saw a version of the academic calendar that showed the 12th as a holiday; those teachers all “made plans” based on that calendar; then, given how many personal day requests SPS received based on the faulty calendar, SPS decides to cancel school three days in advance to the surprise of pretty much every single parent who has a child in SPS? Are you actually saying this is how it went down?

        • RN November 10, 2021 (2:34 pm)

          Yes, and I would also add that the district was likely aware VERY early on that this would be the case. Its not a *new* shortage. Its the same one we have been dealing with all year… and I would be remiss not to inform you that this may even happen again, for this or another operational reason at the district level. We aren’t even getting subs for mandated quarantines. Theyre scrambling every single time even in cases where teachers have no control over it…

  • Another One November 9, 2021 (1:59 pm)

    This is a national problem. Other school districts are doing the same thing. There are not enough subs. You think it’s bad now? Watch how many school staff quit over the next year or two. Watch for the massive teacher shortages. People are so nasty to teachers and educators, expecting so much and then saying they get paid too much for all of what they deal with–especially during a pandemic. Teachers are incredibly worn out. 

    • S November 10, 2021 (2:30 pm)

      Yep… I mostly want to warn parents to expect this to keep happening. They’re telling us “if you dont like teaching our kids then don’t do this job”, and well… we are taking that advice seriously. 

  • N November 9, 2021 (2:17 pm)

    Easier said then done.  Staffing shortages aren’t confined to schools – bus drivers, truck drivers, Supply Chain, Retail, Cyber Security, just about everywhere at the moment.  But in SPS it seems it’s always blame either the district or the union despite the broader theme of staffing across the country.   

  • Joe Z November 9, 2021 (2:20 pm)

    For a school district that is supposedly committed to social justice and racial equity, they sure like to make decisions that place disproportionate burden on underprivileged students and families. 

    • TheNation1308 November 9, 2021 (2:48 pm)

      1000% true! 

    • SpencerGT November 11, 2021 (5:54 am)

      That may be true, but putting this all on the backs of the teachers is a bit unfair.  The administration and the city not paying teachers enough are equally to blame.

  • flimflam November 9, 2021 (2:47 pm)

    Wow, at my job if your time off/vacation request isn’t approved you don’t get the time off. My question is how is all this time off approved if it’s going to shut the schools down? I must be missing something.

    • Teacher November 9, 2021 (8:46 pm)

      Your job doesn’t require coverage, for which you have to write step by step plans, word for word, with emergency plans and guidance, student information, etc. if you’re out, you’re out and no big deal. No other profession requires drastically more work just to take a day off. Give it a try some time and think about your critique of teachers taking time off. I guarantee your job also doesn’t only give you two days of allotted pay for mandatory covid quarantine (from the federal and state government procedures) after working in a high risk setting and getting exposed. I had to be out ten school days, four of which were unfilled due to sub shortages. Even when we had all other staff on campus, special education staff had to cover my class so it didn’t go unfilled. My principal and other staff had to cover so it didn’t go unfilled. The district did nothing, so this is no new information that they’re facing a shortage. They’re just pretending it is, so they don’t have to take responsibility for poorly managed operations and disrespect to their staff. 

      • flimflam November 10, 2021 (6:18 am)

        You couldn’t be more wrong – you know what they say about assumptions, right? If I’m off there needs to be someone there, physically, doing my job. I worked through covid and never called out – in fact, was owed vacation time – because I knew there was usually not someone able to fill in for me. 

        • Teacher November 10, 2021 (12:38 pm)

          Yes, assumptions make an ass of you, in the same way you just did by saying because you were owed vacation time and trudged through a worldwide pandemic, that teachers should continue to do so, too. None of us should be held to the standard through which we can’t take time to support our physical and mental health. The real issue here is that teachers are still seen as childcare. The trend in uproar comes when your childcare is disrupted. It has nothing to do with student learning, and everything to do with families getting job coverage. We are not childcare, and we should be able to take personal days without being slandered to the community. I don’t know a single teacher that doesn’t deserve to take a personal day at their own request. It’s disrespectful to insinuate this was on-a-whim decisions from teachers and that it’s our laziness at the foundation. If you knew half the shit our district is doing behind closed doors, you’d be sick to your stomach like we are every single time we open our emails. If your boss blamed your staff for the shortcomings of their poor management, you’d be on your way out too. And yet, teachers are still here, merely requesting a day off. The internet is garbage and so are the conclusions you’re coming to. If you are daft enough to believe the district and state management of education is not at fault here, then have at it. I’ll be enjoying my time Friday to catch up on clerical work, offer office hours, prepare for conferences, and lesson plan, as I know many of my colleagues will. For those of us that didn’t request the day off, this is a major disruption for planning and we are only going along with it, just as you are. 

  • Attendance is down November 9, 2021 (2:48 pm)

    180 days of excellence huh?  48ish days in and the wheels on the bus are already falling off.T aken from the SPS website.

    2021-22 School Year

    Seattle Public Schools is planning for five full days of in-person instruction at all 104 schools beginning on September 1, 2021 as required by the state.We are committed to working with our families, students, and staff to open schools and welcome back all students while continuing to prioritize the health of our school communities.As we plan for the 2021-22 school year — 180 Days of Excellence — we will be on focused creating the conditions necessary for students to thrive. Seattle Public Schools will provide high-quality and engaging learning, a culture of care for students and staff, and will be prepared to respond to the needs of our students and school communities.We will share regular planning updates on this webpage and through School Beat, the district newsletter, including information for new and returning families, students of all grade levels and schools, and details on nutrition, transportation, family engagement, and more.

    • Herongrrrl November 10, 2021 (8:43 am)

      The wheels on WHAT bus? That’s another situation the district can’t manage. Thank goodness I can work at home now since my kid can only get to school if I drive her there. 180 days of excellence indeed.🙄

  • wsreader November 9, 2021 (2:49 pm)

    I wonder why the district didn’t disclose how many staff actually requested the day off. I don’t know of any coworkers taking Friday off.  Would all buildings be short or specific buildings? Did the district just decide to close schools and blame all teachers, when only a fraction were taking the day off? Why isn’t the district utilizing central office staff to cover sub/teacher shortages?  Is it a coincidence new contract negotiations are coming up… 

    • Sasquatch November 9, 2021 (3:43 pm)

      we got this on Friday…Dear SPS Staff-On Thursday, November 11, 2021, our school community will pause
      to honor Veterans’ Day. We offer special thanks and appreciation to all SPS
      employees and families for their military service both past and present. Please
      be reminded that there is no school for students; teachers and staff also do
      not report on this holiday. 
      However, school resumes the following day, Friday, November 12,
      2021. It is a regular workday. 
      To date, we have received approximately 600 staff requests for
      personal leave from school based staff for the day after the Veterans’ Day
      holiday. Please remember that personal days are for very limited purposes and
      are not to be used as an additional holiday or vacation day.  We encourage
      you to please prioritize being in your school on November 12.  Our current
      major shortage of staff creates gaps in service and instruction, particularly
      for those students who are most vulnerable and furthest away from educational
      justice.  Absences also add more strain and difficulty for those at work
      on days where large absences occur. 
      Your presence matters to our students and families. Thank you
      for your continued focus on our students. Your hard work is appreciated.
      High-quality learning in a safe, welcoming classroom depends on the continuity
      of educators.
       Thank you for
      the hard work you do every day.

      Human Resources

      • Duffy November 9, 2021 (4:03 pm)

        Wow. 600 requests??? After teachers and staff had been told these days were not to be used as an additional vacation day or holiday? Come on folks. This ain’t right.

        • Sarah November 9, 2021 (4:46 pm)

          Duffy, does your workplace offer personal days? If so, what stipulations are attached to them? In my experience personal day = floating holiday = use it how you’d like. I’d love to know what the SPS contract states is a valid use of a personal day, but regardless, the district still sent a non-committal, guilt-tripping email with no clear action requested besides “please prioritize” being at school. The feeling I’m getting from all this is the district has no real teeth on this stuff, probably due to needing to use personal leave, no blackout days, etc. as contractual bargaining chips due to low salaries compared to surrounding districts. At its root, that’s a state issue, not a district issue, but it’s really disgusting for the district to try to blame teachers for cashing that proverbial check.  

          • Duffy November 9, 2021 (5:20 pm)

            The stipulation is, of course, I can use a personal day when 1) it won’t affect the business operations of my employer and 2) it is approved by my superior. I guess there should be parallels right?

          • Math Teacher November 9, 2021 (7:57 pm)

            <<I’d love to know what the SPS contract states is a valid use of a personal day>>The contracts are public: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/hr/current-employees/labor-and-employee-relations/cbas-salary-schedules-work-year-calendars/.That contract really does say that teachers are allowed to determine what is a valid use of their 4 personal days.  The contract wording also recognized a need for an ongoing union-management working group to deal with this exact situation with a follow-up memorandum, but I don’t see a follow-up.  

        • wsreader November 9, 2021 (5:27 pm)

          That email was the notice… also 600 out of 8k… that’s a lot of staff, but not nearly as many as it might seem when you remember there’s thousands of SPS employees.

      • Sarah November 9, 2021 (4:41 pm)

        Wow. Sasquatch, did you find that email condescending? It’s also passive, guilt-tripping, and not really actionable. Really strange. Based on all information available (incorrect published calendar, day after holiday landing on a Friday–which is a very appealing way to extend a weekend, and the district not having blackout days, this scenario should have been anticipated as a risk much sooner. 

      • parent November 9, 2021 (5:05 pm)

        thank you for sharing, appreciate the transparency.

      • WSMom November 9, 2021 (5:56 pm)

        Thank you for sharing. That email is so passive-aggressive! And non-binding in any way. Clearly the district screwed up, didn’t really do anything to fix it and is now fine with teachers taking the blame. You cannot offer personal days and not expect people to take them. It’s not a coincidence that 600 staff asked for this particular Friday off…

  • K November 9, 2021 (3:06 pm)

    I think the blames falls on SPS management rather than the teachers.  

  • Win-win November 9, 2021 (3:31 pm)

    3 day work week4 day school week.    How about that?

  • trickycoolj November 9, 2021 (4:40 pm)

    Meanwhile the rest of us don’t even get Veteran’s Day as a holiday let alone a bonus day for a 4 day weekend. 

    • wsreader November 9, 2021 (5:25 pm)

      Apparently there’s lots of opportunities at SPS if you’d like an extra holiday :)

    • CAM November 10, 2021 (1:38 am)

      If you want veterans day off please feel free to take a government job so everyone can tell you how terrible of a human being you are 24 hours a day and how you should be working for minimum wage and kissing the ground they walk on thanking them for the privilege of a paycheck. I’m sure you’d think the tradeoff was worth it. 

  • Auntie November 9, 2021 (5:46 pm)

    Don’t blame the teachers. First of all, it’s a thankless job anymore – people expect teachers to raise their children for them when they haven’t taught them basic manners at home, yet the teachers cannot discipline the children in any way. Not to mention, the pay is abysmal. Second of all, SPS should have been paying attention to how many people had asked for the day off and started saying NO when they reached the limit. It’s a lose-lose situation all around. Thanks SPS.

  • Agent Snowball November 9, 2021 (5:56 pm)

    I’m one of those teachers who took Friday off. My son’s SPP preschool (affiliated with SPS) is closed on Friday for conferences. I had a sub lined up too. If SPS can’t coordinated with their partnering programs, that’s on them. I feel for families having to scramble like this at the last minute. The district knew many teachers would be absent on Friday.  They could’ve been creative with staffing at schools, but instead they just gave up and cancelled school. 

    • Rara November 9, 2021 (6:57 pm)

      Agent Snowball, you don’t have to explain anything. You teachers work hard. I worked in the sub office for a bit. There’s only 2 gals that run it. Lots of work! Enjoy a wonderful weekend with your family. I’m taking advantage of this by celebrating my Veteran Husband with the kids. 

  • Lagartija Nick November 9, 2021 (6:26 pm)

    Wow, the vitriol aimed at teachers in this thread is appalling. I’m not surprised there are staff shortages at SPS considering how much acrimony is directed at them from the community. I’m only surprised they haven’t all walked out en masse at this point. 

    • What? November 9, 2021 (8:05 pm)

      The vitriol is directed at those who made this appalling last minute decision. Not the teachers.  Read. 

      • Lagartija Nick November 9, 2021 (10:01 pm)

        I am reading, and I’m seeing comments telling teachers to quit if they don’t like it, how dare they use their PTO, stop whining and do your job, how dare you play the victim, accusing them of holding kids hostage, etc etc etc. It’s disgusting and you’re gaslighting by claiming otherwise.

        • BJG November 10, 2021 (2:30 pm)

          I was texting with a Denver relative and she tells me several school districts there are closing Friday for lack of substitute teachers. Those district leaders explain the number of teachers requesting time off is not unusual, but the lack of subs is this year. Since my relative is a teacher as are her children and friends, she was not at all alarmed.  She thought it was one of those Covid-driven situations that won’t happen again. She is probably right.

          • WSB November 10, 2021 (3:24 pm)

            So far according to citywide media reports since this announcement, even in our region Seattle is not alone – I’ve seen reports that both Bellevue and Kent districts are closing Friday as well.

  • Rara November 9, 2021 (6:46 pm)

    Well who doesn’t love a 4 day weekend? This was a pleasant surprise. Time to celebrate my Veteran husband with the kids. 

  • S. November 9, 2021 (6:49 pm)

    So……since school will NOW end on a Monday in June, don’t we expect the exact same thing to happen?How about using the “day between semesters” on Jan 27th as this make since it’s a Wednesday off for no real reason.  And they would not be interrupted MID week when no one can really enjoy it.  Or, maybe remove early-release Wednesdays until this Friday after Veteran’s day is made up?  That would be about 2 months of no early-release Wednesdays. 

    • brandon November 9, 2021 (7:59 pm)

      That Monday will be a Tuesday since its going to fall on the Juneteenth date,

    • Janel Lardizabal November 9, 2021 (8:29 pm)

      The day between semesters is when teachers finalize and submit grades. Early release Wednesdays are for instructional planning and teacher collaboration. These are not just random time off “for no real reason.”

      • s. November 10, 2021 (8:32 pm)

        C’mon.  I never had early release days every week when I went to school. Nor did teachers have a whole day to input grades. Both of my parents are teachers and they think a day just to enter grades is crazy and unneeded. They don’t get this and still enter their grades in just fine over a few days after school lets out. Not to mention a lot of learning is done on the computer with instantly graded quizzes and tests so it should be even faster than the old days of hand keying in grades from a ledger. 

        • wsteacher November 10, 2021 (9:56 pm)

          I have been a teacher for 25 years and the workload is much greater than it was 20 years ago. I am expected to differentiate (customize) work for each student, there are more student misbehaviors and the big difference between entering grades in a ledger and a computer is the first I got hand cramps and the latter I get carpel tunnel syndrome. 

  • Paraeducator November 9, 2021 (7:00 pm)

    This sounds like a HR problem that is being blamed on teachers. I’m a para with RSD. Days off before and after breaks need approval from school admin and district HR. I’m assuming the same goes for taking a day off before or after a holiday. My daughter attends a SPS school. She was thrilled for an extra day off. I felt less cranky after we secured childcare for her on Friday.

  • JBo November 9, 2021 (7:27 pm)

    Wow. That email from SPS HR to teachers seems to miss the fact that a calendar published in August indicated that the 11th AND the 12th were days schools were closed. Not to mention—someone from—would it be…HR?!…had to approve the 600 day-off requests!

  • Emily November 9, 2021 (7:35 pm)

    teachers are not the problem here. honestly what most teachers agree to do in our modern American society is nearly or actually heroic. IYKYK ❤️ thank you, teachers. don’t listen to the haters. 

  • TJ November 9, 2021 (7:44 pm)

    Looks like the district screwed this up. Can’t grant days off to everyone that requests them. For a huge bloated beauracracy they have downtown, this shouldn’t happen. But, this “poor me” mentality by teachers is old. You didn’t fall into this profession by accident. Talk of being burnt out and underpaid are ridiculous considering the taxes paid in Seattle in particular for education, which I might add are a state and lesser extent federal obligation. For years the comments on here were the state supreme court would settle when schools were being fully funded. They did with the McLeary decision. Guess what, right after teachers were saying they are still underpaid, while my new property taxes went way up. A couple have commented here they are getting out of the profession, and that’s the way it should be if you want. The kids are the losers here, but they are only cared about at levy time 

  • brandon November 9, 2021 (7:58 pm)

    I think there is a big problem here when a Union, and band of teachers can hold 55,000 students hostage from Education.  It’s not just one building, its the whole District!   Every single school.   Employees are hired to do a job, and if the District cant hold them accountable, then there is a Power Issue here.  Do we expect that a working class can dictate a Policy at their own will and discretion?   No one is saying you can’t take a day off.  Take Monday off.  Take next  Friday off.  But when you feel you can just disrupt 55,000 students on short notice, and not be held accountable, then the District and the Union needs to be held accountable, and stand up to the walkout, because that’s what this is.  Their taking their ruler and eraser and leaving the building, forget everyone else.

  • JobsRHard November 9, 2021 (10:18 pm)

    If you ever want to know what your student’s teacher earns, it is public information. Many teachers in SPS earn more than you think. Many earn 6-figures (classroom teachers, not just principals). https://data.kitsapsun.com/projects/wa-school/The SPS pays some of the highest salaries in the nation. The district’s families deserve better than this. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/the-best-contract-ive-seen-with-teacher-approval-of-new-contract-seattle-educators-could-make-from-63000-to-124000

    • Colby November 10, 2021 (8:19 am)

      And they only work 10-12 hours a day, for 6-7 days a week. Also, being available practically 24/7 for messages from parents and students. Spending hundreds if not thousands of their own dollars a year on their classroom and students. Trust me, I’m married to a teacher. The job is incredibly taxing. Judging by the vile comments made here towards our educators, no wonder why more educators are leaving the profession each year. 

      • Clown November 10, 2021 (4:25 pm)

        You said it!  Many teachers also do planning and grading paper on the weekends and this is beyond their contacted paid time. I have known teachers who on the weekend find a pay phone ( when they used to be in existence ) in order to call and speak with a parent because that parent would not answer a phone call that came from a school district phone number or because they worked during the day and were unable to talk to the teacher during school hours.  I have known teachers who use their own money to buy snacks for students and prizes for positive behavior. I have known teachers who have to visit their doctor and emergency room  after being bitten and scratched and other serious injuries due to working with students with behavior issues.  Sometimes being a special education teacher is an extremely dangerous job.

      • My Turn To Rant November 10, 2021 (5:13 pm)

        As a parent and partner of an educator, I’m absolutely in agreement with Colby. All of you misinformed ranters need to stop complaining about teachers. They didn’t staged a walkout, coup or whatever you want to call it and they’re not a “band” or mob”.  Most were planning on teaching this Friday, it’s the district that messed up, not the teachers. Whether you have children or not, they’re educating the future of ALL of our neighborhoods/cities/states and have more than earned their salary. Contrary to misinformation, they DON’T get overtime pay, bonuses, and vacation pay. They DO work 10-12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week and often over holidays. The Seattle Times article is misleading, it takes about 20 years before a teacher is earning $124,000 a year, it’s NOT a starting salary and MANY teachers will never hit that mark. Many are STILL paying off student loans while making $65,000 a year. Their raises NEVER keep up with inflation…which is 6% this year. Oh, and they’re not the best paid in the country…I can rattle off MANY districts in WA and other states where teachers earn more than SPS. They’re expected to start their year 2+ weeks before your children’s summer vacation ends – some of those days are even unpaid. They work at home every morning/night (on their dime) grading and planning to teach your children. They’re at school before/after their contract time to help your children and meet with you. They spend thousands of their own money buying supplies…for your children….so stop complaining  about unfounded nonsense. You have no idea. MANY teachers in SPS earn LESS than you think. MANY teachers can’t afford to buy a house in Seattle and have to commute, you would be surprised to know that some are on the edge of homelessness because pay have not kept up with inflation. Some can’t afford to buy a car let alone put fuel in it. 

        • K November 10, 2021 (8:44 pm)

          And, we are teaching during Covid, in a classroom probably not well-enough ventilated, reminding our students a thousand times to “cover your nose”, students for whom the pandemic experience was not at all fun or productive or made it easy to return to the classroom. And, subs?  There are no subs—have you not been paying attention? Do you not personally know a teacher? There are no subs. We—the teachers—are the subs for our colleagues, which means (yes, please listen!), trying to rush out our students, gather our laptops, etc., close up our classrooms and then to sprint through the halls within the four-minute passing period to try to teach someone else’s class, often times without plans (and when plans are sent via email, when exactly are we supposed to review them when we have our own classes???), sometimes without technology AND during the only period of the day in which we might get some of our own work completed…or use the restroom, or take a mask break—because ask a teacher about teaching through a mask all day and the effort it takes to be heard!  My district is happening on Friday, and I will be there, but the exhaustion is very real. 

  • mix November 9, 2021 (10:38 pm)

    hey teachers. I’m glad you all get a nice bit of time off. you all work so hard, and deserve this as much as any other profession. hope this will help y’all recharge enough till holidays.

  • Azimuth November 9, 2021 (10:47 pm)

    SPS couldn’t observe Veterans Day on Friday the 12th? Probably would have avoided this problem.

    • SpencerGT November 11, 2021 (5:58 am)

      Yeah, I feel like that would make sense?

  • Steve November 9, 2021 (11:25 pm)

    A plague o’ both your houses.

  • Cera November 9, 2021 (11:45 pm)

    I’m a teacher who had planned to take a personal day on Friday (for personal reasons; not a vacation). There’s been a sub shortage for a while (parents at my school may recall there was a time several years ago when students in elementary classes that couldn’t be covered were split up and sent to other teachers’ rooms—sometimes with their older or younger siblings, and this happened more often than anyone would’ve liked). Anyway, I put my sub request in in August and had a sub all lined up. Then she canceled two weeks ago and there was no one left to cover it.  I’ve spent the last two weeks feeling simultaneously stressed and mad that I’m even in this situation.  Let’s just remember that not all of these requests were last minute things. Also, there are a lot of substitute teachers out there who were expecting to work and get paid on Friday who won’t get to now. I feel awful for all the families impacted by this. I also hate that this means the last day of school is now on a Monday (possibly a Tuesday). This will also impact many schedules I assume. Frustrating all around. 

  • WS Parent November 10, 2021 (5:09 am)

    One last note.  I was a student at a public school when the teachers went on strike.  Decades ago.  One teacher refused to let that interfere in our education. Before the strike, the teacher told us he would hold classes at a nearby church during the strike.  He got most of our class to attend.  He was remarkable.  He made us students aware of the importance of education and invited us to join in the quest.  he made us partners.  Long before the internet.  Today would this happen?

  • KT November 10, 2021 (6:07 am)

    Sad reading all the nasty comments on this post.

  • Adam November 10, 2021 (6:38 am)

    So many comments supporting teachers unconditionally regardless of their actions, and so many comments vilifying teachers regardless of their actions. What I don’t see is any real substantive debate. Virtually every comment is a long biased list of grievances without any awareness of possibly being wrong about any of it, both sides.Where are the adults in the room? I mean this is mostly made up of teachers and parents but what I feel I’m reading is a forum filled with ppl whose ideas I hope don’t trickle down to kids. How incredibly childish this all is. Every comment is “here’s why I’m 100% right and why you’re stupid, callous, even dangerous with your opinion”. “You should never teach, you’re horrible” or “but I’m a teacher, the HARDEST job on the planet”. Awesome. If my kids get into debates, this is the example I should show as how to conduct themselves?

    • Canton November 10, 2021 (8:52 pm)

      Unfortunately things have become so divided in every possible aspect, that this is what you get. No concept of reasonable debate. Once opinions cross, the eyes get red, and the claws come out. A debate used to be calm and rational. Now it’s all emotional and political. 

  • Former tracher November 10, 2021 (7:08 am)

    People should email the Sps ombudsman to voice their frustration. Most teachers aren’t the enemy. 

  • Jessica November 10, 2021 (7:20 am)

    This is about $$. SPS has to pay subs and pay the fulltime staff, shutting down eliminates the cost of subs. There may be a staff shortage but the root of most decision making with this District is about the financial cost regardless of the impact on the students. 

    • N November 10, 2021 (1:10 pm)

      Yep.  Money over human quality of life = American Policy. I wish parents could take more days off to spend time with their kiddos as well. We are all suffering.

    • Math Teacher November 10, 2021 (2:26 pm)

      Not really, because the 600 teachers still have that personal day, which they can now reschedule, which will require sub costs. In fact, if SPS had kept school going by doubling up classes, there would be  lower expenses for substitutes. 

      • Patience November 11, 2021 (6:12 am)

        I agree that this is indeed a Covid-driven situation. Our substitute pool is at an all-time low. Many substitutes either retired or decided to take on a different job when Covid hit in 2020. During non-pandemic times, if a teacher needed to take time off and they could not get a substitute lined up, other teachers would step up and take in all/or a portion of another teacher’s classroom. “Math Teacher”, hopefully you are aware that we cannot “double up our classrooms” due to the Covid-protocol we have been mandated to follow.

    • High Point November 10, 2021 (6:44 pm)

      Jessica, you are absolutely making this up, starting and spreading harmful falsehoods. 

  • Former teacher November 10, 2021 (7:44 am)

    People should email the district directly. Most teachers are not the enemy. 

  • Parent101 November 10, 2021 (10:02 am)

    Why have we parents not received the standard email, text and robocall from SPS? First, we get no notice of the Friday closure until yesterday. And, still, there has been no official notification received from the school district. I suspect not every parent is yet aware of this. SPS…please do better. 

    • WSB November 10, 2021 (10:43 am)

      Check your subscription status – first word we got of this was when a couple parents forwarded us the notification – TR

  • SS November 10, 2021 (12:41 pm)

    I’m really saddened to read so many comments against teachers. I’m not a teacher with SPS, but I’ve been a middle school teacher for thirteen years, and the lack of support from my West Seattle community (at least on this blog) is disheartening. Empathy, folks. 

  • R2 November 10, 2021 (12:44 pm)

    Every sector is experiencing staffing and/or supply shortages. I just find it interesting the directions the outrage is directed depending on whether we’re talking about teachers, police, or even fast food workers. There is a pandemic going on, after all. We are all bound to be impacted. 

  • School RN November 10, 2021 (1:28 pm)

    If it hadnt been this closure, it would have been a closure for another reason at some point. There are multiple operational failures happening throughout the district right now – *operational*, meaning it is the responsibility of district leadership and the board to anticipate, accommodate, and communicate these failures. I sympathize with parents… AND I would also warn them that I wouldn’t be surprised if this happens again this year, for this or another operational reason. We chose to be educators, we enjoy being educators. But right now, we are working as social workers, healthcare providers, mental health counselors, stand-in parents, AND educators. We need your HELP. I would be so grateful if any parents with availability were able to come to schools and volunteer. At my school, it is chaotic. We are desperate for help…. we need your support, please please come to the schools if you can<3

    • Canton November 10, 2021 (9:04 pm)

      As a parent of HP elem. I would be more than happy to help. But I am restricted to the sidewalk of my child’s school because of covid restrictions. I have no idea what my kid’s day is like, because of that fence. Also, my covid immunity isn’t recognized by the school, yet alone the state. Want to help, but too many barriers.

      • S.A. November 10, 2021 (10:20 pm)

        So what you’re saying is you choose not to get vaccinated, but you’re the real victim here.

  • BJG November 10, 2021 (6:23 pm)

    I have helped in the past. It was so rewarding to see young students improve their reading skills and even better, love doing it. I also spent a year as a part time kindergarten helper. I am in awe of those teachers. Some five-year-olds are still very immature. Covid interfered with on-site volunteer helper programs. What is possible now? 

  • M November 10, 2021 (6:53 pm)

    It’s disappointing to see the disrespectful comments aimed at teachers in this thread. They work so hard, and have dealt with much more than any of them bargained for in the last two years. They deserve our support now more than ever. 

  • WS Commuter November 11, 2021 (7:39 am)

    I’m a teacher and I’m working on Veterans Day  to get caught up with all the work I usually do on the weekend for my class.  I love teaching, but it’s a lot of work.  I’d love to have Friday off to plan so I can have a weekend, but I don’t.  Enjoy your long weekend Seattle teachers.  You deserve it.  

  • L M A November 11, 2021 (11:26 am)

    Teachers – there are hundreds more parents and families who appreciate you than these comments would have you believe. Grateful for all teachers and staff especially at Denny! Go Dolphins! 

  • Tracie November 11, 2021 (4:39 pm)

    I am not a teacher and never desired to be one because there are horrible people in the world that create horrible children. That being said, a lot of teachers, when they made the decision to be teachers, saw past the fact that some of  your children would be jack asses, threaten them, act out, be disrespectful, and get zero support from their ” parents” when they try to address it. Keep in mind they are also human beings with families. You can’t say what you would do in their shoes because you don’t really know how you would feel if you were. Stop blaming them. They’re doing what they are being directed to do. It’s a staffing shortage. Since some of you know so much about what a teacher should be doing, apply. 

  • Mrs. A November 15, 2021 (11:49 am)

    Thank you SPS teachers – this is NOT your fault.  We appreciate all that you do for our kids.  Our 2 kids have really thrived at their schools (Louisa Boren STEM K-8 and now Cleveland), despite the pandemic, classroom restrictions, sub shortages, and funding shortages.  Teachers are superheroes!  Just wish the district would have just left this as a day off in August, so parents could have had more heads up…

Sorry, comment time is over.