CITY BUDGET: 6 proposed amendments of note as next phase of process begins

Today, with meetings at 9:30 am and 2 pm, the City Council launches into the next phase of shaping the next city budget: Going through proposed amendments. Almost 200 of them will be rolled out over the next three days. We read the documents for today’s reviews and found six of particular note:

*Almost $500,000 to add air conditioning to the non-A/C area of Southwest Library, for “climate adaptation”

*Two amendments for Camp Second Chance, West Seattle’s only tiny-house encampment – $80,000 to connect the camp to a sewer system in the area, $100,000 to ensure a mobile city hygiene trailer visits CSC regularly

*$380,000 for “Indigenous-led energy efficiency projects in the Duwamish Valley,” described as potentially involving work at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse

*200,000 to support youth leadership programs in the Duwamish Valley, such as the Duwamish Valley Youth Corps

This is just the first of three days in which proposed amendments will be presented – we’ll be going through the documents for the other two days too. Today, the many other proposed amendments also include another of note from West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold (who also proposed the Camp Second Chance and youth leadership amendments mentioned above) – almost $400,000 for animal-control patrols in city parks.

HOW TO COMMENT: There’s still a lot of time to comment before the council gets to the point of finalizing its version of the budget. Most meetings, for example, start with a public comment period; two more public hearings are planned in November. This page has all the information.

11 Replies to "CITY BUDGET: 6 proposed amendments of note as next phase of process begins"

  • Jort October 26, 2021 (10:09 am)

    The funding for animal control patrols in city parks will be very difficult news for the “It’s OK if I do it, because I am special” crowd. Barky-Poopsie’s off-leash adventures on the beaches of Lincoln Park may be coming to an end.

    • Chris K October 26, 2021 (12:51 pm)

      I hope you’re right.  Off leash dogs at our parks has been a growing nuisance.  

  • Disgusted October 26, 2021 (1:06 pm)

    I even had a neighbor walking her two dogs let one poop on my sidewalk as she didn’t know I was walking out my front door and could see her. She walked on not caring that dog poop was on the sidewalk for others to step in or try to avoid. How “entitled” some dog owners are!  

  • Jeepney October 26, 2021 (1:43 pm)

    400k for animal control?  A much higher priority should be placed on monitoring our humans instead of our animals.

    • Lagartija Nick October 26, 2021 (3:04 pm)

      You do understand they’re not going to be ticketing the dogs, right?

  • rb October 26, 2021 (1:59 pm)

    half million dollars to add AC to a portion of a newer building? Is it going to be built in gold? the city needs an economist. 

  • Sue T. October 26, 2021 (4:51 pm)

    Seattle Public Library intends to  spend half a million dollars on more (!?) air conditioning of the Southwest branch library while other West Seattle branches make do with propped open doors and a few portable fans? I question that priority. 

    • WSB October 26, 2021 (5:18 pm)

      The only other branch without A/C is the Admiral (West Seattle) branch. That may have something to do with its historic status but anyway, if you’re opposed, this is why we’re daylighting this buried-in-agendas stuff, there’s time to speak out.

    • heatwavecity November 10, 2021 (6:30 pm)

      The only other branch without AC is WTS and it’s due to being a historic building. Next time we have a heatwave, sit in your house with a mask on with the windows propped opened while you do physical labor and then tell me how you feel after.

  • Flo B October 26, 2021 (7:00 pm)

    YAY for animal control! Hopefully they’ll get dog’s off Alki(rampant) and start CITEING them!. Note to dog owners. If you don’t like the law do the right thing and work to change the law’s you don’t like. Ignoring/breaking the law isn’t a sign of your specialness. It’s just proof you’re a lawbreaker.  

  • anonyme October 27, 2021 (2:42 pm)

    I don’t understand the justification for a half-million extra dollars for library air-conditioning. The following line item was included in a list of 2020 Accomplishments on the SPL website:
    “Completed HVAC energy efficiency improvements at the … and Southwest
    branches”. The 2019 library levy was deceptive enough, in that it included a lot of social services unrelated to library use. Now we’re being asked to cough up a half-million dollars extra for something that not only should have been covered under the levy but for a problem that the library itself claims has already been addressed? Enough with the virtue-flagging. The mayor and council need to get off of their soapboxes and learn to make wiser use of taxpayer money.

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