FERRY ALERT: Some Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth sailings canceled because of crew shortage

Washington State Ferries says the #2 sailings on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route are canceled “for the rest of the day” because of a crew shortage. So if you’re looking to sail on that route, check the schedule for a #1 or #3 sailing.

22 Replies to "FERRY ALERT: Some Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth sailings canceled because of crew shortage"

  • Rick September 11, 2021 (4:16 pm)

    Maybe they should shut down I5 from time to time, or the West Seattle Bridge just for fun.  I will bet everyone who “works” on these methods of transport still gets a paycheck while denying others access to their jobs.  I know. been there.

    • Jess September 11, 2021 (5:19 pm)

      Maybe they are sick. Would you rather they came to work with a bad cough? Or, maybe they had a family emergency. I’ve never seen them cancel a run before so it must be pretty rare that they call out. Whatever happened I’m sure it wasn’t “for fun”.

      Have you ever taken a sick day? If not, is it because you went to work and spread it to others? Why are you complaining about paid leave?

      Sometimes things happen. The people who rely on the ferry are probably inconvenienced, but they aren’t denied access to their jobs. There are other ferries running and there are buses.

    • Brian September 11, 2021 (8:26 pm)

      It’s okay to acknowledge the power of organized labor without the snark and dismissiveness. 

  • Flo B September 11, 2021 (5:20 pm)

    Rick. WSF has been needing and recruiting workers for quite a while. Their problem?? They’re unable to force people to work for them.  They’d LOVE to hear someone say they have a REAL answer as to why people don’t want a career working  for the ferry system. Do you-or anybody else?? 

    • Jeff September 11, 2021 (5:35 pm)

      I heard about shortages, have a pretty flexible schedule, and thought it might be fun.    So I looked into it a couple months ago.  Turns out I needed to be available on call 24/7 on two hours notice.     It’s like trying to get on as a longshoreman; you need to be a completely available mostly non-worker to seriously catch on.   Thanks but no thanks, WSF. 

      • Brian September 11, 2021 (8:27 pm)

        What’s a “mostly non-worker”? Genuine question here. 

        • Jeff September 11, 2021 (9:18 pm)

          It was not artfully stated, but basically saying you aren’t going to fit this in around another job.   They ask full availability and guarantee zero hours of work. 

    • JJ September 12, 2021 (10:31 am)

      Bad hours. Decent pay and benefits, at least in the past. Perhaps they’ve cut the retirement for new employees, like all the other companies have. That would make the bad hours seem worse.

  • Science September 11, 2021 (5:22 pm)

    Hearing this was a “sick out” to protest the state employee vaccine mandate. Any idea/proof of that’s true? Utterly disgusting if that’s the case.

    • WSB September 11, 2021 (5:31 pm)

      There was a rumor of a “sickout” maybe happening last weekend. Didn’t happen. Hadn’t heard any subsequent rumors; there have been many cancellations for crew shortages in recent months.

  • Rick September 11, 2021 (6:58 pm)

    I commuted on the Fauntleroy for over 15 years and many of my friends and customers were WSF workers. Every single one had nothing good to say after retiring. I’m self employed, I don’t work, I don’t eat. Get it?

    • Jeff September 11, 2021 (7:51 pm)

      To be honest I’m still not sure what you are trying to imply.    You just sound general purpose angry.  

  • hj September 11, 2021 (8:16 pm)

    And I just got a notification that one of the ferries is now delayed at Fauntleroy due to “law enforcement activity”

  • Jake W September 11, 2021 (8:27 pm)

    Its 8:25 pm and the 7:40 ferry is now just unloading. They had a passenger on the boat that attacked an engineer and they have been waiting for law enforcement to arrive for over 30 min. Still no sign of WSP. This is the info I got from a dock employee 

    • Jake W September 11, 2021 (8:30 pm)

      Tow truck just arrived 

      • Jake W September 11, 2021 (8:38 pm)

        WSP just arrived 

    • WSB September 11, 2021 (9:02 pm)

      Thanks for the update. We went down the hill to see what the “law enforcement activity” as reported by WS Ferries was about, after a couple texts, and all we could find out was “an altercation.” I’m paging WSF media to see if I can find out something more.

      • Jacob Worobel September 11, 2021 (9:26 pm)

        Boat is still at the dock. WSP just took the suspect into custody and has left

        • Jacob Worobel September 11, 2021 (9:34 pm)

          Hearing now from dock employees that the guy that assaulted the engineer on the boat blew 0.0 and was allowed to drive off the boat. Clearly I am missing a huge part of the incident 

  • WSB September 11, 2021 (9:55 pm)

    Just talked to WSF and WSP.Separate story to come … in short it was a passenger who got mad over masking.

  • Rick September 12, 2021 (6:09 am)

    Hey Jeff, you make your decisions, and then you deal with them. Just sharing my experiences.

    • Ice September 12, 2021 (3:46 pm)

      Nothing you’ve written makes any sense at all. You just sound angry. I’ve had a good laugh trying to figure out what you are trying to say, but it’s still lost on me.

Sorry, comment time is over.