WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglary on video; dumped-likely-stolen bike, suitcase

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight:

BUSINESS BURGLARY: Seattle E-bike (4517 California SW; WSB sponsor) was burglarized just after 3 o’clock this morning. Security video recorded the burglars smashing a window, grabbing a bike and trying to grab another before bolting:

The bike the burglars stole, manager Alex tells us, was a “BESV TRS1 valued at $6,500.”

It was “locked to a stand that was screwed to the wood platform,” but they still managed to tear it away. If you have any info, the case number is 21-208327.

DUMPED-LIKELY-STOLEN BIKE: Abandoned this week in the 5400 block of 23rd SW:

If you recognize it, let us know and we’ll connect you with the finder.

DUMPED-LIKELY-STOLEN LUGGAGE: In this case too, let us know if you recognize any of this:

The finder says it was ransacked and dumped in an open garden on Glenn Way SW.

24 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglary on video; dumped-likely-stolen bike, suitcase"

  • waikikigirl August 12, 2021 (8:10 pm)

    I know you’ve said that these bike thefts are for the thieves … to get from here to there but geez they can’t all be used for get away bikes. Are they selling them or what?

    • WSB August 12, 2021 (8:44 pm)

      That’s what police have said are often the reason for thefts – from yards, etc. – but I’d imagine that the theft of a high-end bicycle in a store burglary would tend to transcend that….

      • Kat August 13, 2021 (11:03 am)

        There is a RV home at the NW corner of 28th Ave SW and Andover that for the last 2-3 months has been collecting bikes of all kinds, and a few days later there are only a few bikes and A LOT of bike parts. If you lose a bike, check here ASAP before more parts are “made.”

        • AG August 16, 2021 (12:01 pm)

          Yeah I see this every time I go to the gym. They literally have a mountain of bikes, like stacks on stacks. They also have grills, canoes, and trash everywhere. One of the RV’s also recently added mismatched solar panels….. Sucks that it’s clear what is happening but nothing is done. They don’t even try to hide any of it. My storage unit got broken into and someone stole my entire deceased grandfather’s coin collection (like 50 lbs worth of coins) and I always wonder if anyone over there has it. 

    • Alex S, August 13, 2021 (1:49 pm)

      Many stolen bikes end up being sold at half value on Craigslist & OfferUp.  Neither company makes any attempt at requiring sellers to list serial numbers, the same way Pawn Shops are required to do.  Buyers of these bikes usually always know they are hot, but the deals are too good for greedy people to ignore.   High-end bikes like this electric one are often taken across state lines, as thieves know people will likely track stolen bikes locally on sites like Bike Index.

  • High Point August 12, 2021 (8:47 pm)

    At least the one kid was thoughtful/thoughtless enough to leave their fingerprints on the windowsill.

  • Tracey August 12, 2021 (8:57 pm)

    Could this be the luggage mentioned in the post on August 7th?  I also remember a post about a car being loaded with luggage to take a kid to college?

    • Sarah Airhart August 13, 2021 (9:30 am)

      That was my first thought too!

  • Jay August 12, 2021 (9:06 pm)

    Perhaps the luggage and camping item are from the WS Crime Watch post of 08/10(where that guy broke into the garage and stole a bunch of items from a packed car)?

    • WSB August 12, 2021 (10:13 pm)

      I flagged the OP from that story. Not theirs.

  • Garage Break In August 12, 2021 (9:11 pm)

    Could the dumped suitcase be a part of the story you ran the other day?  Their garage was broken into with hiking, camping gear & suitcases packed for their daughter to go to college? Maybe not but just a thought.

  • MikeinShorewood August 12, 2021 (9:41 pm)

    So sad- great people at Seattle E-Bike.  Like the others they do not deserve this.  Thank goodness Holmes will not be up for re-election and these thieves can get what is coming to them.  When we have a revolving door and no consequences- this continues to happen to our small business community partners.

    • WSB August 12, 2021 (11:21 pm)

      The City Attorney’s Office has absolutely nothing to do with cases like this. This is a felony burglary. Felonies are prosecuted by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. The City Attorney’s Office handles misdemeanors (and a variety of non-criminal matters).

      • Chuck d August 19, 2021 (12:08 am)

        We took care of holmes. We’re going after King County officials next.

  • Beepee August 13, 2021 (1:00 am)

    As an avid cyclist who’s had their bike stolen, I would say it’s about half and half. Sometimes people just need a way from a to b and they are willing to do anything to get there, and sometimes they need quick money 

  • Chris August 13, 2021 (5:41 am)

    That’s terrible. Seattle E-bike is a great store. They have helped me so much when I needed it. It’s sad that they moved from Pioneer because of crime only to have this happen to them in West Seattle. I wish them the best.

    • Elton August 13, 2021 (12:21 pm)

      I was thinking the same thing. Great store and great people – huge bummer.

  • waikikigirl August 13, 2021 (6:47 am)

    I know it’s a pain and you shouldn’t have to but maybe remove the seat and/or one of the wheels before locking/storing it up for the day? Least for anything get satisfaction that the thief has to stand or have a painful ride while taking off with your bike!

  • DLH August 13, 2021 (7:04 am)

    I am truly grateful for folks remembering the theft of our stuff and wondering if this might be it. Unfortunately, this is not ours. I hope it finds its way back to its rightful owner. Thank you WSB and WSB readers – you are a bright spot in a bummer of a situation.

  • Jeepney August 13, 2021 (7:17 am)

    Very sad to see this.  I hate to see small businesses have to deal with theft in addition to all the other challenges they face.  Hopefully karma catches up with the thieves.

  • Karen August 13, 2021 (7:24 am)

    Emboldened creeps…….. Another small business hit. Much less the law abiding neighbors. All this theft and vandalism costs everyone!!! Hope they find, charge and keep him😕😈

  • Observant Biker August 13, 2021 (7:54 am)

    I will keep an eye out at the two homeless bike chop shops on the route to downtown ( one under the Colorado/Alaska ramp and one on Columbia/Western) .  Hopefully I can spot the unique color scheme on the e-bike before they strip it or spray paint it.

  • wseaturtle August 13, 2021 (9:58 am)

     So sorry Seattle E-bike. Pretty soon every business is gonna be fronted with wrought iron.  

  • Stupid in Seattle August 13, 2021 (11:05 am)

    Check for stolen bikes at the RV bike chop shop by West Seattle Athletic Club on Andover.  I’m sure you will find many previously owned things or drugs of choice within the community of 15 trashed out RVs permanently parked there.  

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