Besides the SW Genesee closure we’ve been mentioning, there’s paving work on SW Avalon just north of Genesee. Traffic is being directed but it’s still jammed (backed up to Fauntleroy).

12 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Avoid Avalon"

  • bolo August 14, 2021 (1:02 pm)

    Does anybody know what the detour route is for bicycles?

    • Eddie August 14, 2021 (2:52 pm)

      Bikes are legally allowed to ride, with appropriate caution, on all sidewalks in Seattle. I rode up that sidewalk all last year during that previous paving project.

    • Eldorado August 14, 2021 (6:54 pm)

      I heard the detour was over the ‘closed’ Andover overpass… don’t mean to make jokes towards you… intended snide remark towards SDOT and city of Seattle shenanigans. It’s just ridiculous what they are subjecting us to. Every detour route seems to be under construction. 

  • Tracey August 14, 2021 (1:25 pm)

    Digging up the new pavement?  Do we know why?  That pavement is 2 years old.

    • WSB August 14, 2021 (1:52 pm)

      If we knew why, we’d hopefully have had advance alert of this, which we would have included in the daily traffic watches along with other stuff coming up. Will of course be pursuing an explanation.

      • C August 14, 2021 (3:13 pm)

        Yea this was causing quite a back up getting out of our neighborhood today and I feel like there was no advance warning from the city. Would definitely have been nice to know ahead of time…

      • Danimal August 14, 2021 (5:41 pm)

        I counted at least three separate new “cut” line markings in that brand new pavement this morning, plus the two that have already been done and poorly repaved for months. It’s outrageous that this is being allowed to happen!

        • WSB August 14, 2021 (7:23 pm)

          The crew was still there as of our drive-through about an hour ago (we took photos of contractor names on trucks – these are not city crews – so I can further trace).

  • Mike August 14, 2021 (1:39 pm)

    Dont even try Avalon.  Big paving job. Long delay.

  • Not Efficient August 14, 2021 (2:18 pm)

    There was a crew patching the potholes on that very stretch on Wednesday.  It would be cool if we could have a lottery to hand out the wasted construction money instead.

  • AnnoyedonAvalon August 14, 2021 (2:47 pm)

    This is really annoying. They have been cutting holes in that section all week. I think it’s part of the new townhomes going up. I couldn’t get out and go anywhere if I wanted due to the back up. This, along with the normal detour of Genesee also having work done is really awful timing.

  • Eldorado August 14, 2021 (7:04 pm)

    Printing Bumper Stickers as we speak: F!SDOT (Finally! Seattle Dictates Our Tragedies)

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