PANDEMIC UPDATES: Weekly check-in #2, 7/18/2021

Though we ended our nightly pandemic roundups at the end of June, we’re now publishing weekly updates. Tonight, the second one. First, the newest numbers.


114,229 people have tested positive – 945 more than a week ago (3,975 in West Seattle, up 39)
6,596 people have been hospitalized – 46 more than a week ago (198 in West Seattle, unchanged)
1,684 people have died – 12 more than a week ago (68 in West Seattle, unchanged)


73.9% of King County residents 12+ have completed their vaccine series (up .7% in the past week)
By West Seattle zip code:
98106 – 76.5%
98116 – 83.3%
98126 – 72.3%
98136 – 84.7%
98146 – 70.3%


Milestone: Statewide, as of last Monday, 70 percent of those 16+ had received at least one dose of vaccine.

Briefing: Missed the briefing by state health officials last Wednesday, first one in a while? Watch it here:

Main message: “The pandemic is not over.” If you want to dive deep into details, the latest report on variants/sequencing is here, and the latest report on breakthroughs (cases that defy vaccination, though the state says we’re not having much of a problem) is here.

Winner: A 23-year-old from South King County won the $1 million grand prize in the state’s vaccination lottery.

Border: Canada’s government says it MIGHT reopen the border to vaccinated travelers next month. We should hear more about this tomorrow morning.


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18 Replies to "PANDEMIC UPDATES: Weekly check-in #2, 7/18/2021"

  • Still masking July 19, 2021 (6:38 am)

    These numbers seem surprisingly high, and after 74% vaccinated. 46 new hospitalizations over a week? What is happening?

    • Still masking July 19, 2021 (7:50 am)

      … well, I suppose it makes sense with all the lifted restrictions and most people not masking anymore, and a percentage still unvaccinated. But still, it’s concerning to see so many in the community sick and being hospitalized, and 12 people dying last week. Those of you unvaccinated, please be especially careful out there, follow the advice for masking and distancing.

    • A July 19, 2021 (8:10 am)

      If you look at NPR COVID map, every state is going up. Masks were lifted way to soon and businesses are dependent on the honor system.

    • Bandana July 19, 2021 (5:36 pm)

      461 new positive tests over the weekend.

      • A July 19, 2021 (6:57 pm)

        The hypocrisy is this Country is outstanding, the same people saying “My body, my choice” are the ones saying abortion is a sin! 

  • Pessoa July 19, 2021 (8:31 am)

    Those who have chosen not to vaccinate have exercised their freedom not to do so.  They accept the risk that accompanies that decision, just like those who refuse to receive a flu shot, or any other preventative therapeutic.   Those with compromised immune systems can take extra precautions, such as masking.  This is the price of a free society, even if some of the healthcare cost for falls on society as a whole. 

    • Sparky July 19, 2021 (11:54 am)

      Let’s be clear about these people however:  They are not simply exercising freedom, but willfully placing others around them at higher risk of infection.  Simply put, they are selfishly putting themselves ahead of the common good. 

      • Pessoa July 19, 2021 (1:28 pm)

        I’m not following your reasoning: Those who refuse to vaccinate and those who are put at risk are one in the same population.  

        • Brian July 19, 2021 (6:38 pm)

          I love it when someone accidentally admits that they don’t think children are actual people. It’s refreshing. 

          • Pessoa July 20, 2021 (8:22 am)

            Let us know when you want to contribute something meaningful, other than juvenile snark.   

  • heartless July 19, 2021 (9:57 am)

    I think what many people forget is that only around half of our population is vaccinated.

    The WSB is good at mentioning that the vaccination rates commonly referred to are only for those 12+, but many other sources, including, often, the City of Seattle, gloss over that fact and tout 70%+ vaccination rates.

    While we’re doing okay on vaccinations–better than some, worse than others–, eliding the fact that the true vaccination rate for the population is about 50% seems unwise at best (and dangerously misleading at worst).

    • Still masking July 19, 2021 (11:56 am)

      Good point, heartless.

    • Pessoa July 19, 2021 (4:39 pm)

      Technically true, perhaps, but misleading as well. You are
      not including the unvaccinated who have naturally acquired immunity; this is a sizable
      number of people. 

  • anonyme July 19, 2021 (10:05 am)

    I’m still masking and following hygiene and distancing guidelines from a few months ago.  I don’t think this is over, not yet, maybe not ever.  Covid is smarter than we are.  Besides, there are a ton of nasty diseases that are spread around by humans, the coronavirus being just one of many.  Yesterday at the Farmer’s Market I saw several people sneezing and coughing, unmasked, without even making an effort to cover.  We’ve learned nothing.

    • smittytheclown July 19, 2021 (12:18 pm)

       I don’t think this is over, not yet, maybe not ever. “Nailed it  It will always be around (like flu, norovirus and others) and continue to mutate and create variants.  Forever.About ~250/day dying nationwide.  ~8,500 die of something else,Everyone who wants a vaccine can have a vaccine.  Time to move on,

  • Mj July 19, 2021 (10:14 am)

    It’s time to foist the blame on the adults who have failed to get vaccinated.  These adults have not only extended the situation but are costing everyone money via higher medical insurance premiums.   

  • Chris K July 20, 2021 (7:43 am)

    It’s so sad how many people do not have a basic understanding of science.

  • High Point July 22, 2021 (6:27 pm)

    Looking at KC data. It’s looking like positive cases are up 500% in WS. Not a great direction as we head towards the start of a school year. 

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