
FOLLOWUPS: West Seattle restroom roundup

Somehow we’ve wound up with three public-restroom updates this afternoon:

LINCOLN PARK BEACH RESTROOMS: The renovated restrooms toward the south end of the Lincoln Park shore are finally unlocked, reports Troy, who sent the pictorial proof. The renovation project started 10 months ago. We last followed up two weeks ago, when Parks told us the comfort station was close to reopening.

ALKI BEACH RESTROOM REBUILD: Two weeks ago we also looked into why this project had gone idle:

The construction of a new building at 57th/Alki started more than five months ago. The problem here: They were waiting for structural steel so they could add the roof and other elements. As our photo from this afternoon shows, that work is under way. The estimated completion date: End of this month.

JUNCTION PORTABLE TOILET: Seven months after fire destroyed a city-funded portable toilet in the 44th/Alaska spot that’s had one for more than 20 years, a new one has been installed, with a handwashing station too:

Pre-fire, this site did not have a handwashing station (though the short-lived one a block east in Junction Plaza Park did). Concurrently, we noticed the portable toilet and handwashing station that used to be in the Salvation Army parking lot in South Delridge are now gone. We have followup questions out to the city and will update with whatever we hear back.

ADDED: From SPU’s Sabrina Register: “In May 2020, the City partnered with The Salvation Army to site a hygiene station on their property on 16th SW. After careful consideration, the nonprofit decided that the unstaffed hygiene station did not align with its outreach goals for people experiencing homelessness and the hygiene station was removed. The Salvation Army continues to work with us to provide hygiene services and resources that better align with its goals. The City hygiene team will evaluate potential new sites across the City to replace sites that have been closed.”

8 Replies to "FOLLOWUPS: West Seattle restroom roundup"

  • Flo B July 7, 2021 (5:08 pm)

    Yay! Flushed with excitement that the Alki restroom will finally be finished!

  • 2cents July 7, 2021 (6:33 pm)

    Its time to potty like it’s 2021

  • Chuck July 7, 2021 (7:19 pm)

    As always, the WSB is always ready with breaking news on the number 1 and 2 stories of the day!   ….Seriously, thank you for your hard work. 😀

  • ERIKA HARNETT July 7, 2021 (8:26 pm)

    Now I wonder if the new fancy water fountains in Lincoln also work. Over the weekend all you could get from them was a tiny trickle of water.

    • WSB July 7, 2021 (8:50 pm)

      Please call Parks maintenance if you haven’t already:
      (or Find It Fix It if you prefer using that app)

  • 1994 July 7, 2021 (11:37 pm)

    Hehe – I appreciate the toilet humor!!

  • Robert J Schmidt July 8, 2021 (2:12 pm)

    Maybe 10s of thousands of people on Alki. Where do they go?

  • Aaron Silverstein July 9, 2021 (8:28 pm)

    We need better bathrooms at the bus plaza at junction.

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