Here’s what stalled the Alki Beach restroom rebuild

(WSB photo)

Alki Beach residents/frequent visitors have noticed a lack of progress lately on the restroom rebuild at 57th/Alki. We asked Seattle Parks‘ project manager Kelly Goold what happened. His reply:

We are waiting on structural steel to finish being fabricated, then goes to galvanizing, then is delivered to the site and assembled. After the steel roof structure is assembled on site, finishes and fixtures will be installed, followed by final paint and concrete work, and power reconnection by City Light. The current schedule is completion by July 26.

The steel fabrication and galvanizing date has changed multiple times in the past weeks. Structural steel in general (especially in the busy Seattle construction market) is very much in demand and difficult to get into production lines. The steel package for Alki is in a fabrication shop in Bellingham, and will be delivered shortly and then site work will resume until completion.

Construction began five months ago, almost a year later than planned pre-pandemic. The new three-stall comfort station replaces an old two-stall building that among other problems had accessibility issues.

14 Replies to "Here's what stalled the Alki Beach restroom rebuild"

  • Sillygoose June 23, 2021 (3:00 pm)

    Bellingham!! Nucor Steel has fabricated Steel and they are local!!

    • Pdxmark June 23, 2021 (6:26 pm)

      Are they set up for that? I thought they only produced rebar.  

      • sam-c June 23, 2021 (7:15 pm)

        yeah, same. I thought Nucor was rebar, not steel shapes.

      • Sillygoose June 24, 2021 (7:48 am)

        Yes! In addition to rebar Nucor fabricates, builds metal buildings, just won Supplier of the Year from General Motors for the plate steel supplied for electric vehicles.  

  • WSOwl June 23, 2021 (3:05 pm)

    Is there also a delay on the Lincoln Park restroom renovation?

  • Eldorado June 23, 2021 (3:42 pm)

    Is there also a delay on the West Seattle Bridge repair?

    • WSB June 23, 2021 (4:38 pm)

      Still on the same tentative schedule SDOT announced months ago. Update due in early July.

  • WSEM June 23, 2021 (5:35 pm)

    The size of the new restrooms looks pretty small.  

  • Junction Lady June 23, 2021 (6:26 pm)

    I agree that it looks small and according to the bulletin, only one additional stall has been added    I’m thrilled the former structure has been demolished as it was disgusting!  I sincerely hope the new facility will be respected by the public and maintained by the establishment.Thanks to whomever made it possible; finally.

  • Robert vogt June 23, 2021 (6:45 pm)

    I ask f Kelly 6 months ago about wha is delaying Lincoln park restroom upgrade it had been over a year sinc the restrooms were closed and “temporarily” replace with port o let’s

    • WSB June 23, 2021 (7:08 pm)

      3 months ago it was a flooring problem. We’ll check on that too. That one, we don’t get to see, as we haven’t been to the Lincoln Park beach since pre-pandemic …

  • Kyle June 23, 2021 (8:00 pm)

    Parks seems to have a backlog of a lot of West Seattle projects. Any update on a timeline for replacing the unplanned safety closed playground at Westcrest?

    • WSB June 23, 2021 (8:41 pm)

      That’s supposed to be done as part of the drainage work. However, the drainage work does not appear to have gone out for bid yet (I just added the list of awaiting-bid projects to routine beat checks).

  • Barnacle June 24, 2021 (10:17 am)

    We are hoping that the new facility will not have a power outlet available to the public. Living on 57th, the street the restrooms face, we have had problems in the past with individuals plugging in boomboxes or amps for electric guitars, and serenading our neighborhood. It usually requires several calls to the Seattle Police to have them enforce regulations against amplified music in public.We realize most of these folks are merely busking, and are not against that. But, especially in these warm days and nights of summer,  it’s nice to open our windows without hearing yet another bad rendition of “Freebird”. We suffer enough beach noise as it is.

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