(Photo by Jen Popp)

The first full week of May begins! Here’s what’s happening:

BLOOD DRIVE: 10 am-5 pm at Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW; WSB sponsor) – check to see if appointments remain.

PCC BOARD ELECTION: Today is the last day for PCC members to vote in the co-op’s board election. Five people are running for three seats, including two PCC employees. 5 pm is the deadline for votes.

FREE FITNESS CLASSES: In honor of Mother’s Day, FIT4MOM is offering free classes this week.

AUTHOR EVENT: 6 pm online, Seattle Public Library presents David B. Williams discussing his new book “Homewaters: A Human and Natural History of Puget Sound” with Mary Ann Gwinn.

READ THE KORAN IN 4 WEEKS: Rev. Ron Marshall‘s latest series of four classes starts online at 7 pm.

Event ahead, online or in-person? Email us so we can add to the calendar – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE MONDAY: 5 notes"

  • HS May 3, 2021 (12:53 pm)

    Such a great photo Jen!!

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