FOLLOWUP: Checking on Bald Eagle rescued in West Seattle park

(Thursday photo by Kersti Muul)

Four days after a listless Bald Eagle was rescued from Don Armeni Boat Ramp, it’s in “stable” condition. That’s according to PAWS spokesperson Laura Follis, who had told us on Friday that vets had diagnosed “severe anemia” and internal bleeding. In our exchange today, Follis added, “Our wildlife veterinarians are re-checking the blood tomorrow and we will have a statement of progress Wednesday morning.” The eagle was taken to the PAWS Wildlife Center after local wildlife advocates teamed with state and local officers to safely capture it for transport to be cared for.

(Thursday photo by David Hutchinson)

We’ll follow up again on Wednesday.

18 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Checking on Bald Eagle rescued in West Seattle park"

  • Kathy March 1, 2021 (5:52 pm)

    Hi,Someone mentioned that they are trying to figure out which mating pair the eagle is from. Do you have that person’s information or can you pass on that we live on Belvidere and Lander and this evening there was a huge bald eagle sitting at the top of a tree for over an hour. It’s unusual to see this and there was not another eagle around. Thank you.

    • Kersti March 2, 2021 (12:17 pm)

      that is me…

    • MikeRussellFoto March 2, 2021 (4:56 pm)

      Over the last several months, my wife and I have frequently seen a single eagle fly past our house, well after sunset, but  with some light still visible. We live near the Admiral Bridge, and it is always flying relatively low and is essentially heading south above Fairmount Ave SW, sometimes veering west above Admiral Way.

      We even saw it fly by the night of the big snow storm a couple weeks back, at 10:30pm! That was quite an unusual site. 

      We’ve lived here for many years and have never seen one this regularly and roughly at the same time of day. Sometimes several sightings in a week. I was wondering if there might be a nest south/west of us, but don’t really know.

      Maybe the one we see frequently is the same one you saw near Belvidere and Lander.

      We have not seen it in the last few days, but that does not necessarily mean anything, as there are sometime several days that go by without seeing it.

  • Julia March 1, 2021 (10:04 pm)

    I’m curious if they can estimate its age. Obviously an adult, but I wonder if it’s elderly.

    • Robin March 2, 2021 (6:55 am)

      I have observed an active pair for about the past month with a nest across the road from Salty’s and up the hill a little.  This past weekend I did not see any activity at all, when I’ve been observing both eagles actively defending the territory, or roosting near the nest.  

      • Kersti Muul March 2, 2021 (12:29 pm)

        The Salty’s pair was present last night. One next to the nest and one flew right into the nest.

    • Kersti muul March 2, 2021 (12:18 pm)

      She is not elderly

  • The eagle has landed March 2, 2021 (7:28 am)

    Thanks to all involved in helping these birds, please reunite this pair. 🙏

  • Mary March 2, 2021 (9:16 am)

    There is an Eagles’s nest in Schmitz Park that has been there several years raising their young.  The male Eagle has been seen leaving the nest looking for his mate for several days. There are eggs in this nest which obviously need attending. ;Perhaps this female eagle is the mate.

    • Kersti Muul March 2, 2021 (12:27 pm)

      Hi Mary, I have been monitoring the nest, as well as meeting with the residents on the street where the nest is. I have also received dozens of emails with observations and photos.I have identified the female through iris analysis and she is of an Alki mated pair.The Schmitz nest pair had two chicks last year, but only one made it and  it fledged around the last week of August. That puts egg laying for this pair around at the end of March. How do you know they laid eggs? Or are you just guessing?You are correct that only one eagle has been seen over there, I am doing everything I can to make sure that she returns home for release. I am still investigating If she is the mate. Either way she belongs here in West Seattle with her mate, whoever she is.

  • Kersti Muul March 2, 2021 (12:44 pm)

    Here is an update:I put out a call to the community last week for observations and photos and I have received dozens of heartfelt responses and valuable historical data.One person (Sharon) sent me photos and I was able to match the female through iris analysis with my photos I took during the capture. I also have photos of this female from June 5 and 6 and she was the one feasting on the seal pup carcass. She is a mated, resident eagle and goes by the name of ‘Bey’I have ruled out her belonging to the Salty’s nest, as many have observed them both. I also, last night got video of one outside the nest, while the other flew into the nest. I have been monitoring the 56th/Schmitz nest and working with the residents of that street, including who has the nest in their back yard. They had two chicks last year that I observed and only one of them fledged. My data shows that it fledged on the last week of August which puts egg laying around the end of March. I find it unlikely that they have already laid eggs. Photo attached of fledgling getting bombed by a Caspian tern.The Lincoln Park pair has been seen together as well.If you have any more information you would like to share with me please email me at  kersti.e.muul@gmail.comI am still investigating who this female is, as far as where she nests, but I can say with 100% confidence she is a West Seattle resident. I am doing everything possible to get her released back home if she survives. I am communicating with the vet and I also am raising funds for her care. Thank you to everyone who has donated or sent me observations. She is a well loved member of our community.You can donate here: donate directly to PAWS care of Kersti Muul’s fundraiser for Alki Eagle ‘Bey’

    • The eagle has landed March 3, 2021 (3:31 pm)

      Awesome work, and thanks for keeping us updated! Get well, Bey 🦅

  • Kersti Muul March 2, 2021 (2:02 pm)

    Not sure why that donate link doesn’t work. This may be better:

    • WSB March 2, 2021 (2:38 pm)

      That platform gunks up links with a bunch of tracking codes, unfortunately.

  • anonyme March 2, 2021 (3:07 pm)

    Great detective work!  Was the cause of Bey’s anemia ever confirmed to be a result of rodenticide poisoning?

    • Kersti Muul March 4, 2021 (7:17 pm)

      it is not. She had an infection that caused hemorrhagic diarrhea, which in turn caused the anemia and lack of protein. She was treated with vitamin K therapy, just in case. Also this is common when a sick raptor comes in…just in case. 

  • Laurel March 7, 2021 (1:37 pm)

    Please post a follow-up when possible.  This story is wonderful.  Thank you!

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