LET’S GROW! HPAC talks gardening tonight; High Point recruiting volunteers for fruit-tree planting

Just three and a half weeks until spring. Two gardening/growing notes:

HPAC TALKS GARDENING/COMPOSTING TONIGHT: As previewed here, HPAC is focusing on gardening/composting during its 7 pm monthly meeting online tonight. Viewing/participation/call-in info is on the HPAC website.

HIGH POINT NEEDS FRUIT-TREE HELP: From community builder Ella McRae:

City Fruit is bringing more Fruit Trees to High Point in partnership with SHA/HOA/OSA and Neighborhood House. Are you interested in joining the High Point orchard planting? If yes, see the opportunities below:

We have two opportunities for volunteers to support!

1. The first opportunity will involve planting bare-root fruit trees. Bare-root trees are not stored in soil; instead, their roots are kept in damp wood chips or sawdust. The benefit of bare-root trees is that once planted, they establish themselves quickly and grow prolifically. However, the drawback is that these trees have to be planted earlier in the season. So, the planting of these trees will actually take place in early March — either Tuesday, March 2nd, or Tuesday March 9th.

2. The second opportunity falls on Earth Day, April 22nd. Although most of the trees for the orchard will be bare-root (and thus will be planted in early March), we will still have some volunteer opportunities related to installing signage and a few potted-tree plantings.

Interested? Contact Tiare, tiare@cityfruit.org, or email Ella @ Ella.McRae@seattlehousing.org.

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