UPDATE: 1 dead in Harbor Island crash

6:18 PM: If you’re in east-facing West Seattle, you might be wondering about this emergency response on Harbor Island:

It’s described as a driver hitting a utility pole near 16th SW/SW Lander – the sizable response was required because the driver was reported to be trapped. No other details yet.

6:26 PM: SFD says the person was “safely extricated” and is being taken to a hospital.

12:26 AM: A commenter said that was inaccurate, that the driver was declared dead at the scene, and we have confirmation now from police. Their report:

A Ford Mustang was southbound on 16th Av SW on Harbor Island. The adult male driver lost control of the vehicle near SW Lander St and collided with a power pole. The driver was the only occupant and he did not survive. TCIS responded. The cause is under investigation.

TCIS is the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad.

1:56 PM: SFD acknowledged the error today and says the victim was a man in his mid-50s.

MONDAY UPDATE: The victim was identified by the King County Medical Examiner as 56-year-old Scott Fern.

11 Replies to "UPDATE: 1 dead in Harbor Island crash"

  • the vincent January 30, 2021 (9:51 pm)

    The driver was D.O.A. when emergency personnel arrived so the report of him being taken to hospital is incorrect. The coroner van was the vehicle on site that removed him. We were leaving work , about 5 co workers were right behind him by less than 2 minutes as it happened. 

    • WSB January 30, 2021 (10:16 pm)

      You know, I thought I heard a mention of “M.E.” (medical examiner) but when SFD tweeted what I quoted above – which remains their only followup:
      …I had to conclude I had misheard. Will ping them to check.

      • WSB January 31, 2021 (12:25 am)

        Police now confirm the death. I’m updating above. Thank you.

    • Alki resident January 30, 2021 (10:36 pm)

      Vincent I’m so sorry to hear this. We’re you all coming from 18 or Vigor? 

    • Ashlei January 31, 2021 (9:33 pm)

      Does anyone know if the driver was speeding? Or if something medical happened, like a heart attack?

  • In Mourning January 31, 2021 (3:01 am)

    Holding all Family, Friends and everyone who’s been touched by this man’s life in my heart and mind today. With a gentle embrace.

  • Chris January 31, 2021 (8:41 am)

    Sad to hear about this. God bless the family of the driver…

  • Mj January 31, 2021 (2:14 pm)

    Sad, I wonder if there was a medical episode that contributed to the incident?  

  • barn owl February 1, 2021 (8:56 am)

    Amazing enough that it was  close to shift change for 3 of the companies that occupy the island that only 5 people were affected and no one saw it happened. Not sure how that is but according to authorities no one saw anything. there are no cameras near the scene, and no one knows much of anything about the person who was killed. I do hope that what ever company he worked for preferably shut down for an hour or a shift or did at least a moment of silence  for a couple of minutes before shift to start to honor the persons existence. It is truly sad when society no longer cares enough to stop and care about one another and speak up and help one another or much less anything else. I do hope that what ever company he was employed by at least helps his family through this horrible time.  

    • Sixbuck February 2, 2021 (2:25 am)

      His family will receive help. We take care of our own. 

  • Melisa Cameron February 6, 2021 (5:23 pm)

    I would like to say thank you to all of you for your comments. I am.very sad to say that the man killed was my cousin. He left behind parents, brothers, a sister and many more family members that loved him deeply. Scott had a smile that lit up the room and a heart he wore on his sleeve. If you knew him, you were family too and I’m so sorry for your loss.

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