CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Junction robbery-rampage suspect charged

Three days after a robbery rampage on the east side of The Junction, 35-year-old Lloyd C. Hill, Jr., is charged with three felonies – two counts of robbery, one count of hate crime. All three crimes happened outside The Whittaker at Fauntleroy/Alaska last Tuesday night, starting just before 8 pm, according to the charging documents, which say that first he held up two people leaving the building, then four people sitting in their car eating, and then waved his gun at a man using the ATM inside the BECU lobby. When a woman waiting in a car for that man got out, she told police, Hill said to her, “Go back to your country – I’m going to kill your husband.” She stepped back; he eventually walked away. By that time the first victims had called 911, and police found Hill by the Bank of America a block to the west.

As noted in our coverage, he was found with a “realistic”-looking airsoft pistol; charging documents also say he had about $48 in cash, close to the sum of what the first two victims handed over at gunpoint. Hill had just gotten out of jail three weeks earlier, after one week behind bars for a case in which he was charged with stabbing a man who tried to interrupt Hill’s assault on a woman outside a Kirkland bar. In that case, he got out after posting bond on $50,000 bail; in the West Seattle case, his bail is now set at %250,000. His record shows two threat cases – one for threatening to kill his girlfriend during an argument, the other for threatening to kill a police officer who was directing traffic downtown – both in 2013.

10 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Junction robbery-rampage suspect charged"

  • 1994 January 29, 2021 (11:16 pm)

    Dangerous guy! Good to hear his days of terrorizing others is over for now. Such risky behavior can have consequences such as ending up in jail, meeting up with a person who has a real gun, or…..

  • Resident January 29, 2021 (11:22 pm)

    May be time to put him in jail before he kills someone. Until we can commit someone involuntarily for long periods of time that will have to do.

  • Done January 29, 2021 (11:39 pm)

    Make this individual accountable for all these felonies. Lock him up, Jesus Christ. Enough’s enough. 

  • Reed January 30, 2021 (7:55 am)

    Picture of this scumbag?

  • wseaturtle January 30, 2021 (8:57 am)

    $50k bail for stabbing someone. Really?

    • D January 30, 2021 (1:03 pm)

      $50,000 is equal to $5000 cash he paid a bail bonds company to get bailed out.  The judge who issued that bail amount is at fault for the repeat offender. 

      • D January 30, 2021 (1:06 pm)

        Does anybody know the name of the judge in this trial?

        • WSB January 30, 2021 (2:06 pm)

          Neither of these cases is anywhere near trial.

        • wscommuter January 30, 2021 (3:15 pm)

          Knowing nothing about the previous offense other than what was reported here on WSB, I am not comfortable criticizing the first judge (almost certainly a District Court judge who sits on the jail first-appearance calendar and would have made this decision) for the $50K bail.  It may well have been appropriate; it also may have been a mistake in judgment – I don’t know and I suspect other commenters here don’t know either.  To folks who have not been in the criminal justice system, it may seem low, but reality is very few offenders can raise $5K to bond out on a $50K bail, so it is not unreasonable for a judge to think that bail at that amount is sufficient to keep the offender out of further trouble one way or another.  This particular knucklehead did make bail, which is unfortunate.  But I am bothered by folks who comment here railing against judges, but who don’t actually know what they’re talking about.  Judges are largely constrained in the decisions they make and they don’t have the free-wheeling power to “lock ’em up” as many posters here think they do.  Bail decisions are driven by public safety concerns first and foremost, but they also have to be remotely consistent and account for other factors as well.  It just isn’t as clear-cut as folks might want to believe when they read an article in the newspaper or here on the Blog.    

          • Rara January 31, 2021 (8:53 am)

            Valid points. I’m happy they caught him. I’m wondering if he was also responsible for recent restaurant break-ins around North Admiral. 

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