ELECTION RESULTS UPDATE: Where the stats stand, one night later

checkbox.jpgAll the post-election suspense is at the national level – but we’re going to present a quick local update anyway.

TURNOUT UPDATE: Will King County hit that 90 percent goal? It’s getting closer – as of tonight, just under 86 percent of ballots countywide had been received; looking just at the city of Seattle, it’s almost 88 percent. (For comparison, the final 2016 percentages were 80.85% countywide, 84.26% for Seattle.)

RESULTS UPDATE: Nothing we were watching at the local/state level was close, and today’s added returns haven’t changed anything. Seattle Transportation Benefit District Prop 1, sales tax to fund extra Metro service, has 8X percent approval, while King County Prop 1, property tax for improvements at Harborview Medical Center, has 77 percent approval. See the updated King County results here, and the updated state results here.

19 Replies to "ELECTION RESULTS UPDATE: Where the stats stand, one night later"

  • HS November 5, 2020 (6:50 am)

    I am excited by the turnout. Almost 90% Wow! So amazing.

  • odds and sods November 5, 2020 (9:40 am)

    Trump campaign observers watching ballot process in Philadelphia….

    who is observing these observers?

  • Mellow Kitty November 5, 2020 (9:55 am)

    Now THAT’S a voter turnout! Well done King County! ❤️

  • RDavis November 5, 2020 (10:44 am)

    When is Culp going to concede? “We The People” chose Jay Inslee in a landslide.

  • Jort November 5, 2020 (11:43 am)

    It’s great to see such high turnout provide an even more clear picture of just how marginalized and at-the-fringe conservatives are in Seattle. People tend to think there’s a right to “both-sidesism” in this city, especially the Seattle Times Editorial Board and the uncreative political leadership of Jenny “I Love Cars” Durkan. I doubt it will happen, but I hope our political leaders begin to seriously internalize just how NON-conservative this city is, and that it is long past time for our politicians to once-and-for-all blow off any conservative whining. This is a mega-ultra liberal city, and that is 100 percent indisputable at this point. 

    • John November 5, 2020 (11:21 pm)

      Give it a rest.

      You might want to get out more and see what has become of Seattle after all of the one-sided governing.Clearly the city does ignores the people you call conservatives.

      Or should I say, those that you disagree with.

      • RDavis November 6, 2020 (7:49 am)

        If you don’t like it here, nobody is forcing you to stay. Head east to be with more people who share your “values.” Perhaps join Culp in the conservative stronghold of Republic. Oh wait, the city council there defunded Culp’s police department while he was running a weak campaign; perhaps Eastern WA is becoming less conservative? There is always Idaho.

        • John November 6, 2020 (12:25 pm)

          The old love it or leave it” argument.I’m old enough to have protested the Vietnam War.That argument didn’t hold then and it won’t hold now.I’ll embrace change from within whenever possible.

      • heartless November 6, 2020 (9:00 am)


        It’s all relative, try to remember that. 

        To you Seattle is very (perhaps too?) liberal.  So you see it as one-sided.  To others, Seattle is nowhere near liberal enough.  So they see it as one-sided in the other direction.  Maybe you would do better to think of it not as ‘sides’ but rather a continuum.

        When you write “Clearly the city does ignores the people you call conservatives,” I understand that you feel ignored–but you must remember that there are many, many liberals who also feel ignored–because they are too far in the other direction. 

        • John November 6, 2020 (12:18 pm)

          Good points.

          But nowhere did I say I am a conservative.

          The point is people like Jort take what they think is the high ground while excluding the opposing view points.That’s why we have gridlock in Congress.

    • D Del Rio November 6, 2020 (8:59 am)

      True, but the city government should represent all people. Even though most us Democrat, we have a split between the ultra liberal, and moderates in this city. Even Sawant only won by a little more then half the vote in her district. Shouldn’t us moderate liberals be represented too? I know many in Sawant’s  district who will not vote her next time around because of everything that happened to the Capitol Hill area. Most of these people are either gay or people of color (or both) too. What happened to compromise on both sides. If we really consider ourselves progressives in this city, shouldn’t we be able to tolerate different opinions without jumping all over each other?  

      • John November 6, 2020 (12:21 pm)


        Tolerance for opposing viewpoints.

  • Mj November 5, 2020 (1:05 pm)

    RDavis – frankly it was like the Seahawks playing a high school team.  If Mr. Inslee had to play against another professional team the outcome may have been different.  

    • heartless November 5, 2020 (2:17 pm)

      One imagines the high school team would have enough sense to concede.

      Which was, of course, the point that you perhaps missed…

    • RDavis November 5, 2020 (3:02 pm)

      Baseless speculation. The fact is that Culp was the best that The WA GOP could do, and he got wrecked. Perhaps they would have faired better with sticky hands Tim Eyeman.

  • oas November 5, 2020 (4:30 pm)

    Trump doesn’t like mail in ballots because it is expected that more Democrats utilized mail in voting, and more Republicans would vote in person. And Trump stacked it this way, by creating an issue around mail in voting, inciting paranoia and mistrust around the voting process, well in advance. 

    It appears this may have been his strategy all along? Encourage his voters to vote in person, so that he could then make an issue of mail in ballots which would heavily favor Democrat voters, and by suppressing these votes, would help him in being reelected.

    By interfering in the vote count process, he is the one committing election fraud, he is the one trying to suppress votes, he is the one spreading fake information and lies, he is the one doing all of the things he is accusing others of!

    This is a disturbing situation. We have a president who is harming our country, our citizens, our democracy and who is trying to find a way to steal a re-election from his opponent who is faring better, in a standard American election.  Of course he is going to claim its faulty, because he is losing.

    We should be mad as hell that someone is trying to interfere with our votes and process, as a means to benefit their goal of remaining in their position of power, and that someone is our current president.

    At this point, with his abuse of power, Trump should be fired and removed from the white house immediately.

    Send in the national guard and get him and his crooked team out of out of the white house NOW.

Sorry, comment time is over.