YOU CAN HELP: Keeping Roxhill Elementary families from going hungry

The Roxhill Elementary school community is casting a wider net to help feed local families in need. Maybe you can chip in too. Jessica sent us this note:

A large number of families at Roxhill Elementary in West Seattle are facing food insecurity. Friends of Roxhill Elementary (FORE), the school PTO, has organized a fundraiser to help out. All donations are tax-deductible!

A lot of Roxhill Elementary families have donated, but we’re a small school of about 250 students. 70% of our students are on free or reduced lunch and 30% of our families are supported by the Seattle Housing Authority. So we really need help from the great folks in West Seattle, not just our school, to hit our fundraising goal.

If you can help, go here.

2 Replies to "YOU CAN HELP: Keeping Roxhill Elementary families from going hungry"

  • Luchroom Assistant October 22, 2020 (10:43 pm)

    Seattle public schools is giving out thousands of meals a day to families and the community. Not only are we providing lunches/breakfast but Farestart donates dinners everyday for families to take home. We also provide weekend bags of non perishable items on Fridays. All are welcome. Please check the link to find your closest meal site. Must wear a mask and use hand sanitizer.

  • West Seattle Food Bank October 23, 2020 (2:17 pm)

    Please feel free to contact the West Seattle Food Bank to see if there is more they can do to support your efforts to keep students and their families fed! Call 206.932.9023 and ask for Fran.

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