VOTING: Nearly half of Seattle’s registered voters have done it already. What you need to know if you haven’t, yet

Shawn Marie sent the photo – she’s in it with Joanne, and she explains, “She’s 85 years young, she’s had hip and knee replacements, but she hasn’t let it slow her down. Every afternoon this week she has stood for 3+ hours at the corner of Admiral Junction in West Seattle with her sign encouraging people to vote early!” And they certainly have – we checked the stats this afternoon, and as of King County Elections‘ noon update, they had received 225,017 ballots, from among Seattle’s 496,224 registered voters – almost half!

The tallies for specific ballot drop boxes lag a bit (and remember these numbers don’t include ballots sent by USPS mail, so they don’t reflect what total percentage of people here have voted so far), but as of the morning update:

West Seattle Junction – 9,752
High Point Library – 7,230
South Seattle College – 1,259
White Center Library – 4,975
South Park Library – 967

If you’re among those who have already dropped off or sent your ballot, you can go here to verify whether your ballot’s been received. If you’re still waiting to get a ballot – call KCE at 206-296-VOTE. If you haven’t voted yet, the drop boxes are mapped and listed here (and of course you can use the USPS mail too, no stamp necessary). If you haven’t registered yet – you can do it online until Monday (October 26th), or in-person after that, all the way up to Election Day (Tuesday, November 3rd).

9 Replies to "VOTING: Nearly half of Seattle's registered voters have done it already. What you need to know if you haven't, yet"

  • sam-c October 23, 2020 (6:15 pm)

    WOW! that’s awesome. Almost half the registered voters have already voted? what is the ‘typical’ voter turnout on a general election? I’ve always been dismayed at the low numbers of total voter turnout, that I am assuming this half is even less than the total of a typical general election.

  • Blbl October 23, 2020 (6:57 pm)

    Thanks for the sign waiving!  I’ve seen Joanne out there for hours in the freezing wind. Thank you. It’s working!

  • randy October 23, 2020 (7:04 pm)

    “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.”  Look this up and remember this.

  • pupsarebest October 23, 2020 (7:20 pm)

    Thank you,  Joanne!  

  • Brian October 23, 2020 (8:13 pm)

    The RBG messaging is kinda strange since the GOP is already going to confirm her replacement ahead of the election and the democratic challenger to the incumbent has already punted on packing the courts (he’s not going to do it).    

  • Keri October 23, 2020 (8:35 pm)

    Yes!  We’ve seen Joanne as well.  Thank you! If you are out next week, we would love to join you. 

  • Gay Gabrilska October 24, 2020 (11:58 am)

    Get out your vote toes

  • daisyg October 24, 2020 (8:06 pm)

    Thank you Joanne for inspiring and reminding people to vote early!

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