TONIGHT: Lowman Beach sport-court proposal, meeting #2

One West Seattle event of note tonight: The second community meeting about a proposed sport court at Lowman Beach Park. The upcoming seawall-removal project will also take out the current tennis court; though there’s no replacement in the plan, a community group is pursuing a proposal to build a sport court – not necessarily tennis, or just tennis – elsewhere in the park (see the “opportunity area” above). That group got a grant for a survey and community meeting (here’s our August coverage here), and plans to announce the results and next steps tonight, 6:30 pm online. To attend:

Meeting number: 146 733 7298
Password: lowmanbeach
(Link here)
Join by phone – 206-207-1700

10 Replies to "TONIGHT: Lowman Beach sport-court proposal, meeting #2"

  • bikerep October 19, 2020 (10:19 am)

    they should build a pump track bike park so riders of all skill and age levels (and skaters) can enjoy.

  • Donna, The Whale Trail October 19, 2020 (11:46 am)

    I can’t go to the meeting tonight because it conflicts with a WDFW public comment session about licensing commercial whale-watching. I hope there is a big turnout of people who don’t want to see the park paved over.

    I was a member of the Citizen Advisory Council that kept Lowman from being replaced with the stormwater detention tank that is now across the street. The park is well loved and well used especially for its green space, trees and beach access.

    I support replacing the tennis court where it is, in its current footprint. If that is not possible, the Tennis Club must find another place. The “Opportunity Area” is not theirs to take.

    Also, replacing pervious surface with hardscape runs counter to County, City, and State initiatives to reduce and filter stormwater runoff. That matters to the salmon and the orcas who swim right by the Park.

    There are unused courts in Lincoln Park that are currently used to store Park equipment. Recommend that the tennis club and the park explore refurbishing those. I’ve submitted these comments to the City. Good luck tonight!

    • alki_2008 October 19, 2020 (8:45 pm)

      Regarding the runoff area. With the current tennis court being removed, then wouldn’t that increase runoff capacity – so then building another tennis court would reduce runoff capacity to what it currently is.

      I don’t really care about whether there is a new tennis court or not, but I would like to see maybe a half-court basketball court. Something that will bring more activity to the park. Either a new tennis court, basketball, anything but just open space that is prone to becoming ‘occupied’ by tents.

  • thatonecommenter October 19, 2020 (12:38 pm)

    After the survey grant runs out what would be the path forward for funding this? Most (if not all) existing park projects are on hold in West Seattle due to COVID-related funding shortages. Charlestown, Morgan Junction and Alaska Junction parks work all were suspended earlier this year according to the Current Projects Statuses.

  • Robert October 19, 2020 (12:51 pm)

    It would be nice if there was an area to launch kayaks and paddleboards.

  • Lincoln park mom October 19, 2020 (1:02 pm)

    I am the complete opposite.  I want to see more recreation for older kids who are too big to play on structures and can’t afford to join a club.  We need to bring kids of the neighborhood together and do constructive things outdoors. This keeps teens entertained, exercising and meeting new friends.  Right now, teens just gather in the junction with nothing to do but loiter or home playing video games. .  We have amazing parks!  Lowman included!  We can have both without compromising our tranquility of green space.  This is everyone’s community not just a select few.  Just my two cents.

    • Donna, The Whale Trail October 19, 2020 (3:09 pm)

      Lincoln Park Mom, what do you think about refurbishing the unused courts in Lincoln Park? Then there is no loss of green space, and the pickle ball and tennis players have a place to play too. 

  • Math teacher October 19, 2020 (3:28 pm)

    I am strongly opposed to the tennis court or multi-sport court.  The existing family-friendly open space is sized right for tossing a frisbee,  laying a blanket on the grass for a family picnic, or just hanging out.

  • Chemist October 19, 2020 (6:26 pm)

    I appreciate the photo of all the underground vaults and pipes going through the “opportunity area”.  I guess the meeting will explain that the potential need to maintain those will preclude building public restrooms or structures like shelter houses over them.

  • Deb October 19, 2020 (7:37 pm)

    @ Robert – The alley along the south side  of Lowman Beach Park leads to a  popular watercraft put in area. Check it out!!

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