West Seattle Amateur Radio Club’s testing triumph

Amateur (ham) radio is more than a hobby – many hams play vital roles in community preparedness work, and other volunteer roles such as safety logistics for big community events (the West Seattle Grand Parade, for example). But you need a license – and that requires a test. The West Seattle Amateur Radio Club recently provided a round of testing with unique challenges posed by the pandemic and more. WSARC’s John Walling sent the photo and report:

Five people took the FCC Amateur Radio Service License Exam provided by West Seattle Amateur Radio Club. Three exam levels were provided: Technician (for new hams), General, and Extra (for existing hams). Three new hams passed the Technician exam, one ham moved up from Technician to General, and one ham moved up from General to Extra.

The exam was held with a two-week lead time and under adverse conditions caused by COVID-19 and high levels of smoke from wildfires. The test was planned for outdoors but was moved indoors to avoid the smoke hazard and was held with safe distancing and COVID-19 precautions. As each participant signed in, their temperatures were taken with a forehead infra-red thermometer to verify they had normal temperatures. Masks were worn by everyone. Hand sanitizer and wipes were plentiful. Five Volunteer Examiners (VE) and a VE Coordinator (VEC) supervised the exam according to ARRL guidelines.

Testing facility was provided by Beckwith and Kuffel (1313 S. 96th).

WSARC has more info and photos here

10 Replies to "West Seattle Amateur Radio Club's testing triumph"

  • Mike September 26, 2020 (3:28 pm)

    That’s awesome, nicely done staying safe and keeping things moving forward too.

  • Peter September 26, 2020 (7:21 pm)

    Well done! KO4DEM

  • Thomas September 26, 2020 (9:25 pm)

    Nice to hear something positive, these days.73 de HB9SFG

  • Aname (AnnaMay) September 27, 2020 (12:29 am)

    Any word on testing like this in Oregon? I would love that!♡♡♡

  • PU2MAX Sandro Silva September 27, 2020 (4:55 am)

    Muito bom, aqui no Brazil falta essas coisas de insentivo ao Radioamadorismo.

  • Greg September 27, 2020 (8:48 am)

    Welcome to the community.  I’ve always felt like Ham Radio is the original way of geeking out and that video games were a gateway to an FCC licence, or vice versa…  73 KB7JLE

  • Jim September 27, 2020 (11:10 am)

    Covid-19 has not reduced the demand for test sessions. It is so nice to see the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club step up and put this together to meet the requests for a test session. Congrats to the new hams, and great job on the upgrades to General and Amateur Extra. 73 WS7JIM

  • Brian September 27, 2020 (11:44 pm)

    Thanks for the reminder. Studying now!   

  • Paul, WB0BBC September 28, 2020 (7:40 am)

    Excellent!   Keep on bringing new members into our great hobby.

  • John Waling September 28, 2020 (7:20 pm)

    VEC Correction: The VEC Liaison and test coordinator was Dave AA7XX. Dave was also one of the VE’s.VE’s are credentialed by the umbrella VEC.The Volunteer Education Coordinator (VEC) used by WSARC is American Radio Relay League (ARRL)Learn more about VECs on FCC’s websitehttps://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/amateur-radio-service/volunteer-examiner-coordinators— John KI7YRA

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