ELECTION 2020: Here’s when you’ll be able to start voting

checkbox.jpgWith a little over five weeks until Election Day, there’s been so much talk about early voting, some people have asked us why they don’t have a ballot yet. King County Elections mails ballots about three weeks in advance – this time around, they are scheduled to go out on Wednesday, October 14th.

After receiving a suggestion that voting could be done earlier online, we checked with KC Elections, whose spokesperson Halei Watkins explained that it was “available for service and overseas voters starting on 9/18. Ballots for those voters are mailed out on the same date – they get extra time per state and federal law because it can take longer for their ballot to arrive to them/get back to us via international mail. The law calls for 45 days in advance for those voters and we get them out the door a day or two before that deadline.” Otherwise, Watkins continued, “For all local voters, you can access your ballot online starting on 10/14, the day regular ballots are mailed. All voters should expect to see their ballot by the 10/19 mail delivery. We saw normal mail delivery times in the Primary, with 99.96% of ballots delivered within five days, and expect to see similar delivery times in the General. We’ve also added some mail tracking features to both outbound and inbound ballots so we can have a better sense of where each individual ballot is in the mail stream.”

As for returning your ballot, the county’s drop boxes open October 15th, the day after ballots are mailed. As we’ve reported, there are now three in West Seattle – South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) in front of the central administration building, along with The Junction (SW Alaska west of California) and High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond). For some West Seattleites, the drop boxes outside the South Park (8th Ave. S. and S. Cloverdale) and White Center (1409 SW 107th) libraries might be more convenient.

However you plan to vote, take note that there are major local ballot measures to decide as well as national and state races. You can start researching via the KC Elections website – ballot-measure info is here, candidate info is here.

(Not registered to vote? There’s still time – here’s how!)

10 Replies to "ELECTION 2020: Here's when you'll be able to start voting"

  • onion September 27, 2020 (5:22 pm)

    Wish I could vote today. I hope everyone feels the same way. It isn’t a democracy if people don’t vote.

    • The King September 28, 2020 (7:20 am)

      Jay inslee says all of our votes count !!! If that were true we would have $30 tabs. 

  • Jeannie September 27, 2020 (6:56 pm)

    I agree, Onion. This is probably the most crucial election of our lives. We need to support the democratic process. VoteForward (votefwd.org) has a volunteer program where you can send letters urging people in other states to vote. It’s an easy project, and we don’t tell recipients to vote for one candidate or another – just vote! We’re fortunate that we live in a state that makes it so easy to cast our ballots. But people in other states are willing to stand on line for hours – voting is so imporant.

  • Alf September 27, 2020 (8:17 pm)

    I’m sorry but confused where in the junction the drop box will be specifically thanks

    • WSB September 27, 2020 (8:38 pm)

      It’s already there, drop boxes are in place year-round though not open until voting time. South side of Alaska, between California and 44th, along the sidewalk on the north edge of the parking lot behind KeyBank. This Google Maps Street View link should show you.

      • Alf September 27, 2020 (9:22 pm)

        Thank you!

  • uncle loco September 28, 2020 (12:07 pm)

    I’m looking forward to the gubernatorial debates.

  • nf September 28, 2020 (1:18 pm)

    Will there be extra precautions taken so ballot boxes aren’t interfered with?

  • come together September 28, 2020 (5:05 pm)

    As we head into this critical election, I hope everyone is asking themselves, who would be better for serving and uniting our entire country? 

    Our country is weak and vulnerable if divided and not peaceable, and we are currently losing respect and our good standing in the world.

    Arguably, the most beautiful thing about our country is our diversity, inclusiveness, and united-ness, even with all of our differences. 

    With the diversity in our country, it is critical to have a president who will represent and unite the entire country, not just rally for their parties and followers support, which is what we’ve had with Trump. 

    And, speaking specifically for a moment, to those who say they understand and support racial justice, but are frustrated/annoyed/tired of the protests…

    If this is how you truly feel, the only presidential vote that makes sense, is to vote for Biden.

    The escalation and unrest that has occurred at this moment in time, is in part because of our current president. His attitude, rhetoric, actions, and response to the issues and protesting, has only increased the need for protesting.

    With a president who is more aligned with social and racial justice issues, and respectful of the right to protest, as Biden will be, the protests can begin to quiet down.  

    Once those concerned start hearing good things from the white house, and more action is taken for positive change, the protesting will subside.

    And, so long as there is sustained attention on these issues and appropriate responses when issues arise, I would expect any new protesting around these issues will be less intense.

    You have to look at who we currently have as leaders, and look at the current state of things, and understand there is some correlation.

    We all have to vote with our conscious, heart, and mind and decide for ourselves, who will be best for leading our entire diverse country. 

    Do you really want more of all this in 2021? 
    Or are you going to vote for an opportunity for change and progress and less divisiveness?

    Whatever your perspective, whatever you decide, please VOTE!


  • come together September 29, 2020 (12:34 pm)

    First presidential debate is tonight, 6pm! 

    There is so much happening in our country at this moment, so much at stake with this election… please tune in!


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