BACK TO SCHOOL: Ice-cream truck fundraiser next week

September 3, 2020 9:58 am
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 |   Genesee Hill | How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Even with school starting remotely for most local students, supplies are still needed, and as we’ve noted before, that means fundraisers are too. The Genesee Hill Elementary PTA invites the community to be part of a tasty fundraiser it’s planning next Wednesday (September 9th):

Join us to eat ice cream at a distance!

Buy an ice cream cone from the Full Tilt Truck while it’s across the street from Genesee Hill. $6 per cone, with part of each sale going to the GHE PTA Supply Drive. All are welcome!

Check out the new GHE swag samples when you stop by!

Wear a mask. Social distancing guidelines will be followed. Vegan option available.

The truck will be at 50th & Dakota, 3-6 pm that day. Looks like ice-cream weather – could be in the 90s!

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