VIDEO: Mayor, police chief talk about council’s proposed SPD cuts

2:16 PM: Just under way, 15 minutes later than originally announced, Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best are having a news conference to “discuss the City Council’s proposed 2020 cuts to the Seattle Police Department.” Tomorrow, councilmembers are scheduled to vote on the amendments that would lay the groundwork for those cuts (here’s our Monday coverage). You can watch live via Seattle Channel‘s stream, above or here; we’ll add notes as it goes.

The mayor opens by re-stating that she had originally proposed a $20 million cut in the 2020 SPD budget, with the chief’s involvement, because of the city’s COVID-19-related budget crunch – and that they already have proposed an additional $76 million in changes for next year. She insists, “The chief and I share the goal of much of Seattle” of “reimagining policing.” Then she notes that the council has to some degree changed its tune on halving this year’s remaining SPD budget, and says that “the council is looking in the right places but in the wrong year.” She contends that the council is still proposing something “all but impossible,” an almost immediate 100-officer cut. She also contends the council’s suggestion that the chief pursue “out of order” layoffs so that those cuts wouldn’t come from the newest, most-diverse recruits would be an unimaginably red-taped process. She also says it’s short-sighted for councilmembers to cut “data-driven policing” and “implicit-bias training.”

2:28 PM: She’s all but pleading for collaboration with the council and says she spoke today with its president, Councilmember Lorena González. Then she says she’s disappointed that to date the council has not spoken with the chief, who she calls a “national leader.” Another plea to the council: “Take the time to get this right. … We will only get this right if we work together.”

2:37 PM: The chief takes the microphone and begins by saying she and SPD have “heard loud and clear” the calls for change. She defends the department as a national leader in reform “and we have more planned.” She acknowledges “we can function better (and) more equitably. … We implore you to hold us accountable.” Regarding the council’s specific proposals, she says some are good ideas but lack “a plan.” She says she can’t make dozens of layoffs all but immediately without a plan to “bridge the gap” in services that she says would result. She says it’s up to her to figure out how to deploy her staff to ensure public safety, not “granular” instructions from the council, which she calls an attempt to manage SPD’s “day to day” operations. She also brings up the council’s proposal to cut the Public Affairs Unit, which she says would slow down getting information to the public. She also says the department wants to “hear from every member of the community.”

2:55 PM: In Q&A, the chief is asked (among other things) whether she agrees with the council’s expectation that 30 officer jobs can be cut via attrition – not necessarily, she says, absent clairvoyance. Responding to another question, the mayor says she agrees the department could have a smaller “footprint” of armed officers but that takes planning. “We shouldn’t be looking just at the numbers of how many police we have (but also) we should invest in community.”

3:07 PM: The mayor wraps with a plea for “working together.”

WHAT’S NEXT: We’ll add the archived video when it’s available. Meantime, the council’s budget meeting is scheduled for 10 am tomorrow (Wednesday, August 5).

4:26 PM: Video added.

32 Replies to "VIDEO: Mayor, police chief talk about council's proposed SPD cuts"

  • Jamie August 4, 2020 (2:51 pm)

    There is a typo in this article. It refers to Carmen Best as “the thief” instead of the Chief.

    • WSB August 4, 2020 (3:01 pm)

      Thanks, fixed.

      • Lispector August 4, 2020 (3:14 pm)

        I think you had it right the first time.

        • West Seattle Hipster August 4, 2020 (4:24 pm)

          Can you elaborate on why you feel Chief Best is a thief?

        • lol August 4, 2020 (9:56 pm)

          My thoughts exactly!

        • wscommuter August 4, 2020 (10:41 pm)

          Great – smearing a good and dedicated public servant.  Nice – very classy.

          • Derek August 5, 2020 (11:33 am)

            She smeared us with tear gas. Screw Best. She needs to be fired. Makes 325k a year too. That’s absurd.

  • Mellow Kitty August 4, 2020 (3:23 pm)

    I don’t think de-funding SPD is the answer. Maybe re-prioritize how current funds are distributed. More training in de-escalation, fewer military vehicles and weapons, some sort of way to track police officers who have been reprimanded/fired for use of excessive force yet are able to transfer to a different department . . . Just a few ideas.

    • 1994 August 4, 2020 (10:53 pm)

      The SPD needs to be able to manage discipline. We hear via the media about police officers who have done something questionable, got caught, the questionable activity or behavior gets a disciplinary action by SPD management. Then the police union appeals, the discipline is over rode and no consequence for questionable activity or behavior….that angle of running the police department seems like they can’t run their own department.  Reminds me of high school where we had a horrible teacher. I complained with my parents to the principal. We had a meeting with the teacher who insisted on having a union rep present. The teacher received absolutely no consequences for terrorizing students such as calling them stupid in front of the whole class, “What, are you stupid?” he would exclaim.  The entire school including management knew this teacher was a terror but the union managed to keep him employed. 

  • Mr K August 4, 2020 (4:03 pm)

    The council has already said they won’t be halving the budget this year since SPD has already blown through it. The majority of the council also hasn’t endorsed a blanket 50% cut, that’s what protesters are asking for and won’t get. The Mayor and Chief are being ridiculous trying to stoke fear in communities like ours and acting like victims. I would hope both of them reconsider their actions and absolutely yes work with the council and stakeholders. 

    • Sam August 4, 2020 (5:01 pm)

      Anyone who thinks that reducing police won’t lead to more crime is fooling themselves. That’s what’s happened every time, everywhere, including today. Crime rates are rising as police pull back.

      • Gwen August 4, 2020 (6:27 pm)

        The crime rate isn’t actually rising like a lot of folks claim. The rate of violent crime is still down over the past thirty years, statistically speaking. This article by FiveThirtyEight covers this a lot better than I can. And as far as crime rising as police pull back…no. Police aren’t pulling back. Nothing has been defunded yet. If crimes are increasing, it’s happening while police are fully funded, which might be good evidence that we need to look at other solutions than just policing.

      • Seattle Jared August 4, 2020 (9:20 pm)

        I agree with Sam, it’s simple math.  Certainly response times to 911 calls will go up.  We’ve had this discussion with police in WS for many years, that we want to see more units in our high crime activity areas.  These city council changes will by definition accomplish the opposite.  Can some police functions be transitioned to other community organizations so that police are not responding to non-crime situations?  Of course!  Can SPD examine its policies around protest engagement?  Of course!  Should it discipline and/or prosecute officers that abuse the public?  Of course!  Should there better de-escalation training?  Of course!  None of these issues will be helped by having fewer officers or reducing the training available to them.  We need to support our officers more, not less.  Thank you all my neighbors for having this challenging discussion, it’s a hard time and we all want it to be better.

    • WTF August 4, 2020 (8:03 pm)

      Mr K – Don’t get it twisted. The CC backpedaled after being asked by the Mayor to clarify their forceful recommendations, which were based on emotion and not collaborative logic, direct knowledge, or data! The SPD has not “blown” through its 2020 budget; understand budget allocation and finance before making false claims. A majority of the CC has indeed asked for a 50% cut in 2020 and another in 2021, again, before they started backpedaling. The Seattle budget is reviewed and passed by the CC before being signed by the Mayor, so they should understand the process (clearly they weren’t paying attention in class). The  CC knows nothing about policing and has never had a conversation or consult with the one person in the room who does more than anyone! I mean, who does that?! Really. This CC is attempting to make decisions based on the emotion they’ve churned up (Seattleites are so gullible) and without data to back up their claims. They fear the data because numbers and trends don’t lie.  Fear-mongering is much more pervasively expressed by the CC than any group in Seattle, and the only victims here, if CC has their way, are yet to be realized. 

      • Kadoo August 5, 2020 (6:47 am)


      • Mr K August 5, 2020 (12:07 pm)

        We didn’t have a government class in my school,  we’ve been defunding schools for decades while amping up police budgets. Maybe its time to rethink the process rather than asking for more of the same.

  • TreeHouse August 4, 2020 (5:15 pm)

    I would like to see the “Recall Durkan” initiative get started. 

    • WSB August 4, 2020 (5:23 pm)

      Somebody already has something going on that. Citywide media has covered court hearings.

      • WS Rob August 4, 2020 (9:44 pm)

        The “Stop the Defund” petition should double as a recall petition of the Mayor and the entire city council…  150k and counting…

        • Derek August 4, 2020 (10:09 pm)

          Fat chance. I want defunding and many of my friends do too. 

  • onion August 4, 2020 (5:50 pm)

    I believe the council is being ridiculous by no working with the police chief and mayor. Nothing good can come of their reform proposals unless they working together.  When is the next council election? I’m starting to feel as negative toward the council as I do toward Trump, and in the latter case November can’t come soon enough .

  • MMM August 4, 2020 (9:04 pm)

    Please address the Alki beach situation in your blog daily – this is escalating everyday.  Please take a visit to the beach right now and report on it to the West Seattle community.  The Beach is over run at night, no one social distancing, no masks,  cars ripping around all night, partying until 6 am, the businesses on the beach drop significantly in volume after 7,  drive by shootings, no obeying the closure rules, no enforcement, illegal fires on the beach,  chaos.  Mayor Durkan, Chief Best and CM Lisa Herbold – please address the escalating chaos on the Beach.  

    • WSB August 4, 2020 (10:17 pm)

      We can’t go there tonight. Will do our best tomorrow.

  • Raye August 4, 2020 (9:39 pm)

    MMM, you’re right, but I hope you’re contacting Durkan, Best, and Herbold in addition to posting here.  In fact, you’ve inspired me to contact them myself!

  • Derek August 4, 2020 (10:19 pm)

    I support defunding of the police. I am a homeowner in West Seattle and have been for awhile. I have seen police terrorize black teens on Delridge and White Center for years. I had my eyes opened up to the brutality of the police with close POC friends who live this terror daily. If you went to the march and heard the speakers in Highland Park a month ago, you’d know that SPD is not innocent. It’s time to re-invest in community. More money for affordable housing and mental health facilities. More money into our schools and higher education for the poor. Less money on tanks and tear gas. 

    • WTF August 4, 2020 (11:47 pm)

      You know White Center is King County Sheriff’s jurisdiction don’t you? Because you are referring to SPD, correct?

      • Derek August 5, 2020 (11:34 am)

        I do know that. I am just saying what I’ve seen police do first hand. KCSO should be defunded too. Not just SPD. 

  • T Rex August 5, 2020 (7:54 am)

    Be specific Derek, claiming they are terrorizing black teens is not a fact. It is your opinion. 

    • Raptor August 5, 2020 (1:35 pm)

      You’re right, the accurate statement would be that police terrorize people of color of all ages, stating it’s only black teens is not accurate.

  • anonyme August 5, 2020 (8:27 am)

    I don’t feel like anyone on either side is listening to the people who want rational discussion and sensible planning in regard to policing.   I did sign the stop defunding petition, only because I feel it’s going too fast and based on some unreasonable demands.  Then I started getting equally irrational and hyperbolic emails from the Police Guild that resembled some kind of alt-right attack, complete with exaggerated GIFs of council members.  Juvenile and inappropriate.  As usual in Seattle, it feels like there are no adults in the room, just a bunch of screaming children on both sides.  Not entirely unexpected on the protest side, but I expect police representation to act professionally.  If they can’t, then how can we expect the police they represent to behave?  Clearly, the Guild is part of the problem, not the solution.

  • T Rex August 5, 2020 (1:53 pm)

    That too is simply an opinion without fact based data. 

  • anonyme August 5, 2020 (4:01 pm)

    I don’t feel like anyone on either side is listening to the people who want rational discussion and sensible planning in regard to policing.   I did sign the stop defunding petition, only because I feel it’s going too fast and based on some unreasonable demands.  Then I started getting equally irrational and hyperbolic emails from the Police Guild that resembled some kind of alt-right attack, complete with exaggerated GIFs of council members.  Juvenile and inappropriate.  As usual in Seattle, it feels like there are no adults in the room, just a bunch of screaming children on both sides.  Not entirely unexpected on the protest side, but I expect police representation to act professionally.  If they can’t, then how can we expect the police they represent to behave?  Clearly, the Guild is part of the problem.

Sorry, comment time is over.