WEST SEATTLE PROTESTS: What’s planned on Sunday, Monday

Lots of questions about protests coming up in West Seattle. Here’s what’s been mentioned to us so far. :

SUNDAY: As mentioned last night, Pigeon Point neighbors plan a demonstration at 20th/Charlestown, 11 am.

SUNDAY: Also as previously mentioned, a march is planned from High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW) to Delridge Community Center (4501 Delridge Way SW), starting at 2 pm. We’ve heard twice from organizer Brandon, who says this is the motivation:

MONDAT: Admiral Church is continuing with “Take a Knee for Justice”:

Admiral Church will be sponsoring weekly “Take a Knee for Justice” events on the church lawn at 8 pm on Monday evenings through the end of June (June 15, 22 and 29). We will kneel in silence for 8 minutes to grieve together the deaths of all those persons of color who have been murdered by white supremacy and to protest racial injustice. Then we will sing a song together; no speech-ing, no preaching, just coming together as a community. Bring masks and protest signs if you have them; we will also have some available. Join us!

Anything else? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302 – thank you!

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE PROTESTS: What's planned on Sunday, Monday"

  • ally cat June 14, 2020 (10:18 am)

    Just watched this story and wanted to share. A law abiding black man being ordered to the ground and restrained simply for matching a suspect description of a black man wearing grey. If you’re a white man, out on a jog, can you imagine this happening to you? For simply being white and wearing a particular color? I wonder how often that happens…


    • uncle loco June 15, 2020 (5:21 pm)

      I’ve been pulled over at gunpoint a few times  for various reasons. I remember pulling into work about 25 years ago and being surrounded by four cops with guns drawn and had to lay face down in the dirt in front of my employer and coworkers.  Apparently my work vehicle (company owned white van) matched a stolen vehicle or something, not much explanation after they figured out they had the wrong dude and they just left in a hurry. It really didn’t bother me, I realize the police have a job to do and part of that is going after bad guys, sometimes others will match the description of who they’re after.

      • ally cat June 15, 2020 (7:38 pm)

        Assuming you are white, guessing you probably felt a certain level of trust with the police and weren’t concerned they would unjustly kill you.

        Statistically, a black man may not survive those interactions.

        Did a police officer kneel on your neck?

        Did you watch the video I shared? Ask yourself this… did it appear necessary for multiple officers to come at him with guns pointed, order him to the ground, and put a knee on his neck? The man immediately froze when he saw the cop, showed his hands, got down on the ground…

        The point is there is an issue with police overly using force, and black people are disproportionately harmed and killed in police interactions, unjustly.

        If you’re white, you are largely afforded a different perspective of the police and their actions.

  • Cathy Jimenez June 14, 2020 (12:04 pm)

    I’m wondering what the route is for this March?

    • WSB June 14, 2020 (12:56 pm)

      I asked organizer Brandon but no reply, so we will be asking when we get there.

  • Jared June 15, 2020 (1:39 pm)

    Is there going to be one Monday as well? Missed this yesterday and would love to participate

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