CORONAVIRUS: Friday 5/29 roundup

Busy afternoon, with news conferences by the governor, county executive, and mayor. That’s where we begin our nightly roundup:

SO WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? After Gov. Jay Inslee‘s event at 2:45 pm, Executive Dow Constantine‘s event at 4 pm, and Mayor Jenny Durkan‘s event at 4:35 pm, this is what’s happening: The statewide Stay Home, Stay Healthy order will NOT be extended – when it expires Sunday night, it’s done. The “Safe Start” reopening plan now has new county-by-county flexibility – so some counties like ours that aren’t eligible for Phase 2 can instead seek to move into a “Modified Phase 1”:

Details of the revised reopening plan are here. Our county plans to apply for Modified Phase 1 permission, and the review could take just a few days, What would be allowed to resume? The King County news release has details of what they’re seeking permission for. Some of it, though, requires further accommodation – most notably outdoor dining, which most restaurants don’t have. Expanding space for sidewalk cafĂ©s or “streeateries” would require city permission, and the mayor said during her news conference that discussions are under way.

MORE FACE-COVERING USE: One big component of what the governor announced today – more use of face coverings will be key to continuing to keep the virus at bay. From the announcement:

Beginning June 8, all employees will be required to wear a cloth facial covering, except when working alone in an office, vehicle, or at a job site, or when the job has no in-person interaction. Employers must provide cloth facial coverings to employees, unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection under the Department of Labor and Industries’ safety and health rules and guidance. Refer to Coronavirus Facial Covering and Mask Requirements for additional details. Employees may choose to wear their own facial coverings at work, provided it meets the minimum requirements.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO *YOUR* BUSINESS? Are you gearing up to reopen or resume service? How and when? Share your story –

DATAPOINT: The Stay Home, Stay Healthy order was originally announced March 23rd. We’ll never forget that day for another reason – that same afternoon is when the city announced it was closing the West Seattle Bridge.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health daily-summary dashboard:

*8,006 people have tested positive, 29 more than yesterday

*554 people have died, 2 more than yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 7,697 and 537.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

DON ARMENI BOAT RAMP REOPENING: This got lost in all the afternoon announcements – we just discovered this news on the city website, saying that Don Armeni Boat Ramp reopens tomorrow. Goes with this photo Stewart L. sent tonight, showing new signage:

The parking lot is also now sporting some of the large concrete blocks most recently seen in the Lincoln Park south lot before it reopened.

FOOD BOXES TOMORROW: 10 am-2 pm Saturday at Holy Family Catholic Church, for anyone in need.

INSPIRATIONAL CHALK ART: Another out-on-a-walk sighting from Noodle:

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

7 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Friday 5/29 roundup"

  • Wanderer May 30, 2020 (6:30 am)

    Could you please share your Patreon or Paypal info for donations to WSB? I know you posted it in a comment in the past few weeks but I wouldn’t even know where to begin to find it! What you provide to this community has always been outstanding but your coverage of the virus and the bridge is beyond what any of us could have hoped for. Thank you!

    • WSB May 30, 2020 (8:56 am)

      Thank you for the kind words.

      Our PayPal address is

      Comes up in our LLC name but it’s us. (Back in 2007 we thought we had to have a cute LLC name like the typical ‘startup’)

      • heartless May 30, 2020 (3:16 pm)

        We’re all of us a bit embarrassed about our earliest (and sometimes more current-er) internet handles.

        • WSB May 30, 2020 (4:14 pm)

          Well, this was never a “handle” (I am so “old” I have a *CB HANDLE* to be embarrassed about, though!) but good point.

  • Batty May 30, 2020 (2:53 pm)

    Wanderer, Great idea! Fully agree with your comments above. WSB – Just confirming that your PayPal (aka might this be your LLC name?) comes up as “You’re sending to A Drink of Water and a Story Interactive”? 

    • WSB May 30, 2020 (2:57 pm)

      Yes. Thank you.

  • bolo May 30, 2020 (9:00 pm)

    Wouldn’t it be funny if the same people who want to close down California Ave. are the same people who complain about closing down streets as part of the “Healthy Streets” program?

Sorry, comment time is over.