CORONAVIRUS: Monday 4/13 roundup

Exactly three weeks until the current expiration date on the “stay-home” order. What will happen then? You might look for clues in what happened today:

WESTERN STATES PACT: Gov. Inslee says he and his Oregon and California counterparts, Gov.Kate Brown and Gov. Gavin Newsom, have made a deal. Their joint statement says that “California, Oregon, and Washington have agreed to work together on a shared approach for reopening our economies – one that identifies clear indicators for communities to restart public life and business.” No reopening date(s) proposed yet.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the data dashboard:

*4,549 positive tests, up 123 from a day earlier

*296 deaths, up 4 from a day earlier

One week ago, the numbers were 3,331 and 220.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

WERE THE PARK CLOSURES A SUCCESS? Yes, according to a short update from Councilmember Debora Juarez – who chairs the committee that oversees parks – at this morning’s City Council briefing meeting. No word so far of any further restrictions. We drove along Alki just after 5 tonight and didn’t see much of a crowd:

SPEAKING OF THE COUNCIL … it gave unanimous approval to a bill by Councilmembers Lisa Herbold and Tammy Morales meant to help small businesses. From the announcement:

Council Bill 119766 …. enacts a moratorium on commercial property rent increases for small businesses and nonprofits while the City’s civil emergency is in place. The legislation also requires commercial property landlords to negotiate payment plans for overdue rent for small businesses and nonprofit tenants financially affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

The legislation applies to nonprofits, and to small businesses with 50 or fewer employees that have been closed due to public orders or that have seen at least a 30 percent drop in business.

ALSO FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: The 250 businesses getting $10,000 each from the city’s Small Business Stabilization Fund were announced today. Only a few are in West Seattle.

ONE WAY YOU CAN HELP … The Junction has launched a Small Business Relief Fund for any community members interested in donations to help local businesses. You can even specify exactly which one(s) you want your $ to assist (non-Junction OR Junction).

WHAT ELSE THE JUNCTION ASSOCIATION IS DOING: Light(ing) It Blue starting tomorrow night.

TONIGHT’S SIGN OF THE TIMES: Sent by Noodle and crew, seen on the door of Rick’s Barber Shop, aka The Psychic Barber:

GOT INFO? PHOTOS? Email or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

7 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Monday 4/13 roundup"

  • HS April 14, 2020 (7:45 am)

    😂😂😂😂 The “I should have seen this coming” sign. Classic.

  • anonyme April 14, 2020 (8:37 am)

    It’s the governors who have shown true leadership in this crisis, and now the Emperor of Orange wants to supersede their authority with his maniacal mandates.  It is reassuring to see that they are showing solidarity and common sense in resisting political maneuvers that would risk the lives of our citizens.

    • Wolfgang April 14, 2020 (9:44 am)

      Governors having power over the president should scare you no matter who is in office, you’d have a different tune if this was a democrat president and governors were making up their own abortion & lgbt rights. While it’s easy to blame the tv celebrity in the white house we have our own local failures right here (uh hello west seattle bridge?) that shouldn’t be ignored just because you feel like someone is “dunking” on the opposite political side you are on

      • West Seattle since 1979 April 14, 2020 (2:51 pm)

        It’s funny how conservatives are all for states’ rights when we have a Democratic President. But when we have a Republican President, you want him to have total authority and anything else scares you.  

  • cpk April 14, 2020 (9:51 am)

    The federalists of old would be proud of our states for taking matters into our own hands.  Cascadia pls

  • Beto April 14, 2020 (10:46 am)

    I love the photo taken at Alki with the people, their shadows, the concrete structures.  It looks like a surrealistic painting of Giorgio de Chirico.

  • TWST April 14, 2020 (1:59 pm)

    Just learned of a free webinar happening tomorrow, regarding Children and Young Adults Mental Health during Covid-19, being offered by the University of Vermont.

    The webinar is from 12-1pm tomorrow,  and again is free.  Sharing link below for anyone who might be interested:

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