‘Light It Blue’ extending to West Seattle Junction

(Thursday night photo courtesy Carolyn Newman)

Remember that scene from Thursday night, downtown, lit blue to honor health-care workers and other heroes of the coronavirus response? ‘Downtown West Seattle’ will join in, starting tomorrow night – the Junction Plaza Park evergreen that serves as the area’s official Christmas tree will be decked in blue by Tuesday night. West Seattle Junction Association executive director Lora Radford explains:

Inspired by the nationwide #LightItBlue campaign that lights up blue landmarks for health care workers, the Junction had an idea to show support for the people on the frontlines during COVID-19. The West Seattle community tree that sparkles with lights during Hometown Holidays, was the perfect choice to show support on behalf of West Seattle community members.

Nucor is sponsoring the lights, which will be installed tomorrow by Fleming’s Holiday Lighting.

8 Replies to "'Light It Blue' extending to West Seattle Junction"

  • Lars April 13, 2020 (5:51 pm)

    Why blue? I always associate red with healthcare. Red Cross on ambulance, red button on phone to dial hospital, emergency signs are always red. 

  • B April 13, 2020 (10:05 pm)

     when I first read the title I assumed it was for “light it up” for Autism Speaks/Autism Awareness month (April). I’m SO glad it is not, as (the majority) of the Autisic community reject these 2 causes even though it continues to be practiced by some. Anyways, only mention it in case others bring it up, obviously I’m in support of supporting our healthcare workers.  Though I see the other comment that this is a nationwide thing. 

    • Emily Gunwaldsen April 13, 2020 (11:31 pm)

      I agree wholeheartedly. This is a ‘Light It Up Blue’ I can get behind. Auti$m $peaks and their ilk make my blood boil, not just as an autistic person but as a compassionate human being.

  • Laura April 13, 2020 (11:02 pm)

    blue is a healing color of hope and light as we all navigate toward normalcy
    blue ribbons placed on the Kirkland Care Center trees by the thoughtful lady to remind residents and staff each day they are loved
    cheers to all the medical heroes from sea to shining sea

  • Christine Y Terry April 14, 2020 (8:09 am)

    Blue is a calming color and inspires trust in patients/people that are needing help. That is the reason that most hospitals chose blue scrubs. 

  • Eve Reiland April 15, 2020 (6:23 am)

    This is a #LightItUpBlue I can support. Much <3 to healthcare workers and all of those who are out there working hard to keep safe, healthy and care for us if we’re not. An incredible reincarnation of the LIUB that really makes it mean something good. #LightItUpBlue for Health Care Workers#LightItUpGold for Autistics.

  • Nathalia Lorella April 17, 2020 (10:43 pm)

    I have to say, I am so very proud of my hometown! I am a seventh generation West Seattleite, as well as an Autistic Adult. Light It Blue for Autism is super offensive! Light It Blue however, for Front-line Professionals during Covid 19?? Absolutely! That I can wholeheartedly support!!!

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