West Seattle’s three UCC churches announce worship cancellations

Just in, this joint announcement from West Seattle’s three UCC churches – NO illness cases, but they have decided on this response to Seattle-King County Public Health recommendations (as listed again in today’s update):

Church leadership at Admiral Congregational U.C.C., Alki U.C.C. and Fauntleroy U.C.C. have made the decision to cancel worship services and adapt operations for the next three weeks, given yesterday’s recommendations by King County. These recommendations included that those over the age of sixty or with underlying health conditions remain at home and that community gatherings of greater than ten people be cancelled.

The decision was made individually by all three churches with the utmost concern for both their own congregants and the wider community of Seattle. There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 among the participants of the three churches at this time.

“As part of the wider community, we have the opportunity to potentially make a positive impact upon the spread of this coronavirus through our actions, our influence and our care,” Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski of Fauntleroy Church shared. “We are in conversation around how to best continue and possibly increase our ministry to congregants, to our friends at Camp Second Chance, and to the wider community in alternative manners during this crisis.”

“While we are called by our faith to live without fear, we are also called to care for our neighbors as ourselves,” said Rev. Andrew Conley-Holcom from Admiral Church. “Our leadership believes that this choice, coupled with critical visitations and increased on-line education and worship resources, will provide that care to our community. We are grateful that we live in a time where alternative forms of connectivity are so readily available.”

Rev. Kelly Wadsworth also shared: “Alki UCC takes seriously our role in the common good and we seek to be a good neighbor to the Alki area during these COVID-19 times by reconfiguring the ways our spiritual community meets together and by offering flexible gathering space to the groups that regularly meet in the building.”

The Fauntleroy Y and Little Pilgrim Preschool at Fauntleroy UCC will remain open until further notice from leadership of those bodies. Other groups that utilize Fauntleroy Church’s space are being encouraged to consider County recommendations. A Child Becomes Preschool at Admiral Church will also remain open until further notice. The preschool director will be in communication with the families directly for updates. Recovery groups will continue at their own discretion. Kol-HaNeshamah (KHN), Alki UCC’s partner synagogue which shares Alki UCC’s building, has also announced cancellation of all gatherings through March 15, according to KHN Acting Executive Director, Connie Burk.

All three churches are individually making plans for how to adapt their ministries in continuing to best serve their respective communities. They encourage the community to visit their websites for updates in coming days and weeks: www.fauntleroyucc.org alkiucc.org and admiralchurch.org

We will link this to our ongoing Cancellations/Postponements page (which is atop the WSB Event Calendar) as well as in tonight’s nightly roundup of local COVID-19-related developments.

P.S. Any other churches – as well as schools, organizations, groups, businesses, etc. – with changes/cancellations, please let us know! westseattleblog@gmail.com or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you.

4 Replies to "West Seattle's three UCC churches announce worship cancellations"

  • WSMom March 5, 2020 (5:35 pm)

    No word on if the Y will close?

    • WSB March 5, 2020 (5:59 pm)

      Nope, this seems to be their most-recent public statement.

      • MercyMoi March 8, 2020 (1:53 pm)

        That said, I went to the Fauntleroy Y today for its Open Gym 1-5pm on Sundays, and it was closed. The sign on the door said it was closed Mar 8 (specifically). I understand of course that church services weren’t happening today, but I didn’t see anywhere that the Y was going to be closed there as well. 

        • WSB March 8, 2020 (2:21 pm)

          Sorry about that. I need to gently remind them to let us know too. I see their webpage now says the Fauntleroy Y is closed today – when I last checked their page a couple days ago there was nothing about closures. – TR

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