West Seattle scene: Girl Scouts earn their jewelry badge

Small independent local businesses serve their community in ways beyond simply offering goods and services, and here’s one: Diana Palmer sent the photo taken earlier this week at Menashe and Sons Jewelers (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, explaining that the Girl Scouts are Lafayette Elementary students, “led by 5th graders Payton Palmer and Gwen Tomlinson, earning their ‘jewelry badge’ Being handed out by store owner Jack Menashe.” She says he answered their questions, and “sent them home with a goodie bag including their very own real garnet,” explaining that it’s January’s birthstone. (P.S. We were curious so we looked it up – here’s a chart of Girl Scout badges/awards.)

6 Replies to "West Seattle scene: Girl Scouts earn their jewelry badge"

  • Hannah G. January 11, 2020 (5:40 pm)

    This seems pretty anachronistic in 2020. I’d rather see these 10 year-old girls earning badges related to science, technology, leadership, etc. as opposed to pretty baubles and decoration. 

    • WSB January 11, 2020 (8:30 pm)

      Great news! If you check the list of badges I included in the story, they include:
      Coding Basics
      Digital Game Design
      App Development
      Cybersecurity Basics
      Cybersecurity Safeguards
      Cybersecurity Investigator
      Programming Robots
      Space Science Investigator
      Inside Government
      and dozens more.

      The “Jeweler” (official name) badge, according to descriptions I’ve read, is a “craft” badge involving making creations and learning about the tools used, not “just” wearing it. The “craft” badges listed for other levels of Girl Scouting are Potter, Book Artist, Textile Artist. – TR

      • LB January 12, 2020 (10:12 am)

        It’s *almost* as though girls are intelligent, dynamic and multi-dimensional human beings capable of holding interest in various subjects with absolutely no obligation to like or dislike certain activities based on the opinions and judgments of others. 

        • jissy January 12, 2020 (8:27 pm)

          LB, I think I love you!

  • CJ January 12, 2020 (1:57 am)

    How wonderful their are badges that cover both the left and right side of the brain!  Congratulations to these young girls and much appreciation to Mr. Menashe!  

  • Kirs10 January 15, 2020 (10:10 pm)

    As a Girl Scout Troop leader for these girls, I can also share that this was a girl led activity. In addition, ay an earlier meeting, they participated in the Hour of Code. They will also be meeting with an Artificial Intelligence expert from Vulcan in a couple weeks as well as meeting with the woman owned business leaders of Rebellyous next month. Oh, yeah – they will also be selling thousands of boxes cookies so they can continue to do all these fun and educational things and continue to grow into well rounded young women. You should buy a box or 10 when you start seeing the scouts out and about in March.

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