DEVELOPMENT: Community ‘site walk’ set for 1123 Harbor SW

January 28, 2020 11:59 am
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 |   Development | West Seattle news

(WSB photo, February 2019)

While we’ve talked a lot about the future of the “Stone House” at 1123 Harbor SW, we haven’t talked as much about the development planned to replace it. The project team has scheduled a “site walk” on Wednesday, February 5th, at 5:30 pm, as part of the Early Community Outreach for Design Review process. Here’s the announcement:

Conflux Architecture is looking for our neighbors’ input on a new building we’re designing at 1123 Harbor Ave SW. We’re just getting started on the initial planning now, so we’d like to gather input from the community to integrate into the design. Please share your ideas about designs and activities for the new building and any other thoughts that would help us understand your concerns and priorities for this property and neighborhood overall.

When it’s complete, the building will include approximately 15 market-rate condominium units and 23 parking stalls. The new building will be about 7 stories tall (above a basement parking garage). We are working in concert with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society to relocate the iconic “Stone House” to a nearby location. Construction could start in winter 2021 and the building could be open as early as spring 2022.

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