West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
Spyhopping (above) and breaching (below), Southern Resident Killer Whales put on a show as they passed West Seattle again late today, headed northbound after this morning’s southbound pass. Thanks to Trileigh Tucker for sharing the photos.
Thanks to Trileigh, Kersti Muul, and everybody else who provided orca-sighting reports today! Text or call 206-293-6302 with breaking news – that include whales! – any time.
8:49 PM: This past week, we have reported (here and here) on an increase in burglaries, primarily on the south end of the peninsula. Since last night, four more have been reported – 8200 block of Northrop (above) reported this afternoon, 8500 block of 39th SW reported this evening, and two on Delridge Way (8100 and 8400 blocks) late last night. We don’t have details of any as we haven’t heard directly from the victims, and we won’t be able to request report narratives until tomorrow, but it’s a reminder to be extra-watchful for any suspicious activity in your neighborhood, especially in the daytime, which is when most burglaries happen.
ADDED 9:06 PM: Just in from John – “We had multiple mailboxes broken into up in Arbor Heights in the 100xx block of 39th Ave SW on Monday sometime between 5:00 and 8:30 PM.” It’s been reported to police and the Postal Inspection Service, John adds.
That’s Ryan Shelver, seated proudly on a brand-new bench that’s part of a big project he just finished leading. The photos and report are from Steve Shelver:
Ryan Shelver, an Eagle Scout candidate from West Seattle’s Troop 282, spent Saturday and Sunday, 11/23 – 24, leading 20 volunteers in building a new set of stairs and creekside sitting area inside the grounds of Camp Schoenwald in Burien.
In two days, over 163 hours of labor were provided to create an amazing new bench and sitting area and Ryan is thankful for all those who participated in making this idea a reality over the last several months.
Prior to the weekend installation of the area, Ryan researched construction methods, raised funds for building and recruited members of his troop to assist him with this service project, which is also a component for attaining the Eagle Scout rank.
The attached pictures show a before (above) and after (below), which included hauling over 1.5 tons of crushed gravel about 1/8 of a mile and approximately 100 feet down into the depths of the Camp Schoenwald ravine.
In total, Ryan spent nearly 7 months in planning and revising his project and the results shown here make our community proud. Well done, Ryan.
Ryan is a senior at Seattle Lutheran High School, has participated in scouting for the last 11 years with Pack and Troop 282, and intends to pursue computer science and business after high school.
Seattle Parks and SDOT are organizing a community walk December 7th for a project that’s linked to the future conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line, in hopes of helping people get to and from one of the stops:
This project improves pedestrian paths and wayfinding along SW Brandon Street and SW Findlay Street to improve neighborhood mobility. It includes work to improve and make more welcoming to the public the trail entries at Camp Long and Longfellow Creek from SW Brandon Street. One of the goals of this project is to improve access to the future new RapidRide H-line stop at SW Findlay and Delridge. The RapidRide H-line service starts in 2021.
(Our most-recent update on the overall project – which includes repaving and other changes for much of Delridge – is here.) The December 7th walk will start at 26th/Brandon at 11 am.
Before the weather turned stormy late this afternoon, we checked out the setup under way for West Seattle’s brightest Christmas display – the Menashe Family Lights.
You’ll see some additions this year, including that reindeer by the front door. Josh Menashe told us the family is hoping to turn the lights on this Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve. If you’re new – 5605 Beach Drive SW is where you’ll find it.
P.S. This year’s special night with Santa photos and a food drive for the West Seattle Food Bank is Saturday, December 14th, 6 pm-10 pm. (See the full list of West Seattle Santa photo ops in our Holiday Guide!)
If you’ve traveled 26th SW between SW Roxbury and SW Barton, you’re familiar with its problematic pavement. It’s been an issue for years, with the road serving as a busy bus corridor, and nearby residents complaining the traffic shakes their homes. Some road panels were repaired in 2016. But the problem continues, and resident Richard tipped us that neighbors have just gotten this notice of upcoming testing:
SDOT pointed us to Metro for more information. From spokesperson Travis Shofner:
Those notices went out from our contractor to notify residents of the area of upcoming work. As part of the permitting process with the City of Seattle, before any paving work can be done, we have to perform environmental testing of the existing conditions of the pavement. Our goal is to pave the center travel lanes of that section of 26th as part of the H Line, pending funding availability. Partial funding for the H Line project comes from the Regional Mobility Grant that was impacted by I-976. It’s unclear if those funds will be available or not. However, we’re moving forward with the environmental testing for the project.
The H Line project is the conversion of Metro Route 120 into a RapidRide line, also scheduled to include paving work on much of Delridge, starting next year, although the H Line launch isn’t planned until September 2021.
On private shoreline south of Lowman Beach Park, volunteers from Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network are dealing with a dead sea lion. They describe it as a full-grown male, appearing to be in good condition aside from a wound which they are calling “suspicious.” Though a necropsy would be required to make the determination, two experienced wildlife observers who tipped us to the discovery say it might have been shot. Seal Sitters says the removal plan is still a work in progress; they’ve been working on securing the carcass, with high tide three hours away.
P.S. If you see a marine mammal on the shore – or in potential distress offshore – Seal Sitters’ hotline is 206-905-SEAL.
From Billy:
My blueb1998 Audi A4 was stolen last night between the hours of 10:30 pm and this morning at 7 am. It was parked on the 7400 block of Fauntleroy Way SW by the Kenney retirement home. It has Washington plates, number ANB0031. It has a sun-faded GT sticker in the rear window and a Georgia Tech frame around the rear license plate.
If you see it, call 911.
(Black-capped Chickadee, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
AGING WELL: Talk about it in a facilitated 1 pm group at the Senior Center of West Seattle. (4217 SW Oregon)
PUBLIC HEALTH CAFE: “A community cafe and storytelling event with Duwamish Valley neighbors and UW scientists Joel Kaufman and Edmund Seto” as a chance to learn and talk about air-quality problems in the Duwamish Valley. Spanish, Vietnamese, and Somali interpretation provided. 6 pm at Taqueria Rincon Express in South Park. (8819 14th Avenue S.)
WATERCOLOR CLASS: Taught by Jennifer Carrasco at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 6 pm. Contact the artist for enrollment info. (5612 California SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 7 pm at High Point Library. (3411 SW Raymond)
3 TRIVIA/QUIZ NIGHTS: Your Monday night options in West Seattle:
*Best of Hands Barrelhouse (7500 35th SW), 7 pm, $2/person, 21+
*The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 7:30 pm, free, all ages
*Parliament Tavern (4210 SW Oregon), 8 pm, $2/person, 21+
PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY SEASON … with the frequently updated WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide!
(Added: Photo by Chris Frankovich)
8:05 AM: Just in from Kersti Muul: Southbound orcas off north Vashon Island. Let us know if you see them!
8:55 AM: Anne from Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) reports seeing them off the Fauntleroy ferry terminal about 15 minutes ago.
1:30 PM: Kersti says they’ve turned at Three Tree Point and are headed northbound again. She also says they’re J-Pod whales.
3:03 PM: Now reported south of Fauntleroy.
3:55 PM: We’re seeing them off the Vashon dock, looking from Emma Schmitz Overlook.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)
6:56 AM: Good morning! No incidents or alerts in our area so far.