(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)
7:29 AM: Good morning. No current incidents or alerts.
This traffic freaking sucks. Get ur shiz together seattle. Like how you gonna focus on making it harder for drivers before you focus on making the public transit in WS good. Getting on public transit out of ws during commuting hours is harder than fitting in a goshdang clown car. Again DO BETTER. Punchkickpunchkick, – extremely annoyed.
Seriously, I live in Bellevue and at this moment it is a 50 minute drive into seattle and a 1 hour drive if I pay the extra $4-6 for 520?! How does that make any sense? Not to mention that 520 HOV lane ends halfway through creating a giant jam before the squeeze… and dont get me started on that HOV lane that is only for car with 3 or more passengers but is occupied by cars with 1-2 people.
I’m right there with you, I work in SODO, 5 miles away from home in West Seattle. It takes me anywhere from 25-45 minutes to get to work every morning and I’m sick of it. It should take 20 minutes TOPS. Ugh.
Sounds like you don’t like the traffic. Take the bus instead. It’s not hard.
The bus is stuck in traffic (I know because I’m on it, every day). It takes me an hour to get to work downtown.
It takes us 20-30 minutes to get downtown, even in the worst traffic on the Admiral commuters (56/57).
That sounds good. The Rapid Ride C line going through resurfacing zones on 35th and Avalon Way, then through Pioneer Square on 1st Ave has made it very slow indeed.
Does anyone know if SDOT made changes to the timing of the lights on Andover and Delridge? That light is now creating a 2 mile back up on the morning and the buses can’t even access the Bus Lanes. What was once a 10 minute commute is now 30 overnight.
If you suspect a timing problem, important to report it to SDOT:
Hi WSB! I called them about 10 days ago. Waiting to hear back.
That’s an interesting theory. I’ve recently wondered the same about the light timing at Delridge /Orchard. In the afternoon, the cars and buses headed southbound are stuck in stop and go traffic going all the way back to the STEM/ Boren school. Until now, I haven’t seen it like that since a windstorm knocked out power and that intersection was treated as a 4-way stop.
My 25 minute commute to Des Moines has turned into a 40 minute commute. Who do I call and email to complain?
It’s only going to get worse before it ever gets better. Frankly I dont see it getting better due all the people moving into our area. Our transit and transportation systems have always tried to play catch up but they are falling behind faster than ever.
I can be much better but the idiots that are in charge of lights and lanes do not know how to time traffic lights or fix lanes!!.Email sam z..
For the traffic lanes and bus lane everybody needs to call.Matt at 2066151911.If it goes to voice mail let it go through the system and sam Z s assistant Wii pick up and leave her a message. Everybody must call this knuckle head. For traffic signals call chris at 2066845118.Everybody needs to call these bumbling fools.Thank you!!
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