That’s the packet now available for preview before the third and potentially final Southwest Design Review Board look at 4508 California SW, the mixed-use building planned for the site of Kamei, Lee’s Asian, and Naked Crepe. It’s been a year and a half since we first reported on the plan, which initially had a bigger footprint, but was downscaled before its first SWDRB meeting in August 2018. The proposal is for a 70-foot building – 25 feet below what the site was upzoned to by HALA MHA – with ground-floor commercial beneath 12 lodging units and 58 residential units, mostly studios and 1-bedrooms.
(Rendering by Caron Architecture)
No offstreet vehicle parking is required; the proposal has 17 spaces, plus 69 stalls for bicycles. The project goes before the board at 6:30 pm Thursday, November 7th, at the Senior Center/Sisson Building (4217 SW Oregon). P.S. Here’s our report on the board’s previous review a year ago.