AVALON/35TH PROJECT: Not the ‘final’ striping after all

When we showed you striping work on SW Avalon Way on Wednesday, the newest information from SDOT was that it would be “final” striping. Now, the weekly project update says it’s not:

This week and next week, we will be placing temporary striping of the final road design on SW Avalon Way. At this time, temperatures are too cold to place final striping on the road, so we will return to apply final striping when the weather gets warmer.

Please note the dates on the “no parking” signs and expect short-term, single-lane closures during striping. After temporary striping is complete, parking will be restored, where feasible, until we return to place the final striping on the road.

As you adjust to the new channelization, please drive carefully and allow everyone a little extra space. We will also be installing new signs along the corridor next week to help guide people driving and biking along the corridor.

This new design accommodates transit needs, north and southbound bike lanes, and adjust parking on both sides of SW Avalon Way. For more information on the final design, see our final design plans and graphics on our website.

Work near 35th Ave SW and SW Avalon Way Intersection:

We are rebuilding the center lanes and will begin work on the northern 2 lanes on SW Avalon Way east and west of the 35th Ave SW intersection. This intersection will continue to change as work continues. Please drive slowly as our traffic control will shift frequently.

Please expect:

To yield to oncoming traffic when trying to turn north or south on 35th Ave SW from SW Avalon Way

Temporary removal of the southbound left turn lane on SW Avalon Way at the 35th Ave SW intersection. This turn lane will be restored as soon as next week.

No left turns for people traveling northbound on SW Avalon way at the 35th Ave SW intersection. People driving can turn right onto 35th Ave SW or continue straight on SW Avalon Way.

Traffic delays at the 35th Ave SW and SW Avalon Way intersection due to this lane reduction

One lane of travel in each direction on SW Avalon Way

Right turns in and out of driveways at this time

Work is continuing in Zones C, D and E. See our website or most recent email updates for more information on what’s taking place.

The update included this Q/A:

Why are you painting temporary striping of the final design?

Current roadway temperatures are too low for final striping paint to dry on SW Avalon Way. Instead, we will use a temporary paint that can dry at cooler temperatures to mark the final lane configuration. We will return when the weather gets warmer to apply final striping.

Will work continue as the weather gets colder?

Yes. Although much of our work is weather dependent, we will continue to work through the end of this year. We will likely pause work early next year, as cold temperatures and rain make it more difficult to complete work.

We’ve asked for clarification on what they mean by “warmer” weather for final striping – more seasonal fall temperatures, or springtime as previously planned.

20 Replies to "AVALON/35TH PROJECT: Not the 'final' striping after all"

  • Frustrated on Avalon October 31, 2019 (7:21 pm)

    Wasn’t all this work supposed to be done by the end of the summer, with the exception of the work on 35th ending in November? If so, why are they nowhere close to being done?

    • KM October 31, 2019 (7:43 pm)

      No, it was always intended to be a longer project, wrapping up completely in June 2020.

  • Rick October 31, 2019 (7:40 pm)

    Because that’s how we roll here.

  • Trickycoolj October 31, 2019 (7:56 pm)

    They striped Sylvan today! (Requested in find it fix it last night)

    • WSB October 31, 2019 (8:22 pm)

      Glad to hear that. I inquired with SDOT media first thing this morning and didn’t get a response.

  • M November 1, 2019 (5:17 am)

    This project is the nightmare that never ends. 

    • KBear November 1, 2019 (9:28 am)

      You must lead a pretty good life if this is your definition of a nightmare. I’m glad our street is getting repaved. I’m also glad they kept it open during construction, even if it took longer.

  • T. McBean November 1, 2019 (9:07 am)

    We went down Avalon last night and it appears that every single parking spot on the east side of the street between Yancy & Spokane St is being removed! Where are people supposed to park when you want to go to any of the businesses down there?  I have never eaten at Luna Park cafe and been able to park in their tiny lot. I have parked on the east side of Avalon every time! I guess we know why The Shack coffee store is closing now! The city has destroyed another business with it’s poor planning!

  • Benjamin November 1, 2019 (10:39 am)

    I drove past this last night.  and,  i think the downhill section of the bike lane is not great.  It weaves back and forth, sends downhill bikes through turning cars.   Bike users, please be careful out there and ride defensively!Benjamin

    • WS Guy November 1, 2019 (2:24 pm)

      The design is very complex overall.  Lots of criss-crossing for all vehicles, and multiple changes in design concept (the right is sometimes turn lane, sometines parking, sometines  curb, sometines bus).It will cause a few accidents, maybe a few injuries and lawsuits, then it will get redesigned. 

  • Gary November 1, 2019 (1:54 pm)

    Just biked up the hill yesterday. The striping for the new bike lane looked like the painting machine messed up in spots. Also appears they eliminated parking on that side…but that’s just a guess.

  • TreeHouse November 1, 2019 (3:25 pm)

    The bike lanes look great so far! I’m excited. I wish they finished the road diet on 35th Ave SW north of Morgan. 

  • Joe Z November 1, 2019 (7:30 pm)

    The design looks great! If you participated in the design process then nothing should be a surprise. Should be an awesome street for ALL users. 

    • WS Guy November 2, 2019 (2:33 am)

      I did participate in the process, and I’m not surprised that SDOT botched it.  Avalon was my daily bike commute and I know it well.  The main issue is that bikes on Avalon downhill travel as fast as, or faster than the cars.  I used to bike IN the traffic for safety – to avoid collisions with turning cars and also to avoid parked cars opening their doors. The new design isolates the downhill bikes well enough to encourage fast and unsafe biking.  The first fatality will be at Yancy.  A bike will emerge from behind a row of parked cars, traveling downhill at 30 mph.  A motorist will have his eyes on a bus decelerating to the stop at Yancy as he moves over to the right turn lane, crossing the bike line, and will not see the bike approaching.  The bicycle will strike the car, killing the rider.  The next will be a serious injury sustained by a pedestrian crossing the bike lane to get to either her car or her bus.  A cyclist will see her but will be traveling too fast to stop and will be pinned in between the curbs and cars.  Both the cyclist and the pedestrian will go to the hospital; one will be paralyzed. 

  • KBear November 2, 2019 (6:02 pm)

    Car drivers, pay attention to this. These collisions will be your fault (unless you can convince a jury that SDOT is to blame.) Of course cyclists should ride carefully, but if you strike a cyclist by turning across the bike lane, it’s on you. 

  • Jamie November 5, 2019 (8:41 am)

    Does anyone know when or if ever 30th off of Avalon will open back up.???   I’m not a fan of heading up Genessee Hill with icy roads approaching and it would sure be nice to have 30th route open again as it is so much flater and safer in the winter.  

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